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Location: Pacific | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
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Name of Organization | Amount | Description | Keywords | Year | Office |
Turtle Island Restoration Network | $30,000 | Use grassroots education and action, hands-on conservation and active use of the media to advocate for reduction or elimination of destructive fishing methods in order to reduce endangered animal bycatch. | Fisheries | 2009 | Pacific |
Turtle Island Restoration Network | $30,000 | TIRN uses grassroots education and action, hands-on conservation and active use of the media to protect the environment and endangered species. TIRN advocates for strengthening sustainable fishing along the US West Coast and Hawaii, working in particular to reduce or eliminate drift gillnet and longline fishing to reduce turtle bycatch and by advocating for changes in fishing gear and fisheries management policies. | Fisheries | 2010 | Pacific |
Turtle Island Restoration Network | $30,000 | TIRN uses grassroots education and action, hands-on conservation and active use of the media to protect the environment and endangered species. TIRN advocates for strengthening sustainable fishing along the US West Coast and Hawaii, working in particular to reduce or eliminate drift gillnet and longline fishing to reduce turtle bycatch and by advocating for changes in fishing gear and fisheries management policies. | Fisheries | 2011 | Pacific |
Turtle Island Restoration Network | $30,000 | TIRN uses grassroots education and action, hands-on conservation and active use of the media to advocate for reduction or elimination of destructive fishing methods in order to reduce bycatch of endangered turtles. | Fisheries | 2008 | Pacific |
University of Southern California | $120,000 | A year of support to enable Randy Olson to develop several projects, including Shifting Baseline Ocean Media Project and in his continuing exploration of the broad communication of science. | N/A | 2010 | Pacific |
Waterkeeper Northern California | $20,000 | Operational support for the only "on the water" monitoring and watchdog advocacy organization working on issues of public health and quality of life as they relate to water quality in the Bay-Delta Watershed. | N/A | 2004 | Pacific |
West Coast EBM Network | $20,000 | The Annual Meeting of six locally based Ecosystem Based Management initiatives in Washington, Oregon and California, which facilitates information transfer between network participants and outside experts on topics related to the implementation and advancement of EBM. | N/A | 2009 | Pacific |
West Coast EBM Network | $30,000 | Support the efforts of six West coast member organizations to implement Ecosystem Based Management. | N/A | 2010 | Pacific |
Western Rivers Conservancy | $40,000 | To facilitate land acquisition and work with landowners, conservation organizations and agencies to restore a majority of the Riverside Ranch property | N/A | 2007 | Pacific |
WildAid Inc | $50,000 | For a campaign to decrease the social value of consuming wildlife products, such as shark's fin, through a mass-media public awareness campaign that builds on China's focus on the Beijing 2008 Olympics. | N/A | 2007 | Pacific |
WildAid Inc | $50,000 | Using Chinese and international athletes as spokespeople, WildAid's Active Conservation Awareness program includes a mass-media public awareness campaign aimed at changing attitudes to wildlife consumption in China, and to stem demand for illegal or unsustainable wildlife products, with a special emphasis on the horrendous practice of shark-finning. | N/A | 2008 | Pacific |
WildAid Inc | $50,000 | Using Chinese and international athletes as spokespeople, WildAid's Active Conservation Awareness program includes a mass-media public awareness campaign aimed at changing attitudes to wildlife consumption in China, and to stem demand for illegal or unsustainable wildlife products, with a special emphasis on the horrendous practice of shark-finning. | N/A | 2009 | Pacific |
WildAid Inc | $50,000 | Using Chinese and international athletes as spokespeople, WildAid's Active Conservation Awareness program includes a mass-media public awareness campaign aimed at changing attitudes to wildlife consumption in China, and to stem demand for illegal or unsustainable wildlife products, with a special emphasis on the horrendous practice of shark-finning. | N/A | 2010 | Pacific |
WildAid Inc | $40,000 | Using Chinese and international athletes as spokespeople, WildAid's Active Conservation Awareness program includes a mass-media public awareness campaign aimed at changing attitudes to wildlife consumption in China, and to stem demand for illegal or unsustainable wildlife products, with a special emphasis on the horrendous practice of shark-finning. | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Wildcoast | $52,700 | Media and communication campaigns to advocate coastal and marine conservation initiatives among the California Latino population. | N/A | 2007 | Pacific |
