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Name of Organization Amount Description Keywords Year Office
Turtle Island Restoration Network $30,000 Use grassroots education and action, hands-on conservation and active use of the media to advocate for reduction or elimination of destructive fishing methods in order to reduce endangered animal bycatch. Fisheries 2009 Pacific
Turtle Island Restoration Network $30,000 TIRN uses grassroots education and action, hands-on conservation and active use of the media to protect the environment and endangered species. TIRN advocates for strengthening sustainable fishing along the US West Coast and Hawaii, working in particular to reduce or eliminate drift gillnet and longline fishing to reduce turtle bycatch and by advocating for changes in fishing gear and fisheries management policies. Fisheries 2010 Pacific
Turtle Island Restoration Network $30,000 TIRN uses grassroots education and action, hands-on conservation and active use of the media to protect the environment and endangered species. TIRN advocates for strengthening sustainable fishing along the US West Coast and Hawaii, working in particular to reduce or eliminate drift gillnet and longline fishing to reduce turtle bycatch and by advocating for changes in fishing gear and fisheries management policies. Fisheries 2011 Pacific
Turtle Island Restoration Network $30,000 TIRN uses grassroots education and action, hands-on conservation and active use of the media to advocate for reduction or elimination of destructive fishing methods in order to reduce bycatch of endangered turtles. Fisheries 2008 Pacific
University of Southern California $120,000 A year of support to enable Randy Olson to develop several projects, including Shifting Baseline Ocean Media Project and www.benshi.com in his continuing exploration of the broad communication of science. N/A 2010 Pacific
Waterkeeper Northern California $20,000 Operational support for the only "on the water" monitoring and watchdog advocacy organization working on issues of public health and quality of life as they relate to water quality in the Bay-Delta Watershed. N/A 2004 Pacific
West Coast EBM Network $20,000 The Annual Meeting of six locally based Ecosystem Based Management initiatives in Washington, Oregon and California, which facilitates information transfer between network participants and outside experts on topics related to the implementation and advancement of EBM. N/A 2009 Pacific
West Coast EBM Network $30,000 Support the efforts of six West coast member organizations to implement Ecosystem Based Management. N/A 2010 Pacific
Western Rivers Conservancy $40,000 To facilitate land acquisition and work with landowners, conservation organizations and agencies to restore a majority of the Riverside Ranch property N/A 2007 Pacific
WildAid Inc $50,000 For a campaign to decrease the social value of consuming wildlife products, such as shark's fin, through a mass-media public awareness campaign that builds on China's focus on the Beijing 2008 Olympics. N/A 2007 Pacific
WildAid Inc $50,000 Using Chinese and international athletes as spokespeople, WildAid's Active Conservation Awareness program includes a mass-media public awareness campaign aimed at changing attitudes to wildlife consumption in China, and to stem demand for illegal or unsustainable wildlife products, with a special emphasis on the horrendous practice of shark-finning. N/A 2008 Pacific
WildAid Inc $50,000 Using Chinese and international athletes as spokespeople, WildAid's Active Conservation Awareness program includes a mass-media public awareness campaign aimed at changing attitudes to wildlife consumption in China, and to stem demand for illegal or unsustainable wildlife products, with a special emphasis on the horrendous practice of shark-finning. N/A 2009 Pacific
WildAid Inc $50,000 Using Chinese and international athletes as spokespeople, WildAid's Active Conservation Awareness program includes a mass-media public awareness campaign aimed at changing attitudes to wildlife consumption in China, and to stem demand for illegal or unsustainable wildlife products, with a special emphasis on the horrendous practice of shark-finning. N/A 2010 Pacific
WildAid Inc $40,000 Using Chinese and international athletes as spokespeople, WildAid's Active Conservation Awareness program includes a mass-media public awareness campaign aimed at changing attitudes to wildlife consumption in China, and to stem demand for illegal or unsustainable wildlife products, with a special emphasis on the horrendous practice of shark-finning. N/A 2011 Pacific
Wildcoast $52,700 Media and communication campaigns to advocate coastal and marine conservation initiatives among the California Latino population. N/A 2007 Pacific
Wildcoast $30,000 Media and communication campaigns to advocate coastal and marine conservation initiatives among the California Latino population. N/A 2009 Pacific
Marine Conservation Institute $50,000 Works to achieve additional protections for the Pacific Remote Island Marine National Monuments N/A 2011 Pacific
Trout Unlimited $40,000 This project is the second year of a three-year expansion phase for streamflow stewardship pilot projects in watersheds along California Water Quality 2011 Pacific
The Nature Conservancy $75,000 Protection of Kauai N/A 2011 Pacific
Sustainable Northwest $15,000 To begin implementation of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA) N/A 2011 Pacific
Sportfishing Conservancy $10,000 A growing alliance of sport fishing, conservation and community groups, together focusing on the perception that sportfishing and conservation are compatible Fisheries 2011 Pacific
Otter Project, Inc. $25,000 The Monterey Coastkeeper is engaged in a project to establish that irrigation districts are dischargers and must protect the public trust in accordance with the Clean Water Act. Pollution, Water Quality 2011 Pacific
Island Conservation $20,000 Restoring the ecosystem of the South Farallon Islands to protect native and threatened species by removing introduced house mice N/A 2011 Pacific
Marine Applied Research & Exploration $50,000 MARE will design, build and deploy a next generation marine observation system - a Rapid Assessment Tow Fish (RATFish) - with the goal of significantly decreasing the cost of collecting visual marine surveys in the 20-100meter zone, and thereby increasing both knowledge of deeper water coastal resources and the possibility of effective coastal marine resource management. N/A 2011 Pacific
Gulf Restoration Network $25,000 The GRN will work to expedite the creation of a federal implementation plan that utilizes a multi-faceted approach to Louisiana coastal wetlands restoration. GRN will work with effected communities to demonstrate the vision and benefits of a sustainable coastal ecosystem and use that vision to promote the necessary state and federal commitment to restoration. N/A 2011 Pacific