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Location: Pacific | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
Total Results: 2669
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Name of Organization | Amount | Description | Keywords | Year | Office |
Max and Marion Caldwell Foundation | $3,500 | The Max and Marion Caldwell Foundation camperships are a cooperative effort between the Foundation, Camps Kennolyn and Gold Arrow, and the camper’s family so that campers who might not have the resources to attend can apply for financial support to do so. | N/A | 2021 | Pacific |
Ocean Discovery Institute | $10,000 | ODI empowers young people from a low-income, racially and ethnically diverse, urban community in San Diego to become first-generation college graduates, diversify the science and environmental workforce, and break the cycle of generational poverty. | Youth | 2021 | Pacific |
Ventura County Community Foundation | $5,000 | Since 2018, 805 UndocuFund has raised millions of dollars in direct aid to undocumented victims of natural disasters, including COVID, in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. As natural disasters continue to increase in both frequency and intensity, the previous model of reliance on volunteers and limited-term fundraising is no longer adequate. After discussions with our collaborative partners VCCF has volunteered to raise funds to establish 805 UndocuFund as an independent, sustainable 501(c)3. | Capacity | 2021 | Pacific |
South Yuba River Citizens League | $2,109 | Technology Deep Dive - Assessment | Capacity | 2021 | Pacific |
Social & Environmental Entrepreneurs SEE Inc. | $1,000 | Support for Central Valley Air Quality Coalition | N/A | 2021 | Pacific |
Occidental Arts and Ecology Center | $70,000 | Support for project to apply beaver restoration planning tool to analyze high priority locations in California where beaver reintroduction may advance watershed health. | Agriculture, Capacity, Equity, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
Coastal Quest | $75,000 | Limited understanding of post-fire impacts on water quality and infrastructure have resulted in uncoordinated management and regulation. Coastal Quest proposes to bring together local, state, and federal stakeholders to convene a “Fire Impact on Coastal Water Quality Collaborative” to establish post-fire monitoring protocols that demonstrate how to coordinate and implement watershed scale monitoring of fire impacts after an event, where science informs policy and regulation in California and beyond. | Accountability, Capacity, Land Use, Political Will, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
Coastal Quest | $25,000 | General Support to aid Coastal Quest in its mission of creating lasting solutions to protect, sustain, reduce threats to, and enhance the natural and cultural heritage of our coastal environments for present and future generations. | Capacity, Fisheries, Political Will, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
Global Conservation | $50,000 | Marine Protected Areas Monitoring Technology and Coordination | Accountability, Advocacy, Enforcement, Fisheries, Keepers, Marine Protected Areas | 2021 | Pacific |
Hippodrome Foundation Inc | $100,000 | Support for the M&T Bank Pavilion Renovation | N/A | 2021 | Pacific |
International Child Art Foundation | $2,500 | ICAF seeks to seed children's imagination, cultivate their creativity, and grow mutual empathy through the arts for a more prosperous, sustainable, and peaceful future. | Youth | 2021 | Pacific |
Sonoma RCD | $23,530 | Technology Capacity Building - Strategy Formation | Capacity | 2021 | Pacific |
California State Wildlife Foundation | $5,000 | As a fiscal sponsor for Climate Science Alliance, support for 2022 Southwestern Tribal Climate Change Summit. | Capacity, Communications, Equity, Land Use, Outreach | 2021 | Pacific |
Amalgamated Foundation | $15,000 | As a fiscal sponsor for Association of Ramaytush Ohlone, support for restoration of San Gregorio Creek. | Agriculture, Capacity, Equity, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
Community Alliance With Family Farmers Foundation | $35,000 | Support for general operation of Community Alliance with Family Farmers. | Agriculture, Capacity, Equity, Land Use, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
California Association of Resource Conservation Districts | $65,000 | Support for California Association of Resources Conservation Districts to build and coordinate a network of RCDs to engage with agencies and landowners regarding cannabis cultivation. | Capacity, Comprehensive Plans, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach, Pollution, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
Sacramento Valley Conservancy | $100,000 | Support for efforts to restore river and floodplain functions in the lower Cosumnes watershed. | Capacity, Comprehensive Plans, Land Use, Outreach, Stormwater | 2021 | Pacific |
Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County | $55,000 | Support for watershed coordination and cannabis program within Santa Cruz County. | Agriculture, Land Use, Outreach, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
Tides Foundation | $100,000 | As fiscal sponsor for Community Governance Partnership, support for implementation of the Cannabis Removal on Public Lands Project. | Capacity, Non-traditional Allies, Pollution, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
Earth Island Institute | $1,000 | Brower Youth Awards | Communications, Diverse Partnerships | 2021 | Pacific |
