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Name of Organization Amount Description Keywords Year Office
Idealware Inc. $2,520 Online Communications classes for Campbell Foundation grantees Capacity 2018 Pacific
Ojai Valley Land Conservancy $100,000 Support planning, monitoring, and coordination to enhance climate resilience in Ventura County’s watersheds. Capacity, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies 2018 Pacific
Baykeeper $80,000 Support for general operation of San Francisco Baykeeper. Advocacy, Baywide, Keepers, Nutrients, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality 2018 Pacific
Friends of the San Juans $3,402 For staff to attend the Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference Capacity 2018 Pacific
Idealware Inc. $4,611 For staff to attend the Nonprofit Technology Conference Capacity 2018 Pacific
California Association of Resource Conservation Districts $2,800 For staff to attend the CONNECT Conference Capacity 2018 Pacific
KQED Inc. $3,000 KQED provides Bay Area residents with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions, convene community dialogue, bring the arts to everyone, and engage audiences to share their stories. N/A 2018 Pacific
The Downstream Project $10,000 To support Bobby Whitescarver's work, Swoppe Almanac, a book about the natural happenings and farm life in Swoope, VA Communications 2018 Pacific
The Water Foundation $100,000 Capacity Building Capacity 2018 Pacific
The Watershed Project $4,000 For Staff to attend the River Rally Capacity 2018 Pacific
United Nations Foundation $100,000 The Global Climate Action Summit will bring together leaders from state and local governments, businesses, and citizens from around the world to: • Demonstrate how the tide has turned on the fight against climate change • Showcase climate action taking place around the world • Inspire deeper commitments from each other and from national governments Capacity, Political Will 2018 Pacific
Friends of the San Juans $25,000 To protect and restore the San Juan Islands and Salish Sea for people and nature. FSJ’s primary goals are to foster wild and healthy shorelines, promote thriving and sustainable communities, conserve forests, farmlands, freshwater and prairie habitats, and ensure the health of the marine ecosystem.  Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality 2018 Pacific
Friends of the Upper Delaware River $15,000 To advance Upper Delaware River watershed restoration and protection by implementing the new Flexible Flow Management Program, securing funding from the federal Delaware River program, updating an economic report on the river, and ensuring the federal Delaware River program adequately addresses the aquatic habitat needs of the Upper Delaware River. Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Fisheries, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality 2018 Pacific
Partnership Project Inc $40,000 To assemble a strong constellation of leaders in the environmental and allied movements in order to build a new network of US-based organizations -- representing multiracial, progressive and conservative, state and local, large and small groups with a range of strategies -- that will work to build the power required to successfully protect our environment, climate and communities for generations to come. Accountability, Advocacy, Communications, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach, Political Will 2018 Pacific
Resources Legacy Fund $60,000 The Mosaic Funders Collaborative is working to help the environmental community create the necessary field-wide infrastructure to build long-term, sustained power for the movement and increase environmental protection and conservation over the long run. The Collaborative will help the environmental community evaluate how it is currently using communications to build long-term power for the movement and develop a set of recommendations for becoming more effective in using communications to build long-term power for the movement. Capacity, Communications 2018 Pacific
SkyTruth $40,000 Skytruth engages the public to monitor changes in the environment’s key systems (e.g., the climate, oceans, forests), and raises the public’s awareness of lesser-known environmental issues through satellite imagery. Civic Engagement, Communications, Land Use, Outreach, Pollution, Water Quality 2018 Pacific
Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation Inc $100,000 A collaborative effort to collect biological data from under-sampled areas in support of stock assessments and management plans for the American lobster and Jonah crab. Accountability, Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will 2018 Pacific
Resources Legacy Fund $800,000 The Sustaining California’s Ocean (SCO) program focuses on promoting effective long-term management of California’s marine protected area (MPA) network by ensuring that government and nonprofit organizations have the capacity and funding necessary to support MPA monitoring, compliance, and education and outreach. SCO also seeks to promote improved ocean governance and increased public funding for the MPA network specifically and for ocean management generally. Accountability, Advocacy, Capacity, Civic Engagement, Communications, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach, Political Will 2018 Pacific
South Yuba River Citizens League $30,000 Support work to advance environmentally friendly policies and practices for cannabis cultivation in Nevada County. Agriculture, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Water Quality 2018 Pacific
Santa Barbara Channelkeeper $30,000 Support for clean water advocacy and enforcement activities in the Santa Barbara area. Advocacy, Keepers, Pollution, Water Quality 2018 Pacific
Community Initatives $75,000 Support for work to accelerate watershed restoration in the Northern Sierra, including headwater forests and meadows. Non-traditional Allies, Water Quality 2018 Pacific
National Audubon Society, Inc. $25,000 Support for coordination to advance stewardship of Arcata/Humboldt Bay. Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Comprehensive Plans, Outreach 2018 Pacific
