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Location: Pacific | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
Total Results: 2669
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Name of Organization | Amount | Description | Keywords | Year | Office |
Organic Farming Research Foundation | $5,000 | Support immediate information needs of organic farmers while moving the public and policymakers toward greater investment in organic farming systems. | Agriculture | 2012 | Pacific |
Otter Project, Inc. | $25,000 | The Monterey Coastkeeper is engaged in a project to establish that irrigation districts are dischargers and must protect the public trust in accordance with the Clean Water Act. | Accountability, Agriculture, Keepers, Nutrients, Pollution | 2012 | Pacific |
Reef Check Foundation | $50,000 | Reef Check's California program educates, trains, and engages ocean users, especially recreational divers, to collect valid scientific data on nearshore ecosystems, providing vital information to improve management decisions. The program also serves to build stewardship for coastal resources by directly involving the public in marine management. | N/A | 2012 | Pacific |
Randy Olson | $25,000 | To develop a screenplay for Shark Bite Blues, a movie which highlights coral reef and sharkconservation issues | Communications, Fisheries | 2012 | Pacific |
River Network | $30,000 | The River Rescue Fund will provide River Network with the flexibility to deploy our limited staff resources in a timely way in response to strategic opportunities. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Capacity, Fisheries, Land Use, Nutrients, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
Sailors for the Sea Inc. | $5,000 | Sailors for the Sea's Rainy Day Kits connect a new generation of ocean stewards to the ecosystems beneath their keels through straightforward, engaging labs in ecology and environmental science | Communications | 2012 | Pacific |
Santa Monica Bay Restoration Foundation | $80,000 | Aerial monitoring of South Coast Marine Protected Areas | N/A | 2012 | Pacific |
 | $40,000 | For reduction of trash in San Francisco Bay, especially from plastic bags and polystyrene. | Accountability, Advocacy, Land Use, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
SkyTruth | $25,000 | Increase citizen engagement and build political pressure for stronger oversight of shale-gas drilling throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed by utilizing satellite and aerial imagery and digital map data. | Accountability, Land Use, Pollution, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
Southern Alliance for Clean Energy | $25,000 | To reduce the environmental footprint of major Southeastern utilities by encouraging them to retire inefficient, carbon-intensive coal-fired power plants throughout the region. | Accountability, Advocacy, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
Sportfishing Conservancy | $1,000 | A growing alliance of sport fishing, conservation and community groups, together focusing on the perception that sportfishing and conservation are compatible. | Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies | 2012 | Pacific |
Surfrider Foundation | $70,000 | Demonstrate the value of Ecosystem-Based Management paradigms to coastal and ocean management by promoting localized models based on the unique needs of Ventura, California; Port Orford and Florence/Yachats, Oregon; and the Outer Coast of Washington. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
Fishwise | $100,000 | FishWise offers a range of services that create trust between seafood vendors and their customers, enabling businesses to sell more sustainable seafood. | Fisheries | 2012 | Pacific |
Tides Center | $30,000 | The West Coast Ecosystem-Based Management Network is a partnership of six community-based initiatives focused on the successful implementation of ecosystem-based management (EBM). | Advocacy, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
University of Southern California | $65,000 | The Shifting Baselines Ocean Media Project consists maintaining several websites, producing short videos throughout the year, and conducting talks and workshops. | Communications | 2012 | Pacific |
American Conservation Film Festival Inc. | $35,000 | The Festival is held annually in Shepherdstown, WV to promote outstanding films that educate and inspire people to become engaged in conservation. Films address the intersection of people and the environment to stimulate new thinking and dialogue about conservation and the natural world. | Communications | 2013 | Pacific |
Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital | $10,000 | The Festival is the world's largest showcase for environmental films, where 160-180 films will be screened for over 30,000 attendees. Each year the Festival presents innovative films that engage a diverse audience with a sense of the drama, significance, and beauty of the environment and its central role in our lives, health, and future. | Communications | 2013 | Pacific |