Russian Riverkeeper | $5,000 | Support for the Russian Riverkeeper's DEIJ Enrichment Series | Capacity | 2021 | Pacific |
First Fruits Farm Inc | $100,000 | The Farm intends to build a new packaging and distribution facility to meet the needs of their distribution partners while also helping to ensure our we meet the goals of their strategic plan. The Farm is working with a team of industry professionals on the design and construction of this building. This facility will include space for a production line, large open and enclosed storage areas with refrigeration, bays for loading trucks, office space, volunteer and staff break areas, and restrooms. | Agriculture, Civic Engagement, Diverse Partnerships | 2021 | Pacific |
Resources Legacy Fund | $800,000 | The Land-Sea Connection (LSC) program will advance the long-term health and resilience of California watersheds. Through LSC, Resources Legacy Fund (RLF) will promote more effective policies and programs, support high-value on-the-ground conservation efforts, and advance investments of public funds in effective and more equitable ways. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Capacity, Keepers, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
Tandem Partners in Early Learning | $5,000 | Tandem partners with school districts, early childhood education agencies, and community-based organizations to offer programming that meets community priorities. Tandem's culturally responsive, multilingual programming includes: (a) direct service to families through school-to-home book sharing, book read alouds, and workshops for families; (b) professional development for educators and family support professionals; and (c) capacity-building for partner organizations around family engagement. | Civic Engagement, Communications | 2021 | Pacific |
Tech Impact | $2,400 | To cover the costs of our grantees to attend the Social Media Toolkit course. | Capacity | 2021 | Pacific |
TomKat Ranch Educational Foundation | $50,000 | TomKat Ranch identifies networks of small and diverse farmers and pays a wholesale price for their produce, which is then distributed for free to high-need local communities. The networks that are created through these efforts strengthen local community partnerships in the agricultural space, helping small businesses (farms) stay afloat in the face of crippled markets, promoting better health and dietary habits, and facilitating local agricultural economic development. | Agriculture, Civic Engagement, Communications, Diverse Partnerships, Outreach | 2021 | Pacific |
Heal the Bay | $25,000 | Support for multi-benefit McKinley Park project in parks-poor Los Angeles community. | Advocacy, Comprehensive Plans, Equity, Land Use, Stormwater | 2021 | Pacific |
Sonoma RCD | $30,000 | Support for rural stormwater management in the upper Russian River watershed. | Agriculture, Land Use, Outreach, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
Western Rivers Conservancy | $75,000 | Support for planning for watershed restoration in Blue Creek, a tributary of the Klamath River. | Comprehensive Plans, Equity, Fisheries, Land Use, Pollution, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
National Center for Appropriate Technology | $5,000 | Support for the 2021 Latino Farmer Conference to build capacity of California's Latino farming communities. | Agriculture, Capacity, Communications, Equity, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach | 2021 | Pacific |
Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District | $40,000 | Support for sustainable land management initiatives that improve the water quality of the lower Russian River watershed. | Agriculture, Land Use, Outreach, Pollution, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
South Yuba River Citizens League | $62,500 | Support for work to advance environmentally friendly cannabis cultivation practices in Nevada County. | Advocacy, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
Los Angeles Waterkeeper | $87,500 | Support for general operations of Los Angeles Waterkeeper. | Accountability, Civic Engagement, Keepers, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
San Diego Coastkeeper | $100,000 | Support for comprehensive tracking and advocacy related to a range of issues impacting the San Diego Bay watersheds. | Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Keepers, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
Tuolumne River Preservation Trust | $80,000 | Support for general operations of Tuolumne River Trust. | Advocacy, Baywide, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
Save the Bay | $25,000 | Support for general operation of Save the Bay for activities to improve the health of San Francisco Bay. | Advocacy, Baywide, Civic Engagement, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
Environmental Action Committee of West Marin | $25,000 | Support for efforts to promote collaborative best management efforts around ranching in West Marin. | Agriculture, Comprehensive Plans, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Pollution, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
Sustainable Conservation | $100,000 | Support for general operations of Sustainable Conservation. | Agriculture, Capacity, Land Use, Nutrients, Pollution, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
Trout Unlimited | $90,000 | Support for improving streamflow and reducing the impacts of cannabis in several coastal watersheds in California. | Advocacy, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
