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Location: Pacific | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
Total Results: 2669
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Name of Organization | Amount | Description | Keywords | Year | Office |
Ocean Conservancy Inc | $100,000 | To develop a robust and broadly shared conservation agenda and priorities for the US chairmanship of the Arctic Council | Capacity, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Ocean Foundation | $25,000 | To understand the acoustical impacts of deepwater offshore exploration and operations of the fossil fuel industry. | Communications, Political Will, Pollution | 2014 | Pacific |
Ocean River Institute Inc | $20,000 | Provide flight support for ocean, coastal and watershed protection efforts on the California Coast. | Communications, Political Will, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Parks & People Foundation | $5,000 | The Parks & People Foundation supports a wide range of recreational and educational opportunities; creating and sustaining beautiful and lively parks; and promoting a healthy natural environment for Baltimore | Advocacy, Land Use, Pollution | 2014 | Pacific |
Reef Check Foundation | $80,000 | Reef Check's California program educates, trains, and engages ocean users, especially recreational divers, to collect valid scientific data on nearshore ecosystems, providing vital information to improve marine management decisions. The program also serves to build a constituency supportive of science-based management of coastal resources. | Advocacy, Fisheries, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Russian Riverkeeper | $20,000 | Russian Riverkeeper works with government agencies, landowners, businesses and local citizens to protect water quality and maintain adequate flows in the river for a healthy fishery. | Advocacy, Keepers, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Sailors for the Sea Inc. | $10,000 | Sailors for the Sea educates and engages the boating community in the worldwide protection of the oceans | Advocacy, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
San Francisco Zoological Society | $100,000 | Fund-A-Need | N/A | 2014 | Pacific |
San Francisco Zoological Society | $75,000 | Fisheries, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific | |
Santa Barbara Channelkeeper | $20,000 | SBCK educates and lobbies decision-makers to strengthen and enforce existing laws or enact new ones to better protect our waterways, and we educate and engage the public in devising and implementing solutions to local water pollution problems. | Advocacy, Keepers, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Save the Bay | $25,000 | For reduction of trash in San Francisco Bay, especially from plastic bags and polystyrene. | Accountability, Advocacy, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
SkyTruth | $30,000 | SkyTruth uses remote sensing, digital mapping and citizen science to create images that expose the landscape disruption and habitat degradation caused by mining, oil and gas drilling, deforestation, fishing and other human activities. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Communications, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Surfrider Foundation | $5,000 | CEO search | N/A | 2014 | Pacific |
Sustainable Conservation | $30,000 | Scaling up the Partners in Restoration (PIR) Program to a statewide level. PIR simplifies the otherwise complex and costly permitting process landowners face when implementing voluntary restoration projects in and around waterways. | Accountability, Agriculture, Capacity, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Sylvia Earle Alliance | $25,000 | The Sylvia Earle Alliances (SEA) purpose is to explore and care for the ocean. They seek to inspire a sea change in public awareness, access and support for marine protected areas. Founder Dr. Sylvia Earl seeks to ignite public support for a global network of marine protected areas, branded as Hope Spots. | Communications, Political Will | 2014 | Pacific |
The Energy Foundation | $50,000 | The Energy Foundation will allocate funds for this grant | Advocacy, Land Use, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
The Exploratorium | $5,000 | General Support | N/A | 2014 | Pacific |
The Marsh A Breeding Ground for New Performance | $1,000 | General Support | N/A | 2014 | Pacific |
The Nature Conservancy | $35,000 | For protection of Maui | Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Sportfishing Conservancy | $10,000 | Promotes conservation to recreational fishermen | Advocacy, Communications, Fisheries | 2014 | Pacific |
Tides Foundation | $25,000 | A TV series and web/social event on climate change, featuring a diverse cast of celebrities and journalists who will span the globe telling human stories on the impacts of and solutions to global warming | Communications, Land Use, Political Will, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Trout Unlimited | $40,000 | The expansion phase for Water & Wine and other streamflow stewardship pilot projects in watersheds along California's coast. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Tuolumne River Preservation Trust | $80,000 | The Bay Area Water Stewardship Program seeks to revive the Tuolumne by promoting water conservation and then ensuring the water we save flows down the river to the ocean to benefit fish, wildlife, water quality and recreation. | Advocacy, Fisheries, Land Use, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Women's Audio Mission | $5,000 | General Support | N/A | 2014 | Pacific |
