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Location: Pacific | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
Total Results: 2669
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Name of Organization | Amount | Description | Keywords | Year | Office |
South Yuba River Citizens League | $10,000 | Wild & Scenic Film Festival | Communications | 2017 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $218,279 | To reduce nutrient loading in Southcentral Pennsylvania by delivering accelerated adoption of agricultural conservation measures, including efficient use of nutrients (commercial fertilizer and manure/litter), cover crops, crop rotation and strategic filters that reduce nutrient loss to water and air in the state’s most problematic region | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Land Use, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $1,385,987 | To redirect mitigation and public conservation spending through more disciplined and quantifiable conservation tools like habitat exchange to create financial incentives for farmers and ranchers to conserve wildlife habitat and help prevent extinction for dozens of species. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Capacity, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $895,250 | To build partnerships with local agricultural communities and government agencies to develop and implement market- and incentive-based approaches to sustainable water management in California’s Central Valley and in other strategic locations across the West that enhance flexibility and enable communities to meet sustainability goals. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $1,747,846 | To end nutrient pollution and restore critical ecosystems like the Mississippi River Basin/Gulf of Mexico and Chesapeake Bay by leveraging the power of the food supply chain. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Friends of the San Juans | $800 | To attend the Salmon Recovery Conference | Capacity | 2017 | Pacific |
National Audubon Society, Inc. | $20,000 | Produce a Fishery Management Plan for Pacific Herring, and protecting herring and bird habitat in Humboldt Bay, with a focus on the conservation needs of small fish and invertebrates such as sardine, herring, squid, and krill that in turn sustain seabirds and other marine wildlife. | Accountability, Advocacy, Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will | 2017 | Pacific |
Resource Media | $25,000 | Resource Media is a San Francisco-based non-profit communications and public relations firm. Under this project, Resource Media will help conservation organizations statewide to engage legislators, state agencies, and statewide media about the environmental and climate change drawbacks of desalination as well as the viability of more cost-effective, sustainable water supply options. | Advocacy, Capacity, Communications, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
San Francisco Zoological Society | $50,000 | Fund0-a-Need Auction Bid at ZooFest | N/A | 2017 | Pacific |
Idealware Inc. | $3,555 | To cover the expense for grantees to attend the Donor Management Systems course. | Capacity | 2017 | Pacific |
KQED Inc. | $3,000 | To provide citizens with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions, convene civic dialogue around issues that matter, and bring arts and science coverage to the Bay Area community. | N/A | 2017 | Pacific |
LightHawk, Inc. | $800 | Salmon Recovery Conference | Capacity | 2017 | Pacific |
LightHawk, Inc. | $2,100 | Air Care Alliance Conference | Capacity | 2017 | Pacific |
Los Angeles Waterkeeper | $610 | California Water Policy Conference | Capacity | 2017 | Pacific |
Mt Adams Institute | $5,000 | International Fundraising Conference | Capacity | 2017 | Pacific |
SkyTruth | $50,000 | To develop tools that engage the public in understanding the environmental impacts of resource extraction activities, and to provide the data from these skytruthing projects to decision-makers, academics, and the general public. Through sharing imagery, data, and other resources about the environmental impact of mining, drilling, hydraulic fracturing, and other resource extraction activities, we expect to inform scientifically robust impact studies, influence public opinion, and ultimately have a positive impact on public policy. | Accountability, Advocacy, Communications, Fisheries, Land Use, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
The Nature Conservancy | $25,000 | To protect watershed forests from damage caused by invasive feral hooved animals. | Accountability, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Coastal Watershed Council | $5,000 | The San Lorenzo River Health Project will engage low-income, multicultural neighborhoods from coastal and inland areas in Santa Cruz County in a land-sea connection and water quality workshop series focused on implementing strategic, data-driven, individual best management practices that directly improve the health of the San Lorenzo River and the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Communications, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Friends of the River | $10,000 | To preserve, restore, and sustain California’s free flowing rivers and streams through government relations, education, and citizen action. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Communications, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Ocean Discovery Institute | $2,500 | Ocean Discovery Institute uses ocean science to empower young people from underserved urban communities to transform their lives, their community, and our world as scientific and conservation leaders. Working in the San Diego community of City Heights, we deliver rigorous educational, scientific research, and environmental stewardship experiences that build curiosity, science understanding and skills, and leadership in underserved young people from kid to career. | Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Friends of the San Juans | $25,000 | Friends of the San Juans protects and restores the San Juan Islands and the Salish Sea for people and nature— since 1979. We champion clean water, forests, food, and healthy communities by using science, education, and advocacy. Our innovative programs help the region’s environment and economy thrive. | Accountability, Advocacy, Communications, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Friends of the San Juans | $1,600 | Climate Adaptation Conference | Capacity | 2017 | Pacific |
Baykeeper | $25,000 | Redesign of a website to accompany a detailed, existing marketing and communications plan, using the existing platform that all staff are already trained to use. | Capacity | 2017 | Pacific |
California Association of Resource Conservation Districts | $11,000 | A basic CRM for an organization that coordinates 90+ state-wide field offices, providing them with a multitude of resources and hosting a variety of events and trainings. They were currently coordinating these activities using Gmail and Excel. | Capacity | 2017 | Pacific |
Sustainable Conservation | $24,000 | Replacement of a small fleet of aging laptops, and network devices to assure basic wireless connectivity at the office, as well as O365 administrative training. | Capacity | 2017 | Pacific |