California Trout | $90,000 | Support for the headwaters-to-sea approach to improve the health of the Eel River and its watershed. | Advocacy, Comprehensive Plans, Outreach, Political Will, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
The Sierra Fund | $45,000 | Support for strategy to reduce mercury discharge from legacy mines and related efforts to improve ecosystem resiliency in the Sierra Nevada region. | Advocacy, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Pollution, Water Quality | 2022 | Pacific |
Agriculture and Land-Based Training Association | $40,000 | Support for sustainable and organic-based farmer education course for aspiring disadvantaged farmers. | Agriculture, Capacity, Equity, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach | 2022 | Pacific |
Santa Barbara Channelkeeper | $50,000 | Support for general operations of Santa Barbara Channelkeeper. | Advocacy, Keepers, Outreach, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2022 | Pacific |
San Diego Canyonlands | $15,000 | Support for habitat enhancement, restoration, and streambed rehabilitation of the Mission Hills Canyon in San Diego. | Land Use, Pollution, Stormwater | 2022 | Pacific |
Smith River Alliance, Inc. | $50,000 | Support for watershed improvement efforts in the Smith River. | Agriculture, Land Use, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2022 | Pacific |
California FarmLink | $45,000 | Support for outreach, education, and financing to farmers and landowners, particularly those that are disadvantaged, for adoption and implementation of conservation practices. | Agriculture, Capacity, Equity, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Outreach, Water Quality | 2022 | Pacific |
Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc | $500,000 | To improve water quality in the Chesapeake Bay | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Baywide, Capacity, Civic Engagement, Communications, Comprehensive Plans, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
Maryland Food Bank | $200 | The Food Bank feeds people, strengthens communities and ends hunger for more Marylanders. | N/A | 2021 | Pacific |
Center for Independent Documentary, Inc. | $50,000 | The Secret Song is an immersive view into the final chapter in Doug Goodkin’s 45-year career teaching music to children in San Francisco. In what could have been a celebratory victory lap, the veteran teacher finds his efforts to instill a sense of belonging interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. When their classrooms are shuttered, Goodkin and his students must surmount new adversities and find a way to keep the music playing and the learning going. | N/A | 2021 | Pacific |
California League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | $50,000 | To support the Emerging Leaders Fellowship Program, a pilot for young, primarily BIPOC climate advocates focused on democracy and environmental action. Young adults engaged will participate in a cohort-based, year-long program to develop and foster environmental leadership and organizing skills that will train and empower the next generation of water equity and climate leaders. The Fellowship will advance transformative organizing, build power, and create long-term transformation in marginalized, rural communities. | Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Outreach, Political Will | 2021 | Pacific |
Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District | $5,000 | Funding for DEIJ training for Gold Ridge, Sonoma, and Marin RCDs, focused on building intrapersonal and interpersonal skills, developing internal organizational capacity support to effectively address DEIJ issues, and how to best represent and address the needs of the community, with regards to DEIJ issues. | Capacity | 2021 | Pacific |
Pacific Institute | $5,000 | Funding for anti-oppression and anti-bias training to develop a shared language around oppression, identify areas of transformation around oppression, identify viable and executable solutions, and adopt solid tools for disrupting oppression. | Capacity | 2021 | Pacific |
HairToStay | $1,000 | General Support for HairToStay, an organization that helps subsidize the expense of scalp cooling for low income cancer patients and answer their questions about the proper use, best hair care protocols, and qualified scalp cooling providers in their area. | N/A | 2021 | Pacific |
Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation | $25,000 | SCCF (the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation) uses scientific data to make weekly recommendations to federal, state and local water managers about the timing and delivery of freshwater to the Caloosahatchee Estuary. | Accountability, Advocacy, Enforcement, Outreach, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
Tides Center | $150,000 | Mosaic is a national initiative to amplify the power of the environmental field—the people and organizations that devote some portion of their efforts in pursuit of environmental protection and healthy and just communities—by bolstering the critical infrastructure all movements need to succeed. | Capacity | 2021 | Pacific |
Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center | $25,000 | Rogue Riverkeeper works to protect and restore clean water and native fish through four program areas: 1) Clean Water, 2) Wild Rivers, 3) Community Engagement, and 4) Organizational Development. | Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Fisheries, Keepers, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