Santa Monica Bay Restoration Foundation | $30,000 | In an effort to understand changes in the use of different habitats by fishermen as a result of MPA implementation, models of fishing vessel distribution will be created based on the actual locations of boats and the underlying environmental conditions at those locations. | Capacity, Fisheries, Political Will | 2014 | Pacific |
Orange County Coastkeeper | $20,000 | To improve coastal and inland water quality in the Santa Ana River Watershed | Advocacy, Keepers, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Cook Inletkeeper | $10,000 | To establish a vital precedent in Alaska by securing in-stream flow reservations to protect wild salmon from the devastating impacts of coal strip mining in the Cook Inlet, Alaska. | Advocacy, Fisheries, Keepers, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Golden Gate Salmon Association | $10,000 | The Golden Gate Salmon Association is a coalition of salmon advocates that aim to protect and restore California's salmon producing habitat in the Central Valley. | Advocacy, Fisheries, Political Will, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Gulf Restoration Network | $10,000 | To publish the Sunshine on the Gulf Report via a multimedia website and a layered, cartographic participatory online web platform. | Advocacy, Communications, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Klamath Riverkeeper | $25,000 | For implementation of multi-stakeholder Klamath dam removal and restoration agreements, and dam removal via the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission dam relicensing process. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Keepers, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Los Angeles Waterkeeper | $20,000 | The Advocacy Program focuses on healthy marine habitats, sustainable fisheries, improving water quality, and clean beaches in Los Angeles waterways. | Accountability, Advocacy, Keepers, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Marine Applied Research & Exploration | $55,000 | To collect baseline information on the underwater habitats of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) along the North Coast of California. MARE will perform the deepwater visual surveys with our remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Beagle and analyze the information to help decision makers and ocean managers better understand our marine ecosystem and the role MPAs play in ocean health. | Accountability, Fisheries, Political Will | 2014 | Pacific |
National Fisheries Conservation Center | $20,000 | Coastal Planning for a Changing Sea will educate decision makers to catalyze planning for sea level rise and ocean acidification in Grays Harbor and Pacific counties in Washington state | Advocacy, Land Use, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
North Carolina Coastal Federation Inc. | $200,000 | NCCF uses environmental advocacy, habitat restoration, conservation and education programs to protect beaches, and estuarine shorelines on the North Carolina Coast. | Advocacy, Capacity, Communications, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Orange County Coastkeeper | $20,000 | To improve coastal and inland water quality in the Santa Ana River Watershed | Advocacy, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Pacific Institute | $10,000 | To publish a report that estimates the very real costs of inaction in the Salton Sea region, including public health costs generated by increasing dust emissions from the exposed lakebed, declining property values due to the lake | Advocacy, Communications, Land Use, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Raincoast Conservation Society | $10,000 | For an ocean drift card study to improve understanding of ocean currents and informboth the public and decision makers about potential oil spill trajectories associated with the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain expansion project and other significant increases in marine traffic throughout the Salish Sea. | Accountability, Advocacy, Communications, Fisheries, Land Use, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
South Yuba River Citizens League | $10,000 | The Wild and Scenic is a four-day Film Festival with more than eight venues in both Nevada City and Grass Valley. More than 4,500 people attend to watch 100+ films. The Festival also kicks off the nationwide Wild and Scenic On Tour Program, which travels to 130 cities and towns nationwide. | Communications | 2014 | Pacific |
California Ocean Science Trust | $200,000 | For the MPA Monitoring Enterprise to lead the development and implementation of impartial, cost-effective and relevant MPA monitoring of the emerging statewide MPA network. | Communications, Fisheries, Political Will | 2014 | Pacific |
Heal the Bay | $20,000 | For advocacy efforts to strengthen water-quality standards, regulations and policy in Los Angeles and Ventura County | Advocacy, Land Use, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
