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Location: Pacific | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
Total Results: 2669
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Name of Organization | Amount | Description | Keywords | Year | Office |
The Sierra Fund | $15,000 | The Headwater Mercury Source Reduction Strategy will execute key pilot projects that explore technologies, polices and methods to reduce mercury discharge from legacy mines into the state’s waters, including the state and federal water projects that flow into the San Francisco Bay and Delta. | Accountability, Advocacy, Fisheries, Land Use, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
The Watershed Project | $5,000 | To lead a collaboration between six community groups and agencies working in Contra Costa County to establish a standardized water quality monitoring system to be used in five watersheds across the county. | Accountability, Advocacy, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
San Diego Canyonlands | $53,200 | Advance Maple Canyon Stream restoration project and pilot “toolkit” guiding the engineering of restoration projects for coastal canyons/wetland corridors in San Diego. | Stormwater, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
California Coastkeeper | $75,000 | Coordinate and build capacity for Waterkeepers around the state to protect and enhance coastal and marine ecosystems, as well as water supply and water quality. | Advocacy, Capacity, Keepers, Non-traditional Allies, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
California Land Stewardship Institute | $20,000 | Plan and execute a workshop to guide planning for and investments in restoration efforts in the Russian River watershed. | Agriculture, Non-traditional Allies, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Watsonville Wetlands Watch | $15,000 | Partnership with local landowners, businesses, and the City of Watsonville to improve the health of the Watsonville Slough ecosystem. | Agriculture, Land Use, Political Will, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Sustainable Conservation | $30,000 | This project aims to reduce the barriers for landowners to receive permits for restoration and conservation projects. | Agriculture, Land Use, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Sustainable Conservation | $60,000 | Work with agricultural communities and water managers to improve sustainable groundwater management and watershed health. | Agriculture, Nutrients, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
1000 Friends of Maryland, Inc | $1,000 | The Celebration of Dru Schmidt-Perkins | N/A | 2017 | Pacific |
International League of Conservation Photographers | $1,442 | Society for Environmental Journalism Conference | Capacity | 2017 | Pacific |
International League of Conservation Photographers | $2,863 | Jacksonhole Film Festival | Capacity | 2017 | Pacific |
Glynwood Center Inc. | $5,000 | Glynwood is an agricultural nonprofit organization based in Cold Spring, NY, with a mission is to ensure that farming thrives in the Hudson Valley. We would be deeply honored to count The Campbell Foundation among our community of supporters. | Agriculture, Land Use, Nutrients, Pollution, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
HairToStay | $5,000 | Fund-A-Need | N/A | 2017 | Pacific |
Youth Speaks | $15,000 | To facilitate spaces for young people to speak to the issues of their environment and their communities in their own words and in their own terms. | N/A | 2017 | Pacific |
Seacology | $30,000 | Protection of mangrove forests throughout Sri Lanka. | N/A | 2017 | Pacific |
Oceana, Inc. | $50,000 | Effective management and regulation of forage fish fisheries in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem. | Fisheries | 2017 | Pacific |
Resources Legacy Fund | $500,000 | The Sustaining California’s Ocean (SCO) program focuses on promoting effective long-term management of California’s marine protected area (MPA) network by ensuring that government and nonprofit organizations have the capacity and funding necessary to support MPA monitoring, compliance, and education and outreach. | Accountability, Advocacy, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will | 2016 | Pacific |
Resources Legacy Fund | $800,000 | The Sustaining California’s Ocean (SCO) program focuses on promoting effective long-term management of California’s marine protected area (MPA) network by ensuring that government and nonprofit organizations have the capacity and funding necessary to support MPA monitoring, compliance, and education and outreach. | Accountability, Advocacy, Fisheries | 2017 | Pacific |
Point Blue Conservation Science | $75,000 | This project aims to support public-private partnerships to develop and implement water quality improvement projects and related conservation practices. | Agriculture, Capacity, Land Use, Nutrients, Pollution, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Smith River Alliance, Inc. | $50,000 | This project supports watershed improvement efforts in the Smith River. | Land Use, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Friends of the Eel River | $20,000 | This project supports engagement in efforts to reduce the impacts of cannabis cultivation in the Eel River watershed. | Advocacy, Land Use, Political Will, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Bay Area Legal Aid | $500 | Northern California Fire Support | N/A | 2017 | Pacific |