South Yuba River Citizens League | $9,600 | Technology Deep Dive - Nimbus | Capacity | 2021 | Pacific |
Food System 6 Accelerator, Inc. | $15,000 | Food System 6 runs a dynamic 16-week accelerator tailored to support a national cohort of frontline innovators that are facing the complexity of building, testing and scaling place-based solutions that usher in a just and regenerative food system. | Agriculture, Capacity, Diverse Partnerships, Equity | 2021 | Pacific |
WildAid Inc | $10,000 | Fund-A-Need | Accountability, Advocacy, Capacity, Communications, Fisheries, Political Will | 2021 | Pacific |
Community Music Center | $1,000 | The Community Music Center in San Francisco makes high quality music accessible to people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities, regardless of financial means. Classes are offered on a sliding scale and some are completely tuition-free. | Youth | 2021 | Pacific |
Orange County Coastkeeper | $65,000 | Support for general operations of Orange County Coastkeeper. | Advocacy, Comprehensive Plans, Keepers, Nutrients, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2022 | Pacific |
Earth Island Institute | $2,645 | California I CAN Cultural Fellowship Program | Diverse Partnerships, Outreach | 2021 | Pacific |
Community Music Center | $1,050 | The Community Music Center in San Francisco makes high quality music accessible to people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities, regardless of financial means. Classes are offered on a sliding scale and some are completely tuition-free. | Youth | 2021 | Pacific |
Tech Impact | $750 | To cover the costs of our grantees to attend the Cybersecurity Essentials for Nonprofits course. | Capacity | 2021 | Pacific |
Tech Impact | $1,650 | To cover the costs for our grantees to take the Nonprofit Data: Beyond the Basics course | Capacity | 2021 | Pacific |
The Water Foundation | $100,000 | Funding to refine tools and demonstration projects to ensure the full and fair implementation of California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), and also to share stories of the positive impact from sustainable groundwater management and the risks of poor implementation of SGMA; support policies and agency efforts that advance SGMA, and cultivate political champions. | Accountability, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
The Water Foundation | $250,000 | To ensure that California’s Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund is implemented effectively and equitably, with a focus on the low-income water program and efficient and equitable implementation of safe drinking water projects, and to build a representative and responsive drinking water governance. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Capacity, Civic Engagement, Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Land Use, Nutrients, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution | 2021 | Pacific |
Community Alliance With Family Farmers Foundation | $25,000 | This project will strengthen CAFF’s capacity to support Latinx farmers by hiring a new Latinx Farmer Engagement Director. This position will be responsible for working across the organization and with external partners to identify and strengthen CAFF programs, systems and structures to serve the needs of Spanish-speaking farmers so that our services meet their needs and our programs and policies are developed with their leadership and acknowledge cultural differences. | Capacity, Communications, Diverse Partnerships, Outreach | 2021 | Pacific |
First Nations Development Institute | $10,000 | The California Tribal Fund will continue to build public awareness of and support for Indigenous natural resource management practices. These practices set the standard for sustainable ecological stewardship, presenting methods to mitigate degradations of waterways, ecosystems, and agricultural resources, and to reduce risks of megafires. This support will be tied to the Fund’s next three cycle of grantmaking, technical assistance, and outreach efforts. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Capacity, Civic Engagement, Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Land Use, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
San Francisco Botanical Garden Society at Strybing Arboretum | $25,000 | General operating support to help fund the Garden’s core programs which include: lifelong learning, volunteer and community engagement, curatorial and living collections management, interpretive and horticultural library services, and visitor experience. Together, these programs typically engage more than 400,000 annual visitors, 13,000 children, and 1,900 volunteers to deepen people’s understanding and appreciation of plants and their vital role to life on Earth. | Communications, Outreach | 2021 | Pacific |
San Francisco Botanical Garden Society at Strybing Arboretum | $50,000 | Flower Piano is a musical event and exhibition that provides open access to music and pianos within the natural, outdoor environment of San Francisco Botanical Garden. | N/A | 2021 | Pacific |
San Francisco Botanical Garden Society at Strybing Arboretum | $10,000 | Replace an aging and unsafe plant nursery with a modern complex that will support the living collections, and also allow the Garden to accept, protect, and cultivate rare and endangered plants | N/A | 2021 | Pacific |