New Venture Fund | $10,000 | The Tide Report is delivered to influencers in the online ocean community, and reaches a community of 1200+ ocean communications professionals and social media leaders with ready-to-share conservation content while provid | Communications | 2014 | Pacific |
Otter Project, Inc. | $25,000 | The Monterey Coastkeeper is engaged in a project to establish that irrigation districts are dischargers and must protect the public trust in accordance with the Clean Water Act. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Keepers, Land Use, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
River Network | $30,000 | The River Rescue Fund provides River Network with the capacity to re spond to unmet conservation needs of state and local partners. | Advocacy, Capacity, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Sustainable Conservation | $60,000 | Sustainable Conservation seeks to demonstrate sustainable water management for coastal regions in California by developing performance measurements and incentives that will encourage adoption of water conservation technology. This project aims to reduce agricultural water use in the region by 30%, in addition to decreasing nitrate contamination of groundwater. | Advocacy, Agriculture, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
International League of Conservation Photographers | $10,000 | Founded by a group of the world's top natural history and cultural photographers, iLCP's mission is to further cultural and environmental conservation through the use of photography. | Communications | 2014 | Pacific |
Island Conservation | $20,000 | To protect native and threatened species by removing invasive rats from Lehua | Advocacy, Land Use, Pollution | 2014 | Pacific |
LightHawk, Inc. | $28,000 | Develop a new strategic plan which will help Lighthawk shift away from providing one-off flights toward a model that is more deliberate and focused in its approach. | Capacity | 2014 | Pacific |
The Coral Reef Alliance | $50,000 | Develop solutions that incentivize hotels to reduce wastewater pollution and adopt more sustainable treatment practices | Accountability, Advocacy, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
University of Southern California | $70,000 | To enable Randy Olson and his colleagues to develop projects such as Shifting Baseline Ocean Media Project and, and in his continuing efforts to encourage more engaging and broad communication of science and conservation issues. | Communications | 2014 | Pacific |
WildAid Inc | $40,000 | Raise awareness about the impact of the consumption of shark fin soup, and reduce consumption of shark fin in China and SE Asia by building public and political support for legal controls on the consumption of shark fin soup, culminating in a ban | Advocacy, Communications, Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will | 2014 | Pacific |
Women's Audio Mission | $10,000 | For the acquisition of a new recording studio that will provide training, participation, performance and media and music-making opportunities to Bay Area women and girls. | Capacity, Communications | 2014 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $100,000 | For a new angler-driven data collection program, Chesapeake Catch, as the nation | Accountability, Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will | 2014 | Pacific |
Wholesome Wave Foundation Charitable Ventures Inc. | $50,000 | The Chef Action Network (CAN) is a non-profit organization that connects America's preeminent chefs to tools and resources that will help them create significant and lasting change in their communities, the count | Advocacy, Agriculture, Communications, Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will | 2014 | Pacific |
Interfaith Power & Light | $25,000 | To organize faith communities in the Pacific Northwest to halt the export of 74 million tons coal to Asia from the Port of Longview, Port of St. Helen, and Port of Coos Bay. | Accountability, Advocacy, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Ocean Foundation | $20,000 | To understand the acoustical impacts of deepwater offshore exploration and operations of the fossil fuel industry. | Fisheries, Pollution | 2014 | Pacific |
Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center | $25,000 | KS Wild's Rogue Riverkeeper Program works to improve Rogue River water quality and quantity, primarily through the enforcement of the Clean Water Act. | Accountability, Advocacy, Fisheries, Keepers, Land Use, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Reef Check Foundation | $25,000 | For capacity building to increase and improve social media strategies. | Capacity, Communications | 2014 | Pacific |
Blue Frontier Campaign | $15,000 | The Over The Horizon Project raises the profile of critical ocean conservation issues | Advocacy, Political Will | 2014 | Pacific |
One World One Ocean Foundation | $50,000 | The One World One Ocean Foundation uses the power of giant-screen films to educate the public and inspire people to take action to protect the world | Communications, Fisheries | 2014 | Pacific |
Resources Legacy Fund | $50,000 | Sustaining Californias Ocean (SCO) works to ensure that government and nonprofit organizations have the long-term capacity and funding to implement the MPA network through effective monitoring, compliance, and education and outreach. | Accountability, Advocacy, Capacity, Fisheries, Political Will | 2014 | Pacific |