Green Planet Films | $15,000 | The San Francisco Green Film Festival presents forward-thinking programs and discussions focused on positive solutions to today's environmental problems. The festival will include premieres of over 50 works from around the globe, as well as Q&A sessions, panel discussions, educational presentations, and special events. | Communications | 2013 | Pacific |
Heyday | $10,000 | A publishing house that focuses on deepening people's appreciation and understanding of California's natural resources. | Communications | 2013 | Pacific |
Organic Farming Research Foundation | $7,500 | Support immediate information needs of organic farmers while moving the public and policymakers toward greater investment in organic farming systems. | Agriculture, Political Will | 2013 | Pacific |
Reef Check Foundation | $60,000 | Reef Check's California program educates, trains, and engages ocean users, especially recreational divers, to collect valid scientific data on nearshore ecosystems, providing vital information to improve marine management decisions. The program also serves to build a constituency supportive of science-based management of coastal resources. | Accountability, Advocacy, Non-traditional Allies | 2013 | Pacific |
Sailors for the Sea Inc. | $5,000 | Sailors for the Sea's Rainy Day Kits connect a new generation of ocean stewards to the ecosystems beneath their keels through straightforward, engaging labs in ecology and environmental science | Fisheries, Pollution, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
SkyTruth | $25,000 | Skytruth develops tools to provide customized information about unconventional shale gas development; and demonstrating an open-source approach to aggregating and sharing the measurements and observations of surface water quality impacts from drilling activity recorded by the citizen scientist monitoring movement | Accountability, Advocacy, Communications, Land Use, Pollution, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
Sportfishing Conservancy | $10,000 | A growing alliance of sport fishing, conservation and community groups focusing on the perception that sportfishing and conservation are compatible. | Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies | 2013 | Pacific |
Sustainable Fishery Advocates | $80,000 | FishWise offers a range of services that create trust between seafood vendors and their customers, enabling businesses to sell more sustainable seafood. | Fisheries | 2013 | Pacific |
Make a Difference Media | $10,000 | BLUE is five days of education and action, including screenings of finalist films from our international film competition, a filmmaking industry conference, conservation seminars, ocean photography and art exhibits, and community educational outreach activities. | Communications | 2013 | Pacific |
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation | $5,000 | For Capitol Hill Oceans Week | Communications, Political Will | 2013 | Pacific |
Trace and Trust, Inc. | $50,000 | Expansion of a web-based network of fishermen, processors, distributors and restaurants that collaborate to allow consumers to enjoy their seafood with the knowledge of what kind of fish they are eating as well as when, where, how and by whom it was caught. | Fisheries | 2013 | Pacific |
California Coastkeeper | $75,000 | The Polluted Runoff Campaign aims to address the number one source of contamination to California waterways through focused outreach to local communities and businesses, robust monitoring and data collection, and advocacy for tough and effective stormwater regulations. | Advocacy, Capacity, Communications, Keepers, Land Use, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
Green Fire Productions | $50,000 | A documentary about opportunities to implement new approaches to ocean management including ecosystem-based management (EBM) and marine spatial planning (MSP) | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Communications, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
Russian Riverkeeper | $20,000 | Eliminate adverse impacts to salmon from gravel mining on the Russian River | Accountability, Agriculture, Fisheries, Keepers, Land Use, Pollution, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
Baykeeper | $60,000 | The only "on-the-water" monitoring and watchdog advocacy organization, working to improve the water quality and ecosystems of the San Francisco Bay-Delta watershed | Accountability, Advocacy, Baywide, Keepers, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
Heal the Bay | $20,000 | Advocate for protective water quality standards, regulations and policies in California, primarily Los Angeles County | Advocacy, Land Use, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
As You Sow | $20,000 | Through direct engagement with natural gas extraction companies, drive them to reduce the environmental and community impacts of their operations | Advocacy, Land Use, Pollution, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