Wildcoast | $30,000 | Media and communication campaigns to advocate coastal and marine conservation initiatives among the California Latino population. | N/A | 2009 | Pacific |
Marine Conservation Institute | $50,000 | Works to achieve additional protections for the Pacific Remote Island Marine National Monuments | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Trout Unlimited | $40,000 | This project is the second year of a three-year expansion phase for streamflow stewardship pilot projects in watersheds along California | Water Quality | 2011 | Pacific |
The Nature Conservancy | $75,000 | Protection of Kauai | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Sustainable Northwest | $15,000 | To begin implementation of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA) | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Sportfishing Conservancy | $10,000 | A growing alliance of sport fishing, conservation and community groups, together focusing on the perception that sportfishing and conservation are compatible | Fisheries | 2011 | Pacific |
Otter Project, Inc. | $25,000 | The Monterey Coastkeeper is engaged in a project to establish that irrigation districts are dischargers and must protect the public trust in accordance with the Clean Water Act. | Pollution, Water Quality | 2011 | Pacific |
Island Conservation | $20,000 | Restoring the ecosystem of the South Farallon Islands to protect native and threatened species by removing introduced house mice | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Marine Applied Research & Exploration | $50,000 | MARE will design, build and deploy a next generation marine observation system - a Rapid Assessment Tow Fish (RATFish) - with the goal of significantly decreasing the cost of collecting visual marine surveys in the 20-100meter zone, and thereby increasing both knowledge of deeper water coastal resources and the possibility of effective coastal marine resource management. | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Gulf Restoration Network | $25,000 | The GRN will work to expedite the creation of a federal implementation plan that utilizes a multi-faceted approach to Louisiana coastal wetlands restoration. GRN will work with effected communities to demonstrate the vision and benefits of a sustainable coastal ecosystem and use that vision to promote the necessary state and federal commitment to restoration. | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Sailors for the Sea Inc. | $5,000 | For production of a coffee table book about Around the Americas, a 13-month, 28,000 mile circumnavigation of the Americas to educate and inspire Americans to take action to protect the health of our oceans. | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Sportfishing Conservancy | $10,000 | A growing alliance of sport fishing, conservation and community groups, together focusing on the perception that sportfishing and conservation are compatible. | Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies | 2012 | Pacific |
Friends of the Earth | $20,000 | Protect marine life and coastal communities in California from vessel air pollution and poorly regulated sewage and wastewater discharges from cruise ships, cargo ships, oil tankers, and ferries. | Pollution, Water Quality | 2011 | Pacific |
Southern Alliance for Clean Energy | $25,000 | Outreach and advocacy to oppose two coal plants and increase energy efficiency in Georgia. | Advocacy, Pollution | 2011 | Pacific |
Save the Bay | $40,000 | For reduction of trash in San Francisco Bay, especially from plastic bags and polystyrene. | Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2011 | Pacific |
River Network | $30,000 | The River Rescue Fund will provide River Network with the flexibility to deploy our limited staff resources in a timely way in response to strategic opportunities. | Advocacy, Pollution, Water Quality | 2011 | Pacific |
National Parks Conservation Association | $20,000 | For work to encourage better management of the San Francisco Bay Area's Golden Gate National Recreation Area and Point Reyes National Seashore. | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Ocean Conservancy Inc | $30,000 | Ocean Conservancy educates decision-makers on the threat posed by GE fish to native salmon, support efforts at the federal level to prevent approval by the FDA and advance efforts to ensure additional ecological science is undertaken before GE fish are allowed into the nation's seafood supply. | Fisheries | 2011 | Pacific |
Tides Center | $30,000 | The West Coast Ecosystem-Based Management Network is a partnership of six community-based initiatives focused on the successful implementation of ecosystem-based management (EBM) along the coasts of Washington, Oregon and California. | Advocacy, Communications, Water Quality | 2011 | Pacific |