Self-Help Enterprises | $10,000 | Self-Help Enterprises (SHE) engages disadvantaged communities (DACs) in Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) implementation efforts in several critically overdrafted groundwater basins located in the San Joaquin Valley region. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Civic Engagement, Diverse Partnerships, Enforcement, Equity, Land Use, Nutrients, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Voter Engagement, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
Central Valley Partnership | $10,000 | General support to focus on catalyzing community ownership models for environmental, conservation and agroecological outcomes in the southern San Joaquin Valley. The CVP will initiate landholding models, such as community land trusts, as policy implementing infrastructures in these strategically important places. | Agriculture, Civic Engagement, Land Use | 2021 | Pacific |
Wye River Upper School | $10,000 | Financial Aid to the Wye River Upper School, which exists to educate students with learning differences regardless of their socioeconomic background or financial status. | N/A | 2021 | Pacific |
National Aids Memorial Inc | $7,500 | This project will support the installation of a new recycled water system for irrigation purposes in the 10-acre National AIDS Memorial Grove in order to conserve San Francisco's supply of safe drinking water for citizens. | N/A | 2021 | Pacific |
Heyday | $5,000 | Professional Development | Capacity | 2021 | Pacific |
City Kids to Wilderness Project, Inc. | $5,000 | City Kids is focused on increasing mastery in outdoor skills, providing activities to bring youth closer to nature through experiential learning opportunities, and offering youth choice in programs with a brand new club model. To pilot this concept, City Kids is part of Vail Resorts Epic for Everyone Program, which will expose youth to snow sports through five on-snow sessions this winter. City Kids plans to expand the club model to additional sports including bouldering and horseback riding. | Civic Engagement, Equity, Non-traditional Allies | 2021 | Pacific |
California FarmLink | $5,000 | To create a pathway for farmers and ranchers that were current or former borrowers of California FarmLink to participate (as appropriate) in decision-making and guidance as to the direction of FarmLink’s lending and land access programs. | Agriculture, Capacity, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach | 2021 | Pacific |
Thread | $5,000 | Thread enrolls students who are academically in the bottom 25% of their 9th grade class and commits to each student for 10 years, matching them with up to four volunteers to form a support team that represents a diverse cross-section of Baltimore. | Equity, Youth | 2021 | Pacific |
The Sierra Fund | $5,000 | Training for the Executive Search Committee to ensure that their search, and then the onboarding, for a new ED is inclusive, equitable and clearly committed to DEIJ principles. Also for staff to participate in Cultural Resource Sensitivity Training led by the California Heritage: Indigenous Research Project. | Capacity, Equity | 2021 | Pacific |
Ten Strands | $5,000 | To provide support for staff to attend a training course through the National Equity Project titled "Leading for Equity." Participants in this course will receive training to address the personal and technical challenges they face in their educational equity efforts. | Capacity | 2021 | Pacific |
Environmental Advocates NY | $2,500 | Support for educating the public about the importance of safeguarding drinking water and advocating at the state level for bold policies like more rigorous drinking water testing and cleanup, increasing funding to repair aging water infrastructure, and strengthening protections for streams and wetlands. EANY is committed to supporting frontline communities struggling with water pollution, and works to elevate their voices and needs in Albany. EANY embraces a comprehensive approach in protecting drinking water from source to tap. | Civic Engagement, Communications, Outreach, Political Will, Water Quality | 2021 | Pacific |
Center for Independent Documentary, Inc. | $2,000 | 10 Summers Documentary: Inspired by her family camping tradition, Katherine Michiels began taking city kids camping in the Sierras in the 1980s. “They have a lot of fun here and there’s really just water, sticks, rocks, and sand” is how Katherine describes the radical camp philosophy of unstructured play outdoors. The campers are mostly students at Katherine’s school in San Francisco’s Mission District. The annual trips grew until 2001 when, because of environmental issues, liability concerns, and burnout, Katherine announced her final camp. Three campers-turned counselors refused to let the camp die. This is their story and the story of why, for so many of the children who experienced it, this camp became a touchstone, a place of profound meaning and deep personal satisfaction. | N/A | 2021 | Pacific |
Sinai Hospital of Baltimore Inc. | $50,000 | Sinai serves the people of greater Baltimore as well as national and international patients. Its renowned Centers of Excellence provide specialized, advanced care by teams of experts. Additionally, Sinai’s BioIncubator gives emerging biotech and health sciences companies lab space and access to leading physicians. As a nonprofit teaching hospital, Sinai provides training for more than 140 residents and 400 medical students yearly. With 483 beds, Sinai is the largest community hospital in Maryland. | N/A | 2022 | Pacific |