Fractured Atlas | $10,000 | To raise awareness about the issue of ocean pollution, especially plastic | Communications, Pollution, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
Los Angeles Waterkeeper | $20,000 | The Water Quality Advocacy Program works on numerous projects that establish and enforce the limits on pollution necessary to protect the Los Angeles coastline and inland rivers | Advocacy, Keepers, Land Use, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
National Marine Mammal Foundation | $17,115 | On March 25, 2013, an unusual mortality event of California sea lion pups was declared in southernCalifornia. Most pups have been emaciated and dehydrated. The primary goal of this study is todetermine if food limitation explains, at least in part, the decline in sea lion pup weight on San MiguelIsland. | Fisheries | 2013 | Pacific |
NatureServe | $25,000 | The Network will work to increase awareness of tools and methods for climate change , EBM and marine spatial planning, as well as complete research on citizen science programs | Capacity, Communications | 2013 | Pacific |
Ocean River Institute Inc | $15,000 | To support the monitoring and enforcement of new marine protected areas on the California coast | N/A | 2013 | Pacific |
Sustainable Conservation | $30,000 | Sustainable Conservation partners with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, local Resource Conservation Districts, and regulatory agencies to design and implement county- and watershed-wide permit coordination programs that enable landowners to play vital role in protecting natural resources. The Partners in Restoration (PIR) Program simplifies the otherwise complex and costly permitting process landowners face when implementing voluntary restoration projects in and around waterways. | Capacity, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
Earth Echo International, Inc. | $35,000 | EarthEcho International is a leading environmental nonprofit committed to youth engagement, action, and leadership through education. EarthEcho helps young people everywhere understand the critical role we play in the future of the planet through the one thing that connects us all - water. | Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
Ecological Rights Foundation | $25,000 | Humboldt Baykeeper works to safeguard coastal resources for the health, enjoyment, and economic strength of the Humboldt Bay community through Outreach, Education, Policy and Advocacy. Specific campaigns include Humboldt Bay Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning, Sea Level Rise Planning, and Toxics Legacy work. | Advocacy, Keepers, Land Use, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
Environmental Action Committee of West Marin | $10,000 | For a national campaign to defend the designation of the Drakes Estero in the Point Reyes National Seashore as national marine wilderness | Advocacy, Agriculture, Communications, Land Use, Pollution, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
Gulf Restoration Network | $25,000 | The Gulf Future Campaign supports implementation of the various plans for Gulf-wide ecosystem restoration and coastal community resilience. | Accountability, Advocacy, Political Will | 2013 | Pacific |
Ocean Foundation | $50,000 | A series of events to bring together the community of ocean supporters to celebrate 10 years of success in advancing global ocean conservation | N/A | 2013 | Pacific |
Richard Randolph Olson | $25,000 | Workshops related to the book "CONNECTION: Hollywood Storytelling Meets Critical Thinking," and the accompanying app, "CONNECTION Storymaker" which is a tool you can use for shaping stories in the real world. | Communications | 2013 | Pacific |
Santa Barbara Channelkeeper | $20,000 | SBCK educates and lobbies decision-makers to strengthen and enforce existing laws or enact new ones when necessary to better protect our waterways, and educate and engage the public in devising and implementing solutions to water pollution problems | Accountability, Advocacy, Keepers, Land Use, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
The Nature Conservancy | $35,000 | Protection of the native forests of the Wainiha Valley and the Alakai Plateau on Kauai from the devastating damage caused by feral pigs and goats by developing, field testing and deploying new animal monitoring and control technologies | Pollution, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
Trout Unlimited | $40,000 | Expansion and implementation of streamflow stewardship through cooperative instream flow projects, water law and policy reform, and market-based efforts in anchor salmon and steelhead watersheds along Californias coast | Advocacy, Agriculture, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Pollution, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
Tuolumne River Preservation Trust | $80,000 | The Bay Area Water Stewardship Program seeks to revive the Tuolumne River by promoting water conservation and recycling, and ensuring the water we save flows down the River to the ocean for the benefit of fish and wildlife, water quality and recreation | Accountability, Advocacy, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
