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Name of Organization Amount Description Keywords Year Office
Green Fire Productions $50,000 A documentary to build public and policy support for ecosystem-based management of ocean and coastal resources, outlining the ways it is already being implemented at local, state, and coast-wide levels. N/A 2011 Pacific
Green Planet Films $10,000 The San Francisco Green Film Festival will present forward-thinking programs and discussions focused on positive solutions to today's environmental problems. The festival will include premieres of over 50 works from around the globe, as well as Q&A sessions, panel discussions, educational presentations, and special events. N/A 2011 Pacific
Gulf Restoration Network $25,000 The GRN collaborates with three partner organizations (CRCL, CSED and LPBF), and strategically engages at the state and federal levels to expedite the creation of a federal Roadmap implementation plan that utilizes a multi-faceted approach to Louisiana coastal wetlands restoration. N/A 2010 Pacific
Habitat Media $30,000 Promotion for the national PBS airing of Farming The Seas, a documentary that explores what's at stake as the aquaculture industry spreads across the globe, and highlights groundbreaking efforts to develop viable, sustainable operations. N/A 2004 Pacific
Habitat Media $1,450 Re-edit of "Can the Oceans Keep Up with the Hunt?" for National TV series Natural Heroes. N/A 2005 Pacific
Heal the Bay $20,000 For advocacy efforts to strengthen water-quality standards, regulations and policy on stormwater, LID, and TMDLs throughout Southern California. Keepers, Stormwater, Water Quality 2011 Pacific
Heyday $10,000 A publishing house that focuses on deepening people's appreciation and understanding of California's natural resources. N/A 2009 Pacific
Heyday $10,000 A publishing house that focuses on deepening people's appreciation and understanding of California's natural resources N/A 2010 Pacific
Heyday $10,000 A publishing house that focuses on deepening people's appreciation and understanding of California's natural resources. N/A 2011 Pacific
InMER $10,000 Provide flight support for ocean, coastal and watershed protection efforts on the California Coast in collaboration with Lighthawk. N/A 2009 Pacific
Institute for Fisheries Resources $25,000 Coordinate, grow and maintain the Wildfish Coalition on Ocean Fish Farming. Fisheries 2006 Pacific
Institute for Fisheries Resources $25,000 The Wildfish Coalition is a nationwide effort to bring together stakeholder groups to address the impacts of ocean fish farming. The network will provide a unified voice in response to government efforts to implement fish farming in federal waters, and provide information, education, and training to local groups so they can more successfully respond to fish farming proposals in their communities. Fisheries 2007 Pacific
Institute for Fisheries Resources $10,000 A national organization that advocates for the concerns of fishermen, their families and communities, to ensure the ocean's resources and their coastal communities remain sustainable and viable. Fisheries 2010 Pacific
KAHEA $45,000 To advocate for lasting protection of Papah'naumoku'kea National Monument N/A 2007 Pacific
KAHEA $45,000 KAHEA is focused on securing a comprehensive, science-based management plan for the Papah'aumoku'kea Marine National Monument N/A 2008 Pacific
KAHEA $45,000 Secure a comprehensive, science-based management plan for the Papah'naumoku'kea Marine National Monument N/A 2009 Pacific
Kentucky Coalition, Inc. $20,000 For development of a renewable energy platform for Kentucky that illustrates economic transition in coalfield communities, and leads to the end of Mountaintop Removal mining. N/A 2007 Pacific
Kentucky Coalition, Inc. $20,000 For development of a renewable energy platform for Kentucky that illustrates economic transition in coalfield communities, and leads to the end of Mountaintop Removal mining. N/A 2008 Pacific
Kentucky Coalition, Inc. $25,000 Develop a renewable energy strategy for Kentucky that promotes alternatives to mountaintop removal coal mining. N/A 2009 Pacific
Kentucky Coalition, Inc. $25,000 Develop a renewable energy strategy for Kentucky that promotes alternatives to mountaintop removal coal mining. N/A 2010 Pacific
Kentucky Coalition, Inc. $25,000 The Canary Project works to win full and fair enforcement of coal mining laws, especially regarding mountaintop removal. The New Energy and Transition Project is an emerging initiative that works toward economic transition and sustainable energy in Kentucky. N/A 2011 Pacific
Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center $10,000 KS Wild's Rogue Riverkeeper Program works to improve Rogue River water quality and quantity, primarily through the enforcement of the Clean Water Act. Keepers, Water Quality 2010 Pacific
Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center $20,000 KS Wild's Rogue Riverkeeper Program works to improve Rogue River water quality primarily through the enforcement of the Clean Water Act. Keepers, Water Quality 2011 Pacific
Kohala Watershed Partnership $20,000 Protect the native ecosystem of the Upper Laupahoehoe Nui Watershed Preserve by installing ungulate-proof fencing to block the movements of feral pigs, and controlling invasive weeds. N/A 2009 Pacific