Seafood Harvesters of America Education Fund | $50,000 | Educate decision makers on the importance of American, wild-caught sustainable seafood and the positive economic impact our commercial fisheries has to the nation. Engage and build support from stakeholders including commercial fishermen, environmentalists, sport fishermen and retailers/restaurants on the importance of sustainable fisheries. | Fisheries | 2014 | Pacific |
Albert C Pollard, Jr. | $10,000 | Executive coaching for non-profit leader | Capacity | 2014 | Pacific |
As You Sow | $10,000 | For shareholder advocacy to increase corporate responsibility on a broad range of environmental and social issues | Accountability, Advocacy, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Friends of the Upper Delaware River | $15,000 | FUDR works to protect, preserve and enhance the ecosystem and cold-water fishery of the Upper Delaware River System. They are a community leader in water-release issues, restoration projects, and educating the public on unsafe drilling practices. | Advocacy, Fisheries, Land Use, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Glynwood Center Inc. | $5,000 | Glynwood | Advocacy, Agriculture, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies | 2014 | Pacific |
Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center | $5,000 | KS Wild's Rogue Riverkeeper Program works to improve Rogue River water quality and quantity, primarily through the enforcement of the Clean Water Act. | Accountability, Advocacy, Capacity, Fisheries, Keepers, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
LightHawk, Inc. | $10,000 | To assist with implementation of the new strategic plan | Capacity | 2014 | Pacific |
Marine Applied Research & Exploration | $5,000 | Use of cost-effective and innovative deepwater robotic technology and data analysis expertise for science-based marine conservation. | Political Will | 2014 | Pacific |
Poor Peoples Radio Inc. | $20,000 | For support of local radio programming. | Communications | 2014 | Pacific |
River Network | $30,000 | The River Rescue Fund will provide River Network with the flexibility to deploy limited staff resources in a timely way in response to strategic opportunities | Advocacy, Capacity, Land Use, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Santa Barbara Channelkeeper | $20,000 | Channelkeeper monitors the health of marine habitats in the Santa Barbara Channel, including kelp forests, eelgrass meadows and Marine Protected Areas. | Accountability, Advocacy, Keepers, Land Use, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
SkyTruth | $30,000 | SkyTruth uses scientifically credible satellite images and other visual technologies to create compelling pictures that vividly illustrate environmental impacts and provides these pictures and supporting data to environmental advocates, the media, and the public | Accountability, Advocacy, Communications, Fisheries, Land Use, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Social & Environmental Entrepreneurs SEE Inc. | $24,000 | Adventurers and Scientists for Conservation collects and disseminates environmental data to provide our partners with the scientific leverage they can use to drive more informed decision making worldwide | Accountability, Advocacy, Communications, Non-traditional Allies | 2014 | Pacific |
Surfrider Foundation | $70,000 | Demonstrate the value of Ecosystem-Based Management paradigms to coastal and ocean management by promoting localized models based on the unique needs of Ventura, California; Port Orford and Florence/Yachats, Oregon; and the Outer Coast of Washington. | Accountability, Advocacy, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Surfrider Foundation | $90,000 | To support the leadership of new CEO Chad Nelsen. | Accountability, Advocacy, Capacity, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Trout Unlimited | $35,000 | The expansion phase for Water & Wine and other streamflow stewardship pilot projects in watersheds along California's coast. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Capacity, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Wholesome Wave Foundation Charitable Ventures Inc. | $30,000 | The Chef Action Network (CAN) is a non-profit organization that connects America's preeminent chefs to tools and resources that will help them create significant and lasting change | Advocacy, Agriculture, Communications, Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will | 2014 | Pacific |
WildAid Inc | $75,000 | Fund - A - Need | Accountability, Advocacy, Capacity, Communications, Fisheries, Political Will | 2014 | Pacific |
Green Fire Productions | $28,000 | Challenge Grant | Communications, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Water Quality | 2015 | Pacific |
Heyday | $15,000 | Heyday is an independent, nonprofit publisher and cultural institution whose mission is to deepen people's understanding of California culture, history, arts, and environment. | Communications | 2015 | Pacific |
Pomeroy Recreation and Rehabilitation Center | $5,000 | Pomeroy Recreation & Rehabilitation Center provides recreation, vocational and educational opportunities for people with disabilities through programs and services that encourage self-expression, promote personal achievement, and lead to greater independence. | N/A | 2014 | Pacific |