California Ocean Science Trust | $200,000 | The MPA Monitoring Enterprise program leads the development and implementation of impartial, cost-effective and relevant MPA monitoring of California's statewide MPA network | Accountability, Communications, Political Will | 2013 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $100,000 | EDF seeks to transform fisheries management by convening and facilitating a workgroup comprised of key recreational fishing leaders to design and implement fundamental management improvements for the recreational sector, such as better monitoring and accountability measures, and angler incentives | Accountability, Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies | 2013 | Pacific |
Friends of the Upper Delaware River | $15,000 | FUDR works to protect, preserve and enhance the ecosystem and cold-water fishery of the Upper Delaware River System | Advocacy, Land Use, Pollution, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
Golden Gate Salmon Association | $10,000 | To protect and restore the California salmon fishery by improving the freshwater habitat of California Central Valley salmon and the San Francisco Bay Delta estuary | Advocacy, Fisheries | 2013 | Pacific |
Interfaith Power & Light | $25,000 | The Regrant Program provides financial support for IPL state-based affiliates | Advocacy, Pollution, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
International League of Conservation Photographers | $10,000 | The International League of Conservation Photographers furthers environmental and cultural conservation through photography, primarily Conservation Photography Expeditions that connect conservation groups with their photographers | Communications | 2013 | Pacific |
Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation | $150,000 | Create and implement a multi-year plan that will propel the Aquarium to a position of leadership in using technology and digital media to achieve their mission and impact | Communications | 2013 | Pacific |
River Network | $30,000 | The River Rescue Fund will provide River Network with the flexibility to deploy our limited staff resources in a timely way in response to strategic opportunities | Advocacy, Agriculture, Land Use, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
Turtle Island Restoration Network | $30,000 | The Sustainable Pacific Fisheries and Oceans Program works to phase out or tightly regulate drift gillnet fisheries | Fisheries | 2013 | Pacific |
Island Conservation | $20,000 | This ongoing project to eradicate invasive mice from the Farallon Islands is moving into the implementation phase, including finalizing the Environmental Impact Statement and helping securing necessary permits with the USFWS. | N/A | 2013 | Pacific |
Otter Project, Inc. | $25,000 | The Monterey Coastkeeper is in settlement talks with the Monterey County Water Resources Agency (MCWRA) that may lead to establishing irrigation districts as dischargers. They also pursue actions against the State Water Quality Control Board (SWRCB) to strengthen provisions in the Ag Waiver for groundwater monitoring. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Keepers, Land Use, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
Surfrider Foundation | $70,000 | Demonstrate the value of Ecosystem-Based Management paradigms to coastal and ocean management by promoting localized models based on the unique needs of Ventura, California and the Pacific Coasts of Washington and Oregon | Advocacy, Capacity, Land Use, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
The Coral Reef Alliance | $100,000 | Develop solutions that incentivize hotels to reduce wastewater pollution and adopt more sustainable treatment practices along the West Maui coastline | Accountability, Advocacy, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Pollution, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
WildAid Inc | $40,000 | Raise awareness about the impact of the consumption of shark fin soup, and reduce consumption of shark fin in China and SE Asia by building public and political support for legal controls on the consumption of shark fin soup, culminating in a ban | Advocacy, Communications | 2013 | Pacific |
Community Initatives | $15,000 | The Biodiversity Program is building a vision, rationale, strategy and practice for inter-agency biodiversity management, planning, policy-making and eco-literacy | Baywide | 2013 | Pacific |
Resource Media | $34,000 | Resource Media will support a small coalition of conservation groups that are organizing around several policy planning processes (Shoreline Management Plans and Marine Spatial Planning) by developing a communications strategy, trainings and tools to help grow and bring the local conservation voice and vision to the fore in planning efforts at the local and state levels around coastal protection and conservation. | Communications | 2013 | Pacific |