University of Southern California | $56,500 | A year of support to enable Randy Olson to develop several projects, including Shifting Baseline Ocean Media Project and in his continuing exploration of the broad communication of science. | Communications | 2011 | Pacific |
Ocean Conservancy Inc | $70,000 | Ocean Conservancy will advocate for the creation, implementation and monitoring of marine protected area (MPA) networks in California state waters through the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA). | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Surfrider Foundation | $70,000 | Demonstrate the value of Ecosystem-Based Management paradigms to coastal and ocean management by promoting localized models based on the unique needs of Ventura, California; Port Orford and Florence/Yachats, Oregon; and the Outer Coast of Washington. | Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2011 | Pacific |
California Coastkeeper | $75,000 | CCKA safeguards and helps to improve the long-term resiliency of California's coastal and marine ecosystems. | Advocacy, Capacity, Keepers, Water Quality | 2011 | Pacific |
Environmental Law Institute | $25,000 | The Environmental Law Institute (ELI), in partnership with The Ocean Foundation (TOF) and the Emmett Environmental Law and Policy Clinic at Harvard Law School (EELPC), works to ensure that federal laws and policies require aquaculture facilities to be created and operated in a responsible manner that does not harm the environment. | Fisheries | 2011 | Pacific |
Organic Farming Research Foundation | $5,000 | Support immediate information needs of organic farmers while moving the public and policymakers toward greater investment in organic farming systems. | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Ocean Foundation | $40,000 | The Ocean Leadership Fund supports the diverse needs of the marine conservation community and key stakeholders to protect and restore healthy ocean resources around the world. | Accountability, Advocacy, Capacity, Fisheries, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2011 | Pacific |
Island Conservation | $20,000 | Restoring the ecosystem of the South Farallon Islands to protect native and threatened species by removing introduced house mice. | N/A | 2012 | Pacific |
Seaweb | $60,000 | As the only international, nonprofit organization exclusively dedicated to using the science of communications to fundamentally shift the way people interact with the ocean, SeaWeb is uniquely positioned to serve as the "Public Relations" firm for the ocean. | Communications | 2011 | Pacific |
As You Sow | $21,930 | Through strategic shareholder activism, place internal and external pressure on companies to address critical issues related to water quality impacts of hydraulic fracturing (fracking). | Pollution, Water Quality | 2011 | Pacific |
Sustainable Conservation | $21,930 | The Partners in Restoration program simpifies the otherwise complex and costly permitting process landowners face when implementing voluntary riparian restoration projects in and around waterways. This grant is for the purpose of scaling up the PIR Program to a statewide level. | Land Use | 2011 | Pacific |
National Parks Conservation Association | $10,000 | For work related to California's Central Valley National Parks, including Yosemite. | Land Use, Pollution, Water Quality | 2011 | Pacific |
Santa Monica Bay Restoration Foundation | $82,000 | Aerial monitoring of South Coast Marine Protected Areas. | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Pelican Media | $10,000 | Pelican Dreams is a feature-length documentary about California brown pelicans, starring a young bird who stopped traffic by landing on the Golden Gate Bridge, and ranging up and down the U.S. Pacific coast with the migration, from the Channel Islands to the Columbia River. | Communications | 2012 | Pacific |
Trace and Trust, Inc. | $75,000 | Expansion of a web-based network of fishermen, processors, distributors and restaurants that collaborate to allow consumers to enjoy their seafood with the knowledge of what kind of fish they are eating as well as when, where, how and by whom it was caught. | Fisheries | 2012 | Pacific |
Green Planet Films | $10,000 | The San Francisco Green Film Festival will present forward-thinking programs and discussions focused on positive solutions to today's environmental problems. The festival will include premieres of over 50 works from around the globe, as well as Q&A sessions, panel discussions, educational presentations, and special events. | Communications | 2012 | Pacific |