Resource Media | $34,000 | A leadership development initiative for coastal stewards on Washington | Accountability, Advocacy, Capacity, Communications, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2015 | Pacific |
Richard Randolph Olson | $25,000 | Training for scientists on effective narrative creation and improved communication. | Communications | 2015 | Pacific |
San Francisco Green Film Festival | $20,000 | The San Francisco Green Film Festival will present forward-thinking programs and discussions focused on positive solutions to today's environmental problems. The festival will include premieres of over 50 works from around the globe, as well as Q & A sessions, panel discussions, educational presentations, and special events. | Communications | 2015 | Pacific |
Sylvia Earle Alliance | $25,000 | The Sylvia Earle Alliances (SEA) purpose is to explore and care for the ocean. They seek to inspire a sea change in public awareness, access and support for marine protected areas. Founder Dr. Sylvia Earl seeks to ignite public support for a global network of marine protected areas, branded as Hope Spots. | Advocacy, Communications, Political Will | 2015 | Pacific |
The Exploratorium | $5,000 | The Exploratorium is an internationally renowned museum with a mission to create a culture of learning through innovative environments, programs, and tools that help people nurture their curiosity about the world around them. | N/A | 2015 | Pacific |
Carpe Diem West | $40,000 | Carpe Diem West addresses the impacts of climate change on water in the American West by recruiting forward-thinking leaders from different sectors to serve on working groups and teams that generate ideas for improving the laws, policies, and practices that govern how the West's scarce water is managed and allocated. | Accountability, Advocacy, Capacity, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will | 2015 | Pacific |
Golden Gate Salmon Association | $10,000 | The Golden Gate Salmon Association is a coalition of salmon advocates that aim to protect and restore California's salmon producing habitat in the Central Valley. | Accountability, Advocacy, Fisheries, Political Will, Water Quality | 2015 | Pacific |
Green Fire Productions | $25,000 | Ocean Frontiers is a documentary series about a new era in ocean stewardship and our opportunities to implement new approaches to ocean management including ecosystem-based management (EBM) and marine spatial planning (MSP). | Accountability, Advocacy, Communications, Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Water Quality | 2015 | Pacific |
Marine Conservation Institute | $50,000 | To identify, advocate for and protect important marine habitats in US waters and around the world | Advocacy, Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Water Quality | 2015 | Pacific |
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation | $20,000 | Event Sponsorship | Advocacy, Fisheries, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2015 | Pacific |
Sailors for the Sea Inc. | $10,000 | Sailors for the Sea educates and engages the boating community in the worldwide protection of the oceans | Advocacy, Communications, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2015 | Pacific |
Sportfishing Conservancy | $10,000 | A growing alliance of sport fishing, conservation and community groups, together focusing on the perception that sportfishing and conservation are compatible. | Accountability, Advocacy, Communications, Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will | 2015 | Pacific |
American Conservation Film Festival Inc. | $13,000 | Fulfillment of a challenge grant to encourage new major donors at the $1k level and above. | Communications | 2015 | Pacific |
$10,000 | For protection of coastlines and surf though a combination of protected areas, economics, and direct action. | Accountability, Advocacy, Communications, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2015 | Pacific | |
Waterkeeper Alliance Inc | $5,000 | For conference scholarships | N/A | 2015 | Pacific |
Center for Ecosystem Management and Restoration | $25,000 | The Napa River Salmon Recovery Project works to make grape growing compatible with steelhead and salmon needs. It brings together landowners, resource agency staff and conservation organizations to solve diminishing dry-season streamflow due to water diversion. | Advocacy, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2015 | Pacific |
Corporate Accountability International (Infact) | $25,000 | A public education and action program to protect the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) from bottled water waste. | Advocacy, Communications, Pollution, Water Quality | 2015 | Pacific |
Earth Echo International, Inc. | $85,000 | To develop a model for educational outreach around the Wendy Schmidt Ocean Health XPRIZE | Advocacy, Communications, Land Use, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2015 | Pacific |
National Audubon Society, Inc. | $20,000 | To protect prey, such as sardines, for seabirds, shorebirds and other marine wildlife on the west coast by participating in the completion of the Fishery Management Plan (FMP). | Advocacy, Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will | 2015 | Pacific |