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Location: Pacific | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
Total Results: 2669
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Name of Organization Amount Description Keywords Year Office
Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center $25,000 Rogue Riverkeeper works to protect and restore clean water and native fish populations in the Rogue watershed Accountability, Advocacy, Capacity, Communications, Fisheries, Keepers, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality 2017 Pacific
Marine Applied Research & Exploration $3,325 For staff to attend the Blue Vision Summit Capacity 2017 Pacific
Spa Creek Conservancy $2,500 Spa Creek Clean Water PaddleFEST N/A 2017 Pacific
Save the Bay $25,000 This grant will support general operation of Save The Bay, including the organization’s implementation of three major strategies to ensure water quality and climate resilience of San Francisco Bay by 1) restoring Bay habitat for clean water, climate change adaptation and resilience; 2) promoting Bay Smart communities for Bay health, water quality and efficiency, and Bay Area quality of life; and 3) shaping the public agenda to promote a clean and healthy San Francisco Bay. Advocacy, Baywide, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality 2017 Pacific
California Association of Resource Conservation Districts $35,000 California Association of Resource Conservation Districts (CARCD) is a non-profit, quasi-governmental organization. This project seeks to build stronger and more effective collaboration among Resource Conservation Districts (RCDs) in each region of California, starting with the North Coast. This project could create a good example of how to better coordinate RCDs to deliver conservation services, particularly to private landowners given their impact on watershed health. Capacity, Land Use, Water Quality 2017 Pacific
Tuolumne River Preservation Trust $80,000 The focus of this project is to revive the Tuolumne River by promoting water conservation, recycled water, and conjunctive use of groundwater, and to improve instream flows to benefit fish and wildlife, water quality, and recreation. The project also contributes to the revival of the San Joaquin River and the San Francisco Bay-Delta. Political Will, Water Quality 2017 Pacific
Sacramento Valley Conservancy $50,000 Develop a comprehensive assessment of the Cosumnes River watershed, the only undammed river draining the western Sierra Nevada, and an action plan to guide future conservation efforts by partners. Agriculture, Capacity, Land Use, Nutrients, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality 2017 Pacific
Dudek $75,000 Develop a coordinated permitting process with federal and state agencies to promote multi-benefit restoration projects and effective implementation of San Francisco Bay's Measure AA. Baywide, Land Use, Water Quality 2017 Pacific
Trout Unlimited $40,000 Trout Unlimited will implement cooperative instream flow projects in several coastal watersheds from Morro Bay to the Oregon border, as well as advance related law and policy reform efforts. Advocacy, Political Will, Water Quality 2017 Pacific
California Audubon Society $25,000 Provide support for a part-time coordinator to organize and build local support for protecting the Arcata/Humboldt Bay ecosystem. Advocacy, Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies, Water Quality 2017 Pacific
Baykeeper $4,197 Waterkeeper Alliance Conference Capacity 2017 Pacific
Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center $2,387 Waterkeeper Alliance Conference Capacity 2017 Pacific
Los Angeles Waterkeeper $2,573 Waterkeeper Alliance Conference Capacity 2017 Pacific
Pacific Institute N/A Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality N/A Pacific
Russian Riverkeeper $5,000 Waterkeeper Alliance Conference Capacity 2017 Pacific
San Diego Coastkeeper $4,992 Waterkeeper Alliance Conference Capacity 2017 Pacific
Sinai Hospital of Baltimore Inc. $50,000 General Support N/A 2017 Pacific
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay $2,500 Taste of the Chesapeake N/A 2017 Pacific
Resources Legacy Fund $800,000 The Land-Sea Connection Fund will help advance the ecological resilience of California coastal and marine ecosystems to a wide range of threats by better integrating conservation efforts that target land-based threats to water quality and ocean health. Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Capacity, Communications, Fisheries, Keepers, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality 2017 Pacific
San Diego Coastkeeper $65,000 Provide a more comprehensive range of conservation efforts to improve the health of the San Diego Bay watershed from inland waters out to the coast. Advocacy, Keepers, Land Use, Stormwater, Water Quality 2017 Pacific
Trust for Conservation Innovation $5,000 Support for Oakview Comunidad to engage community members in desalination issues. Advocacy, Capacity, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will 2017 Pacific
California Marine Sanctuary Foundation $15,000 Design of projects to improve water quality and address stormwater pollution at select California harbor and marinas. Political Will, Stormwater, Water Quality 2017 Pacific
California Trout $60,000 Develop a headwaters-to-sea approach to help improve health of the Eel River watershed. Advocacy, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality 2017 Pacific
Reef Environmental Education Foundation $5,000 REEF’s citizen science program, the Volunteer Fish Survey Project will build upon and expand survey efforts along coastal areas of California and Washington and leverage those data for research and management. The project will support training opportunities to engage new volunteers and encourage sustained involvement, facilitate the collection of marine biodiversity and fisheries data, support efficient management of those data, facilitate the application of REEF data for resource protection and conservation, and raise awareness about ocean ecosystems. Accountability, Advocacy, Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Water Quality 2017 Pacific
Sonoma Ecology Center $2,500 The Sonoma Creek Streamflow Stewardship Program collects data from stream gauges, and through analysis of the data collected from these gauges, will establish the needed locations, quantity and timing of streamflow enhancements, and engage landowners in planning for how streamflow enhancements will be implemented to provide sufficient dry-season streamflow to sustain steelhead and other aquatic species as the climate warms and groundwater depletion is addressed in Sonoma Valley. Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality 2017 Pacific