Rural California Broadcasting Corp KRCB-TV Channel 22 | $25,000 | The Emmy-award winning Natural Heroes TV Series features independent films that share inspiring, extraordinary stories of everyday people making a positive difference for our world by working hands-on in their local environment. This year, they are also adding in-depth classroom projects that are appropriate for kindergarten through high school students, while meeting Common Core needs. | Communications | 2013 | Pacific |
Tides Foundation | $25,000 | A TV series and web/social event on climate change, featuring a diverse cast of celebrities and journalists who will span the globe telling human stories on the impacts of and solutions to global warming | N/A | 2013 | Pacific |
Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation | $17,000 | The Connection Storymaker Workshop brings the basic skills of storytelling from Hollywood to the world of strategic communication and provides tools that can be used for shaping stories in the real world | Communications | 2013 | Pacific |
Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center | $25,000 | KS Wild's Rogue Riverkeeper works to protect and restore several rivers and waterways in Oregon from a variety of threats, including suction dredge mining, LNG terminal development, pollution and agriculture | Advocacy, Agriculture, Fisheries, Keepers, Land Use, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
Smart Growth America | $10,000 | The Leadership Institute advises state and local officials on smart growth, transit, sustainability, and environmental policies and practices by providing technical assistance, workshops, and implementation tools | Land Use | 2013 | Pacific |
University of Southern California | $65,000 | The Shifting Baselines Ocean Media Project consists maintaining several websites, producing short videos throughout the year, and conducting talks and workshops | Communications | 2013 | Pacific |
Ocean Foundation | $100,000 | The Ocean Leadership Fund supports the diverse needs of the marine conservation community and key stakeholders to protect and restore healthy ocean resources around the world. | Advocacy, Communications, Fisheries, Political Will | 2013 | Pacific |
Resources Legacy Fund | $500,000 | Sustaining Californias Ocean (SCO) works to ensure that government and nonprofit organizations have the long-term capacity and funding to implement the MPA network through effective monitoring, compliance, and education and outreach | N/A | 2013 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $100,000 | The Central Valley Habitat Exchange (CVHE) is a mechanisim to direct public funding towards achieving quantifiable conservation outcomes | Accountability, Agriculture, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2013 | Pacific |
American Conservation Film Festival Inc. | $35,000 | The Festival is held annually in Shepherdstown, WV to promote outstanding films that educate and inspire people to become engaged in conservation. Films address the intersection of people and the environment to stimulate new thinking and dialogue about conservation and the natural world. | Communications, Political Will | 2014 | Pacific |
As You Sow | $20,000 | In the Chesapeake Bay, press companies to disclose the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing, eliminate chemicals that have the potential to poison water supplies, and find a way to "frack" safely or to discontinue the practice. | Advocacy, Capacity, Land Use, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Baltimore Tree Trust Inc | $10,000 | The Baltimore Tree Trust (BTT), plants and stewards trees in low canopy neighborhoods, engaging the community in tree canopy restoration and proper tree maintenance, conducting public education about the importance of trees in Baltimore, and advocating for the resources for the city so it can meet its urban tree canopy goal of 40% coverage of land mass by 2037. | Land Use, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Baykeeper | $80,000 | The only "on-the-water" monitoring and watchdog advocacy organization, working to improve the water quality and ecosystems of the San Francisco Bay-Delta watershed | Advocacy, Keepers, Land Use, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Blue Frontier Campaign | $15,000 | The Benchley Awards are the worlds preeminent ocean honors. Often referred to as the | N/A | 2014 | Pacific |
California Coastkeeper | $75,000 | The Polluted Runoff Campaign aims to address stormwater contamination in California through community and business outreach, monitoring and data collection, and advocacy for effective regulations. | Accountability, Advocacy, Communications, Keepers, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Carpe Diem West | $40,000 | Carpe Diem West is a broad-based knowledge-to-action network of water and energy decision makers, scientists, advocates and funders, focused on the complex and politically fraught | Accountability, Advocacy, Capacity, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Earth Echo International, Inc. | $35,000 | EarthEcho International is a leading environmental nonprofit committed to youth engagement, action, and leadership through education. EarthEcho helps young people everywhere understand the critical role we play in the future of the planet through the one thing that connects us all _ water. | Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