Carpe Diem West | $40,000 | Carpe Diem West addresses the impacts of climate change on water in the American West by recruiting forward-thinking leaders from different sectors to serve on working groups and teams that generate ideas for improving the laws, policies, and practices that govern how the West's scarce water is managed and allocated. | N/A | 2012 | Pacific |
Carpe Diem West | $40,000 | Carpe Diem West addresses the impacts of climate change on water in the American West by recruiting forward-thinking leaders from different sectors to serve on working groups and teams that generate ideas for improving the laws, policies, and practices that govern how the West's scarce water is managed and allocated | N/A | 2012 | Pacific |
Blue Ridge Press - Craftworks at Cool Spring (Fiscal Sponsor) | $5,000 | In The New Climate of Hope series, respected Christian writers have been commissioned to write environmental topics from an evangelical perspective. | Communications | 2012 | Pacific |
Appalachian Mountain Advocates Inc. | $25,000 | Advocate for an end to mountaintop removal coal, work to lessen its overwhelming impacts on communities and the environment, and force the coal industry to internalize their environmental costs. | Advocacy, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
As You Sow | $20,000 | In the Chesapeake Bay, press companies to disclose the chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing, eliminate chemicals that have the potential to poison water supplies, and find a way to "frack" safely or to discontinue the practice. | Accountability, Pollution, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
Baykeeper | $60,000 | The only "on the water" monitoring and watchdog advocacy organization working on improving the water quality and ecosystems of the San Francisco Bay-Delta watershed. | Advocacy, Keepers, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
Earth Echo International, Inc. | $35,000 | EarthEcho International's Water Planet Challenge is a national call-to-action that engages middle and high school youth to bring about global change by taking action in their communities. The Challenge will help youth to restore and protect our water planet by providing the tools and resources they need to create their own service-learning projects. | Communications, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
EarthJustice | $20,000 | Earthjustice works to secure national regulations covering coal ash disposal in surface impoundments, landfills, and mines; safeguard drinking water, aquatic habitats, wetlands, and air quality; and we pursue litigation and advocacy aimed at forcing the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), the nation's largest public utility, to clean up its vast coal ash dumps and high hazard dams and ultimately solve its pollution problems by shuttering its exceptionally old fleet of coal-fired power plants. | Pollution, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
Ecological Rights Foundation | $25,000 | To safeguard coastal resources of the Humboldt Bay through education, scientific research, and enforcement of laws to fight pollution | Advocacy, Keepers, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $100,000 | Works to ensure that all coral reef animals imported into the U.S. are collected and transported in a demonstrably sustainable and humane way, thereby reducing the ecological footprint of trade in coral ornamental species by at least 50% by 2015. | Advocacy, Fisheries, Political Will | 2012 | Pacific |
Green Fire Productions | $50,000 | A documentary to build public and policy support for ecosystem-based management of ocean and coastal resources, outlining the ways it is already being implemented at local, state, and coast-wide levels. | Communications | 2012 | Pacific |
Heal the Bay | $20,000 | For advocacy efforts to strengthen water-quality standards, regulations and policy throughout California. | Advocacy, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
Kentucky Coalition, Inc. | $25,000 | The Canary Project works to win full and fair enforcement of coal mining laws, especially mountaintop removal. The New Energy and Transition Project is an emerging initiative that works toward economic transition and sustainable energy in Kentucky. | Advocacy, Pollution, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation | $150,000 | The Center for the Future of the Oceans aims to inspire action for conservation of the oceans. Through the Center, they aim to empower individuals, influence policy and contribute to the protection of the oceans. | Fisheries | 2012 | Pacific |
NatureServe | $25,000 | Promote the appropriate use of scientifically robust tools and methods to build capacity of coastal decision makers to implement their ecosystem-based conservation and community goals. | N/A | 2012 | Pacific |
Ocean Alliance, Inc. | $25,000 | To support the technology infrastructure and staffing to develop and implement public educational programming and outreach about the what chronic exposure to toxicants, as a result of the Gulf Oil spill and cleanup efforts, can mean to wildlife. | Advocacy, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