Center for Independent Documentary, Inc. | $50,000 | The Secret Song is an immersive view into the final chapter in Doug Goodkin’s 45-year career teaching music to children in San Francisco. In what could have been a celebratory victory lap, the veteran teacher finds his efforts to instill a sense of belonging interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. When their classrooms are shuttered, Goodkin and his students must surmount new adversities and find a way to keep the music playing and the learning going. | N/A | 2022 | Pacific |
FISH of Sanibel-Captiva Inc | $10,000 | FISH is unique in the Sanibel/Captiva community as the only wrap-around social service organization. Throughout the pandemic, FISH has been ground-zero for response, distributing meals to homebound seniors and food backpacks to children, paying rent, medical, and utility bills for those in crisis, and providing COVID vaccines at pop-up clinics. | N/A | 2022 | Pacific |
Stevenson University | $10,000 | Stevenson University's Environmental Science program gives students the opportunity to learn in a rich natural environment right outside the classroom doors and at the nearby Chesapeake Bay. | Youth | 2022 | Pacific |
Ding Darling Wildlife Society Inc. | $5,000 | The “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society supports the J. N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge Complex via student education, internships, research projects, informational literature, advocacy, land acquisition and facility enhancements. | Advocacy, Enforcement, Land Use, Water Quality | 2022 | Pacific |
Hippodrome Foundation Inc | $2,500 | The Hippodrome Foundation (HFI) serves thousands of students each year with master classes, literacy programs, free performances and more. HFI also provides professional development for teachers who in turn can teach their students new skills. In addition to presenting the Broadway Series at the Hippodrome Theatre, HFI staff are committed to share all of the assets of the France-Merrick Performing Arts Center with members of the community who otherwise would not have the chance to experience the arts. | N/A | 2022 | Pacific |
Towson Elks 469 Charity Fund Inc | $1,000 | Friends of Brent Beever | N/A | 2022 | Pacific |
Greater Ruxton Area Foundation Inc. | $200 | The Greater Ruxton Area Foundation is dedicated to encouraging practices and policies that further enhance, restore and preserve the unique qualities and character of the Ruxton, MD community. | N/A | 2022 | Pacific |
Lutherville Volunteer Fire Company | $100 | Lutherville Volunteer Fire Company is a 100% volunteer organization that has been serving North-Central Baltimore County since 1909. | N/A | 2022 | Pacific |
Resources Legacy Fund | $800,000 | The Sustaining California’s Ocean (SCO) program is designed to advance robust, science-based implementation of the state’s marine protected area (MPA) network and promote effective ocean governance with a focus on ensuring monitoring, community-based stewardship, and sufficient capacity in the public and private sectors. This grant period, the SCO program will focus on preparations for the State of California’s first Decadal Management Review (DMR) of the MPA network. | Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach, Political Will | 2022 | Pacific |
Resources Legacy Fund | $800,000 | The Land-Sea Connection (LSC) program advances the long-term health and resilience of California watersheds. Through LSC, RLF will promote more effective policies and programs, support high-value on-the-ground conservation efforts, and advance investments of public funds in effective and more equitable ways. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Capacity, Civic Engagement, Communications, Keepers, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2022 | Pacific |
Resources Legacy Fund | $150,000 | General Support | Accountability, Advocacy, Capacity, Civic Engagement, Communications, Fisheries, Nutrients, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2022 | Pacific |
SocialGood Fund | $90,000 | Fiscal sponsor for the ABT Framework, led by Randy Olson. Scientists and environmentalists receive coaching on the narrative structure of their presentations, proposals and papers. Often all they need is one simple suggestion like, “Shifting your central narrative from this to this.” | Communications | 2022 | Pacific |
The Better Angels Society | $75,000 | Ken Burns’ The American Buffalo will be the biography of the continent’s most magnificent species, an improbable, shaggy beast that nonetheless has found itself at the center of many of our nation’s most thrilling, mythic, and sometimes heartbreaking tales. | N/A | 2022 | Pacific |
Canadian Humanitarian Organization for International Relief | $50,000 | Nunya Academy uses the arts to empower children and support their intellectual development in cultural studies, math, environmental science, and indigenous knowledge. Access to quality education is a major challenge in Ghana especially for those whose families have limited financial means. Nunya Academy provides infrastructural resources as well as access to high-quality education that is inclusive of all children. | N/A | 2022 | Pacific |
UC Santa Cruz Foundation | $30,000 | The Seymour Center creates experiences through educational programs, exhibits, and community collaboration that inspire environmental conservation action in one’s life. With a new director at the helm, the Seymour Center is developing the next steps for the Center, with an immediate goal to focus on turning science interpretation into meaningful conservation action steps for visitors. | Civic Engagement, Communications, Outreach | 2022 | Pacific |