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Location: Pacific | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
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Name of Organization | Amount | Description | Keywords | Year | Office |
American Conservation Film Festival Inc. | $10,000 | The Festival is held annually in Shepherdstown, WV to promote outstanding films that educate and inspire people to become engaged in conservation. Films address the intersection of people and the environment to stimulate new thinking and dialogue about conservation and the natural world. | N/A | 2007 | Pacific |
American Conservation Film Festival Inc. | $20,000 | The Festival is held annually in Shepherdstown, WV to promote outstanding films that educate and inspire people to become engaged in conservation. Films address the intersection of people and the environment to stimulate new thinking and dialogue about conservation and the natural world. | N/A | 2008 | Pacific |
American Conservation Film Festival Inc. | $25,000 | The Festival is held annually in Shepherdstown, WV to promote outstanding films that educate and inspire people to become engaged in conservation. Films address the intersection of people and the environment to stimulate new thinking and dialogue about conservation and the natural world. | N/A | 2009 | Pacific |
American Conservation Film Festival Inc. | $25,000 | The Festival is held annually in Shepherdstown, WV to promote outstanding films that educate and inspire people to become engaged in conservation. Films address the intersection of people and the environment to stimulate new thinking and dialogue about conservation and the natural world. | N/A | 2010 | Pacific |
American Conservation Film Festival Inc. | $25,000 | The Festival is held annually in Shepherdstown, WV to promote outstanding films that educate and inspire people to become engaged in conservation. Films address the intersection of people and the environment to stimulate new thinking and dialogue about conservation and the natural world. | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Animal Fund | $5,000 | OdyseeTV, the first web-based television station solely dedicated to promoting organizations around the world that are working to save wildlife and nature through effective programs. | N/A | 2009 | Pacific |
Animal Fund | $5,000 | PBS documentary " The Killing Seasons" about work in Zambia converting elephant poachers to sustainable trades like fish farming and beekeeping. | N/A | 2009 | Pacific |
Appalachian Center for the Economy and the Environment | $20,000 | Advocate for an end to mountaintop removal coal, work to lessen its overwhelming impacts on communities and the environment, and force the coal industry to internalize their environmental costs. | N/A | 2009 | Pacific |
Appalachian Center for the Economy and the Environment | $20,000 | Advocate for an end to mountaintop removal coal, work to lessen its overwhelming impacts on communities and the environment, and force the coal industry to internalize their environmental costs. | N/A | 2010 | Pacific |
Appalachian Center for the Economy and the Environment | $25,000 | Advocate for an end to mountaintop removal coal, work to lessen its overwhelming impacts on communities and the environment, and force the coal industry to internalize their environmental costs. | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Appalachian Voices | $20,000 | Build and leverage a nationwide movement to end mountaintop removal coal mining by developing online tools, unique networks and non-traditional partnerships, and pursuing legal action. | N/A | 2007 | Pacific |
Appalachian Voices | $20,000 | Build and leverage a nationwide movement to end mountaintop removal coal mining by developing online tools, unique networks and non-traditional partnerships, and pursuing legal action. | N/A | 2008 | Pacific |
Appalachian Voices | $25,000 | Build and leverage a nationwide movement to end mountaintop removal coal mining by developing online tools, unique networks and non-traditional partnerships, and pursuing legal action. | N/A | 2009 | Pacific |
Appalachian Voices | $25,000 | Build and leverage a nationwide movement to end mountaintop removal coal mining by developing online tools, unique networks and non-traditional partnerships, and pursuing legal action. | N/A | 2010 | Pacific |
Appalachian Voices | $25,000 | Build and leverage a nationwide movement to end mountaintop removal coal mining by developing online tools, unique networks and non-traditional partnerships, and pursuing legal action. | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
As You Sow | $20,000 | Through strategic shareholder activism, place internal and external pressure on companies to address critical issues related to water quality impacts of hydraulic fracturing (fracking). | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Baum Foundation | $10,000 | Distribution and outreach activities for A Sheltered Sea, a film on the California Marine Life Protection Act Initiative. | N/A | 2008 | Pacific |
Baum Foundation | $15,000 | Distribution and outreach activities for A Sheltered Sea, a film on the California Marine Life Protection Act Initiative. | N/A | 2009 | Pacific |
Bay Citizen | $5,000 | For Bay Area environmental reporting | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Bay Institute | $250,000 | For an evaluation and report on the short- and long-term issues threatening habitat and water quality in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, in order to define actions that will rehabilitate the ecosystem and safeguard biodiversity. | Water Quality | 2007 | Pacific |
Bay Institute | $30,000 | Continued support to advance a strategic plan for restoring the Delta that addresses both short-term and long-term threats, while meeting the social and economic needs of surrounding communities. | Water Quality | 2008 | Pacific |
Bay Institute | $30,000 | Promotes the adoption of clear and measurable ecosystem and water management reform targets in the major and comprehensive Bay-Delta planning initiatives currently underway. | Water Quality | 2009 | Pacific |
Bay Institute | $30,000 | Promotes the adoption of clear and measurable ecosystem and water management reform targets in the major and comprehensive Bay-Delta planning initiatives currently underway. | Water Quality | 2010 | Pacific |
Baykeeper | $55,000 | The only "on the water" monitoring and watchdog advocacy organization working on improving the water quality and ecosystems of the San Francisco Bay-Delta watershed. | Keepers, Water Quality | 2006 | Pacific |
Baykeeper | $60,000 | The only "on-the-water" monitoring and watchdog advocacy organization, working to improve the water quality and ecosystems of the San Francisco Bay-Delta watershed. | Keepers, Water Quality | 2007 | Pacific |