Rural California Broadcasting Corp KRCB-TV Channel 22 | $25,000 | The Emmy-award winning Natural Heroes TV Series features independent films that share inspiring, extraordinary stories of everyday people making a positive difference for our world by working hands-on in their local environment. | N/A | 2012 | Pacific |
Russian Riverkeeper | $20,000 | Legally challenge a gravel mining permit in order to protect water quality and endangered wild salmon and steelhead in the Russian River Watershed. | N/A | 2012 | Pacific |
Santa Monica Baykeeper | $25,000 | The Advocacy Program focuses on healthy marine habitats, sustainable fisheries, improving water quality, and clean beaches in Los Angeles waterways. | Advocacy, Fisheries, Keepers, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
Seaweb | $15,000 | The Marine Photobank is the leading resource of images focused on promoting a healthy ocean. Contributors include professional and amateur photographers, researchers, educators, activists, government staff and the general public. | N/A | 2012 | Pacific |
Sierra Club Foundation | $25,000 | The Beyond Coal Campaign focuses on protecting water quality, air quality, and human health from the ill effects of coal mining and coal-fired power plants, and slowing the effects of climate change by reducing CO2 emissions from coal plants. | Advocacy, Pollution, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
Sustainable Conservation | $50,000 | Scaling up the Partners in Restoration (PIR) Program to a statewide level. PIR simplifies the otherwise complex and costly permitting process landowners face when implementing voluntary restoration projects in and around waterways. | Agriculture, Land Use, Pollution | 2012 | Pacific |
Pew Charitable Trusts | $40,000 | The Our Ocean coalition advances ecosystem-based management of Oregon_s marine environment, beginning with a foundation of scientifically defensible marine reserves and marine protected areas | Fisheries | 2012 | Pacific |
Tides Center | $50,000 | COMPASS is dedicated to helping ocean scientists connect themselves and their science to the wider world. By giving scientists the communication tools they need, and by bridging the worlds of science, journalism and policy, COMPASS works to ensure that ocean science is better understood and used by society. | Communications | 2012 | Pacific |
Tuolumne River Preservation Trust | $80,000 | The Bay Area Water Stewardship Program seeks to revive the Tuolumne by promoting water conservation and then ensuring the water we save flows down the river to the ocean to benefit fish, wildlife, water quality and recreation. | Advocacy, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
Turtle Island Restoration Network | $30,000 | TIRN uses grassroots education and action, hands-on conservation and active use of the media to protect the environment and endangered species. TIRN advocates for strengthening sustainable fishing along the US West Coast and Hawaii, working in particular to reduce or eliminate drift gillnet and longline fishing to reduce turtle bycatch and by advocating for changes in fishing gear and fisheries management policies. | Advocacy, Fisheries | 2012 | Pacific |
WildAid Inc | $40,000 | Using Chinese and international athletes as spokespeople, the Active Conservation Awareness program includes a mass-media public awareness campaign aimed at changing attitudes to wildlife consumption in China, and to stem demand for illegal or unsustainable wildlife products, with a special emphasis on the horrendous practice of shark-finning. | N/A | 2012 | Pacific |
Resources Legacy Fund Foundation | $500,000 | Sustaining Californias Ocean is a five-year effort to ensure effective implementation of Californias MPA network, improve ocean governance, and secure public funding for ocean conservation | N/A | 2012 | Pacific |
California Ocean Science Trust | $200,000 | The MPA Monitoring Enterprise leads the development and implementation of impartial, cost-effective and relevant MPA monitoring of the emerging statewide MPA network | N/A | 2012 | Pacific |
Marine Conservation Institute | $50,000 | To help shape and advocate for a suite of federal management and enforcement measures that would adequately protect marine national monuments in the Pacific against vessel-based threats | Political Will, Pollution | 2012 | Pacific |
The Nature Conservancy | $75,000 | Protection of Kauais native forests from the devastating damage caused by feral pigs and goats | N/A | 2012 | Pacific |
Santa Barbara Channelkeeper | $12,000 | SBCK educates and lobbies decision-makers to strengthen and enforce existing laws or enact new ones to better protect waterways, and educates and engages the public in devising and implementing solutions to local water pollution problems | Accountability, Advocacy, Keepers, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