Marin Environmental Film Festival $2,500 General support for the 2004 Festival. N/A 2004 Pacific
Marin Environmental Film Festival $2,500 General support for the 2005 Festival N/A 2005 Pacific
Marine Applied Research & Exploration $25,000 MARE conducts baseline fish and biota surveys in the deepwater portions of the North Central Coast marine protected areas (MPAs) using a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) in cooperation with both The Nature Conservancy and Cal State University Monterey Bay. N/A 2010 Pacific
Marine Conservation Institute $40,000 Advocacy and science related to the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands National Marine Sanctuary Designation process. N/A 2004 Pacific
Marine Conservation Institute $40,000 Advocacy and science related to the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands National Marine Sanctuary Designation process N/A 2005 Pacific
Marine Conservation Institute $45,000 Continued support for Northwestern Hawaiian Islands work N/A 2005 Pacific
Marine Conservation Institute $50,000 Protect the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, educate the public on the threats of destructive fishing to deep sea corals, and strengthen the demand for marine reserves. N/A 2006 Pacific
Marine Conservation Institute $50,000 To continue work to reform the National Marine Sanctuary Program; promote more marine monument designations; seek protection for the high seas and deep-sea corals; and encourage adequate federal funding for ocean conservation management. N/A 2007 Pacific
Marine Conservation Institute $50,000 Educate decision makers on the importance of protecting and recovering marine ecosystems by focusing on three main areas: marine reserves and national marine sanctuaries; deep-sea corals protection; and education and training for marine scientists to advocate for strong ocean policy. N/A 2008 Pacific
Marine Conservation Institute $50,000 Using political and scientific expertise to advocate for a model of ecosystem-based management, MCBI is working to protect the environment of Papah'naumoku'kea Marine National Monument. N/A 2008 Pacific
Marine Conservation Institute $50,000 Educate decision makers on the importance of protecting and recovering marine ecosystems by focusing on three main areas: marine reserves and national marine sanctuaries; deep-sea corals protection; and education and training for marine scientists to advocate for strong ocean policy. N/A 2009 Pacific
Marine Conservation Institute $50,000 MCBI is working to achieve additional protections for the Pacific Remote Island, Rose Atoll, and Mariana Trench Marine National Monuments. N/A 2010 Pacific
Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation $150,000 The Center for the Future of the Oceans aims to inspire action for conservation of the oceans. Through the Center, they aim to empower individuals, influence policy and contribute to the protection of the oceans. N/A 2009 Pacific
Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation $150,000 The Center for the Future of the Oceans aims to inspire action for conservation of the oceans. Through the Center, they aim to empower individuals, influence policy and contribute to the protection of the oceans. N/A 2010 Pacific
Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation $150,000 The Center for the Future of the Oceans influences actions on the part of governments, businesses and individuals to reduce significant threats to ocean health. In 2011, their five strategic priorities include establishing marine protected areas, improving ocean governance, promoting sustainable seafood, conserving key marine wildlife and combating the ocean impacts of climate change. N/A 2011 Pacific
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA $20,000 To engage Christian communities around the country and in Appalachia about problems associated with mountaintop removal mining. N/A 2011 Pacific
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation $2,500 To support Capitol Hill Ocean Week. N/A 2005 Pacific
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation $2,500 To support Capitol Hill Ocean Week. N/A 2005 Pacific
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation $5,000 To support Capitol Hill Ocean Week. N/A 2006 Pacific
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation $7,500 To support Capitol Hill Ocean Week. N/A 2007 Pacific
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation $5,000 To support Capitol Hill Ocean Week. N/A 2009 Pacific
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation $5,000 To support Capitol Hill Ocean Week. N/A 2010 Pacific
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation $5,000 To support Capitol Hill Ocean Week. N/A 2011 Pacific
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation $5,000 To support Capitol Hill Ocean Week. N/A 2008 Pacific
National Parks Conservation Association $51,000 Grow broad-based support for national park conservation in the Central Valley of California N/A 2005 Pacific
National Parks Conservation Association $27,500 Educate and engage community leaders as spokespeople in support of greater federal funding of California parks. Develop a program to study current practices and give recommendations on improving diversity among park visitors and within the Park Service. N/A 2006 Pacific