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Total Results: 2669
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Name of Organization Amount Description Keywords Year Office
Blue Frontier Campaign $10,000 A national leader in providing resources and opportunities to bring citizens who care about the health of our coasts and ocean into the decision making process. Advocacy, Communications, Political Will 2016 Pacific
Environmental Grantmakers Association $5,000 The 2016 Winter Briefing "Innovations on the Ground" explores cross-cutting innovation, highlighting collaborations and politics connected to the environment, creating a shared space that will allow funders to strategize, collaborate, and network, together working toward a sustainable future. Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Capacity, Communications, Fisheries, Land Use, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality 2015 Pacific
Orange County Coastkeeper $20,000 To improve coastal and inland water quality in the Santa Ana River Watershed Advocacy, Keepers, Land Use, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality 2015 Pacific
The Coral Reef Alliance $50,000 CORAL is pursuing a series of initiatives in Hawai‘i designed to tackle local threats to reefs. Advocacy, Agriculture, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality 2015 Pacific
Carpe Diem West $40,000 Carpe Diem West addresses the impacts of climate change on water in the American West by recruiting forward-thinking leaders from different sectors to serve on working groups and teams that generate ideas for improving the laws, policies, and practices that govern how the West's scarce water is managed and allocated. Accountability, Advocacy, Capacity, Communications, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality 2016 Pacific
San Francisco Green Film Festival $30,000 The San Francisco Green Film Festival will present forward-thinking programs and discussions focused on positive solutions to today's environmental problems. The festival will include premieres of over 50 works from around the globe, as well as Q&A sessions, panel discussions, educational presentations, and special events. Communications 2016 Pacific
The Nature Conservancy $75,000 To ensure healthy and productive oceans by using science-based strategies Accountability, Advocacy, Communications, Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will 2016 Pacific
University of Southern California $85,000 For efforts to encourage more engaging and broad communication of science and conservation issues. Communications, Fisheries 2016 Pacific
Friends of the Upper Delaware River $15,000 FUDR works to protect, preserve and enhance the ecosystem and cold-water fishery of the Upper Delaware River System. They are a community leader in water-release issues, restoration projects, and educating the public on unsafe drilling practices. Accountability, Advocacy, Fisheries, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality 2016 Pacific
Georgetown University $5,000 To provide insight into the transmission mechanism of cetacean morbillivirus among common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and examine potential demographic and anthropogenic factors that may increase infection risk. N/A 2016 Pacific
Heyday $15,000 Heyday is an independent, nonprofit publisher and cultural institution whose mission is to deepen people's understanding of California culture, history, arts, and environment. Communications 2016 Pacific
Idealware Inc. $5,000 Idealware helps nonprofits understand the tools and practices that can help them meet their missions, and to make smart decisions about technology and software. Capacity 2016 Pacific
NPower Inc. $5,000 NPower is dedicated to providing free technology services, skilled volunteer opportunities and innovative job training programs. Capacity, Communications 2016 Pacific
Surfrider Foundation $35,000 To support work in Ventura, CA to restore ecosystems and support the removal of Matilija Dam. Advocacy, Land Use, Political Will 2016 Pacific
Pew Charitable Trusts $50,000 To expand and deepen a coalition of recreational fishermen, birders, conservationists, and others who support an ecosystem-based approach to managing menhaden. Advocacy, Fisheries, Political Will 2016 Pacific
UC Santa Cruz Foundation $30,000 The Seymour Marine Discovery Center is a seaside learning center in Santa Cruz, California, that brings the adventures and explorations of ocean science to life. More than 45,000 free-choice learners interact with highly trained volunteers in the exhibit hall each year––they leave empowered to take action in their lives that helps protect our coast and ocean.  N/A 2016 Pacific
Waterkeeper Alliance Inc $5,000 For Conference Scholarships Capacity 2016 Pacific
Resource Media $20,000 A leadership development initiative for coastal stewards on Washington’s Pacific Coast and passage of the Washington Coast Restoration Initiative (WCRI), a funding package of 25+ restoration projects. Accountability, Advocacy, Capacity, Communications, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality 2016 Pacific
Non-Profit Technology Enterprise Network $5,000 NTEN acts as a convener and educational resource focused on the rapidly changing landscape of technology use for social impact.  Capacity, Communications 2016 Pacific
Baykeeper $80,000 The only "on-the-water" monitoring and watchdog advocacy organization, working to improve the water quality and ecosystems of the San Francisco Bay-Delta watershed Accountability, Advocacy, Baywide, Capacity, Communications, Keepers, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality 2016 Pacific
Non-Profit Technology Enterprise Network $5,500 For scholarships for our grantees to attend the 2016 The Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC) in San Jose Advocacy, Capacity, Communications 2016 Pacific
Reef Check Foundation $80,000 Reef Check's California program educates, trains, and engages ocean users, especially recreational divers, to collect valid scientific data on nearshore ecosystems, providing vital information to improve marine management decisions. The program also serves to build a constituency supportive of science-based management of coastal resources. Accountability, Advocacy, Fisheries, Political Will, Water Quality 2016 Pacific
Chesapeake Bay Trust $2,500 Treasure the Chesapeake N/A 2016 Pacific
Wild Salmon Center $5,000 Promote the conservation and sustainable use of wild salmon ecosystems across the Pacific Rim. WSC identifies science-based solutions to sustain wild salmonids and the human communities and livelihoods that depend on them.  Advocacy, Fisheries, Political Will 2016 Pacific
Russian Riverkeeper $20,000 Russian Riverkeeper works to improve water quality and the quantity and quality of riparian habitat in the 1,500 square mile Russian River watershed to conserve listed salmon, maintain other beneficial uses and preserve biodiversity in the watershed Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Fisheries, Keepers, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality 2016 Pacific