EarthJustice | $30,000 | Legal and advocacy work to challenge the growing number of plans to transport crude oil via rail on the West Coast | Advocacy, Communications, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $100,000 | The Central Valley Habitat Exchange (CVHE) is a mechanism to direct public funding towards achieving quantifiable conservation outcomes. | Agriculture, Land Use, Political Will, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Felidae Conservation Fund | $20,000 | To improve the state of global wild cat ecosystems through a fusion of research, education and online technologies to benefit humanity and drive meaningful change in the natural world | N/A | 2014 | Pacific |
Green Fire Productions | $25,000 | To increase understanding and support for marine spatial planning and ecosystem-based management, Green Fire will produce two new "Ocean Frontiers" stories that will help catalyze and solidify ocean planning in key regions of the country. These stories will be distributed regionally and nationally to help move regional ocean planning forward. | Advocacy, Communications, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Green Planet Films | $20,000 | The San Francisco Green Film Festival (SFGFF) is the Bay Areas leading festival for forward-thinking programs of films and discussions that explore the relationship between people and the planet. | Communications | 2014 | Pacific |
Gulf Restoration Network | $25,000 | GRN and the Gulf Future Coalition work to ensure that the RESTORE's Comprehensive Restoration Plan, NFWF projects and the Louisiana State Master Plan for a Sustainable Coast are focused on ecosystem restoration and resiliency. | Accountability, Advocacy, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Heyday | $10,000 | A publishing house that focuses on deepening people's appreciation and understanding of California's natural resources | Communications | 2014 | Pacific |
Interfaith Power & Light | $15,000 | IPL will place a Climate Corps Fellow to analyze the energy needs of the Grace Cathedral Close and make recommendations for improvement in efficiency and conservation of energy with the goal of preventing carbon pollution and saving money for the facilities. | Pollution | 2014 | Pacific |
Laguna Beach Community Foundation | $5,000 | The Laguna Beach Community Foundation strengthens the community by encouraging philanthropy. They provide expertise and resources to assist local charities, connect donor passions with nonprofit needs, and work with local professional advisors in assisting their clients in giving now and beyond their lifetimes with a legacy gift. The LBCF provides support to initiatives that include the environment, the arts, health and human services. | N/A | 2014 | Pacific |
Make a Difference Media | $10,000 | The BLUE Ocean Film Festival & Conservation Summit (BLUE) is a film festival and international convergence of filmmakers, photographers, scientists, policy makers and conservation advocates dedicated to ocean sustainability and environmental stewardship. | Communications | 2014 | Pacific |
Marine Conservation Institute | $25,000 | The Marine Conservation Institute is dedicated to securing permanent, strong protection for the oceans most important places. | Advocacy, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
Mt Adams Institute | $10,000 | To provide quality environmental science and human ecology programming to middle and high school students in the Pacific Northwest. | N/A | 2014 | Pacific |
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation | $15,000 | Capitol Hill Oceans Week | Advocacy, Capacity, Land Use, Political Will, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
NatureServe | $25,000 | To increase the capacity of coastal managers and planners in the West Coast EBM Network to deal with the consequences of climate change and sea level rise. | Capacity, Communications, Fisheries, Land Use, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |
New Venture Fund | $20,000 | The Fisheries Leadership & Sustainability Forum (Fisheries Forum) provides continuing education, networking support, and leadership development to federal fisheries managers, analysts, and decision-makers. | Capacity, Communications, Fisheries | 2014 | Pacific |
Oceana, Inc. | $50,000 | To establish and enact a California policy providing for ecosystem based management of forage species. | Advocacy, Fisheries, Political Will | 2014 | Pacific |
Ocean Alliance, Inc. | $25,000 | Analysis of whale samples attained on the Gulf of Mexico research expeditions to study the imp ace of both dispersants and crude oil | Accountability, Pollution, Water Quality | 2014 | Pacific |