Trout Unlimited | $40,000 | Expansion and implementation of streamflow stewardship pilot projects in watersheds along Californias coast | Advocacy, Agriculture, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Pollution, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
Gulf Restoration Network | $25,000 | For implementation of plans for Gulf-wide ecosystem restoration and coastal community resilience | Accountability, Advocacy, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
WildAid Inc | $10,000 | The Global Marine Protected Areas Enforcement Conference helps to disseminate best practices and strengthen MPA law enforcement for marine reserves, no-take zones and protected areas around the world | N/A | 2012 | Pacific |
American Conservation Film Festival Inc. | $35,000 | General support for the Festival in Shepherdstown, WV to promote outstanding films that educate and inspire people to become engaged in conservation. Films address the intersection of people and the environment to stimulate new thinking and dialogue about conservation and the natural world. | Communications | 2012 | Pacific |
Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital | $10,000 | The Festival is the world's largest showcase for environmental films, where 160-180 films will be screened for over 30,000 attendees. Each year the Festival presents innovative films that engage a diverse audience with a sense of the drama, significance, and beauty of the environment and its central role in our lives, health, and future. | Communications | 2012 | Pacific |
Heyday | $10,000 | A publishing house that focuses on deepening people's appreciation and understanding of California's natural resources. | Communications | 2012 | Pacific |
Kentucky Coalition, Inc. | $25,000 | General Operating Support | Advocacy, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center | $25,000 | KS Wild's Rogue Riverkeeper works to protect and restore several rivers and waterways in Oregon from a variety of threats, including suction dredge mining, LNG terminal development, pollution and agriculture | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Keepers, Land Use, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
Make a Difference Media | $10,000 | The BLUE Ocean Film Festival & Conservation Event's (BLUE) is a weeklong multi-disciplined event. BLUEs mission is to utilize the power of film and visual media to raise awareness, increase ocean literacy and help protect the ocean and the life within. | Communications | 2012 | Pacific |
Marine Applied Research & Exploration | $50,000 | MARE will design, build and deploy a next generation marine observation system - a Benthic Assessment Tow Fish (BATFish) - with the goal of significantly decreasing the cost of collecting visual marine surveys in the 20-100meter zone, and thereby increasing both knowledge of deeper water coastal resources and the possibility of effective coastal marine resource management. | N/A | 2012 | Pacific |
Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation | $50,000 | To inspire conservation of the oceans by providing a superlative visitor experience and encouraging action on behalf of ocean conservation | Communications | 2012 | Pacific |
Ocean Conservancy Inc | $100,000 | To advance the ecosystem protection goals of the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) and Marine Life Management Act (MLMA). | Communications, Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Water Quality | 2012 | Pacific |
Ocean Foundation | $1,000 | To understand the acoustical impacts of deepwater offshore exploration and operations of the fossil fuel industry. | Pollution | 2012 | Pacific |
Ocean Foundation | $15,000 | LiVBLUE seeks to reach beyond the current ocean conservation community to involve new networks of people in the efforts of the ocean conservation movement using new tools and techniques | Communications | 2012 | Pacific |
Ocean Foundation | $100,000 | The Ocean Leadership Fund supports the diverse needs of the marine conservation community and key stakeholders to protect and restore healthy ocean resources around the world. | Accountability, Capacity, Communications, Fisheries, Political Will, Pollution | 2012 | Pacific |
Ocean Foundation | $10,000 | To understand the acoustical impacts of deepwater offshore exploration and operations of the fossil fuel industry. | Pollution | 2012 | Pacific |
Ocean River Institute Inc | $15,000 | Through air tours along the California Coast, Ocean Air provides impactful in-flight experiences that encourage greater conservation action. | N/A | 2012 | Pacific |
Oceana, Inc. | $50,000 | To establish and enact a California policy providing for ecosystem based management of forage species. | Fisheries | 2012 | Pacific |