The Sierra Fund $20,000 Support for strategy to reduce mercury discharge from legacy mines in the Sierra Nevada region. Advocacy, Non-traditional Allies, Pollution, Water Quality 2018 Pacific
Carpe Diem West $9,100 To digitize paper files and to improve an existing and functioning website with additional features Capacity 2018 Pacific
Earth Island Institute $5,000 The Brower Youth Awards identifies, grows and empowers young environmental and social justice activists. N/A 2018 Pacific
Gulf Restoration Network $10,000 A Tech Soup subscription to Adobe products, a conversation from Drupal to WordPress that leverages a $60k in-kind donation towards a re-branding effort Capacity 2018 Pacific
Los Angeles Waterkeeper $12,700 Support for continued development of a Salesforce fundraising platform that the organization recently successfully transitioned to. Capacity 2018 Pacific
Ocean Discovery Institute $10,000 Conversion from an Excel and Word-based system for tracking students to a data management system that integrates with the school system. The program is ramping up to accommodate several thousand new students at a new facility. Capacity 2018 Pacific
Resources Legacy Fund $10,000 A campaign to add California’s Marine Protected Area (MPA) Network to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Green List N/A 2018 Pacific
Women's Audio Mission $8,200 To purchase 20 iPads for a newly-expanded career-building program that serves middle school girls who are 95% low income, and 73% don't have access to a computer or mobile device. Leverages a larger tech budget with 85% funding secured. Capacity 2018 Pacific
Resources Legacy Fund $800,000 The Land-Sea Connection Fund advances the ecological resilience of California coastal and marine ecosystems to a wide range of threats by better integrating conservation efforts that target land-based threats to water quality and ocean health. Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Capacity, Civic Engagement, Communications, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality 2018 Pacific
Los Angeles Waterkeeper $100,000 Los Angeles Waterkeeper works to safeguard LA’s inland and coastal waters by enforcing laws and empowering communities. LAW blends advocacy, volunteer engagement, community outreach, and public empowerment in their activities, particularly working with diverse communities LA to assure they have a meaningful voice in the policies that shape the region’s water future. Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Keepers, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality 2018 Pacific
Restore American Estuaries $7,500 Support for summit to increase diversity of registrants and panelists. Capacity, Communications 2018 Pacific
Friends of the San Juans $1,290 Clean Pacific Conference Capacity 2018 Pacific
Pacific Institute $10,000 To leverage public and political interest in the Salton Sea Accountability, Advocacy, Land Use, Political Will, Water Quality 2018 Pacific
Resources Legacy Fund $200,000 To enable RLF to become more strategic, data‐driven, leveraged, and coordinated. Capacity 2018 Pacific
Santa Barbara Channelkeeper $3,200 Waterkeeper Conference Capacity 2018 Pacific
Sinai Hospital of Baltimore Inc. $50,000 General Support N/A 2018 Pacific
SkyTruth $2,736 Earth Engine User Summit Capacity 2018 Pacific
San Diego Canyonlands $25,000 Support for the Maple Canyon Stream restoration project and related strategic toolkit. Capacity, Stormwater, Water Quality 2018 Pacific
Environmental Action Committee of West Marin $25,000 Support for efforts to promote collaborative best management practices around ranching in West Marin watersheds. Agriculture, Comprehensive Plans, Nutrients, Pollution, Water Quality 2018 Pacific
Sanctuary Forest $25,000 Support for permitting, planning and pre-project monitoring for a multi-benefit watershed project in McKee Creek, a tributary to the Mattole River watershed. Comprehensive Plans, Land Use, Water Quality 2018 Pacific
Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center $25,000 Rogue Riverkeeper works to protect and restore clean water and native fish in the waters of the Rogue. Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality 2018 Pacific
Tech Impact $50,000 Tech Impact provides capacity building technology support, services, and training to nonprofits need to accomplish their missions. Capacity, Communications 2018 Pacific
Tuolumne River Preservation Trust $80,000 Support for watershed-wide work to protect and restore the Tuolumne River by improving instream flow and building stewardship in the San Francisco Bay and Bay-Delta communities. Advocacy, Baywide, Civic Engagement, Water Quality 2018 Pacific
Baltimore Community ToolBank $5,000 The Baltimore Community ToolBank stewards an inventory of tools and equipment for community partners. In addition to the tool lending program, they manage two key stormwater management features at their facility, and re-purpose more than 600,000 gallons of rain water annually. Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality 2018 Pacific
Center for Land-Based Learning $10,000 The Center for Land-Based Learning is educating and cultivating the next generation of farmers, agriculture leaders and natural resource stewards with hands-on education and mentoring programs. Agriculture, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies 2018 Pacific
Community Alliance With Family Farmers Foundation $10,000 The Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF) is a membership-based organization of family farmers working to build sustainable food and farming systems through policy advocacy and on-the-ground programs that create more resilient family farms, communities and ecosystems. Agriculture, Civic Engagement, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Water Quality 2018 Pacific
Stand $10,000 To defeat Phillips 66’s proposed marine terminal expansion at its Rodeo facility in Contra Costa County. Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Outreach, Pollution, Water Quality 2018 Pacific
SkyTruth $500 Google Cloud Next Conference Capacity 2018 Pacific