Community Foundation of Mendocino County | $500 | Disaster Fund | N/A | 2017 | Pacific |
The James Beard Foundation Inc | $40,000 | Engaging the chef community from coast-to-coast to be astute and educated advocates for systemic change in our food systems. | Advocacy, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will | 2017 | Pacific |
Ocean Conservancy Inc | $40,000 | This project supports work to advance ocean acidification policy and funding in California. | Advocacy, Political Will, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Maidu Summit Consortium | $65,000 | This project enhances tribal organizational capacity to advance efforts to restore Tásmam Kojóm (Humbug Valley) in the Feather River watershed. | Capacity, Land Use, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Los Angeles Waterkeeper | $45,000 | This project supports engaging on priority water quality and watershed health issues in Los Angeles County, including industrial pollution, stormwater, and desalination. | Advocacy, Keepers, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Shell Museum and Educational Foundation Inc. | $5,000 | The National Shell Museum is a natural history museum that increases knowledge of, and appreciation for, mollusks and their shells using our collections, programs, and expertise to inspire learning, support scientific research, and tell the story of mollusks' importance to people and the natural world. | N/A | 2017 | Pacific |
Agricultural Research Service | $37,500 | For training and other activities to facilitate the development of high quality research plans for Agricultural Research Services scientists. | Communications | 2017 | Pacific |
LightHawk, Inc. | $2,000 | Land Trust Alliance Rally and Conference | Capacity | 2017 | Pacific |
Seacology | $1,674 | Grant Professionals Conference | Capacity | 2017 | Pacific |
National Aquarium in Baltimore, Inc. | $50,000 | Through pioneering science, hands-on conservation initiatives, wild animal rescue and release, educational programming, and advocacy for public policies informed by science, the National Aquarium addresses issues that challenge global aquatic habitats with hopeful educational messaging and meaningful strategic action. | N/A | 2017 | Pacific |
National Aquarium in Baltimore, Inc. | $250,000 | The Aquarium is creating a seaside dolphin sanctuary to advance understanding and protection of cetaceans. | N/A | 2017 | Pacific |
Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy | $5,000 | Advocacy so that all mining projects in the Great Lakes Region, including proposed sulfide or copper-nickel mining, comply with stringent environmental standards. | Accountability, Advocacy, Land Use, Pollution, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Tides Foundation | $5,000 | The F3 Fish Free Feed challenge stimulates the scaling and commercialization of alternatives to the use of forage fish for aquaculture feed. It is judged and cosponsored by experts across the nation: the Monterey Bay Aquarium, the University of Arizona, and the New England Aquarium. AI is one of several crowd sourced sponsors. | Fisheries | 2017 | Pacific |
Elkhorn Slough Foundation | $100,000 | This project supports efforts to update the Conceptual Area Protection Plan for Elkhorn Slough Watershed with to identify, conserve, and restore properties currently degrading slough water quality. | Agriculture, Land Use, Nutrients, Pollution, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
The Water Foundation | $100,000 | Project will identify priority areas for watershed improvement projects within Los Angeles County and community-based organizations capable of implementing those projects in each area. | Capacity, Non-traditional Allies, Pollution, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Orange County Coastkeeper | $65,000 | This project supports engaging on priority water quality issues in Orange County, including the Santa Ana River watershed. | Advocacy, Keepers, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
The Tower Foundation of San Jose State University | $40,000 | This project aims to build a common assessment framework to improve protection and management of watersheds along the Central Coast. | Accountability, Agriculture, Nutrients, Pollution, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
California Association of Resource Conservation Districts | $60,000 | This project supports organizational engagement at statewide and county levels on efforts to reduce watershed impacts of cannabis cultivation. | Capacity, Land Use, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Resource Media | $30,000 | This project provides support to assist conservation groups with communications on priority water quality and resource protection issues. | Communications, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Big Sur Land Trust | $75,000 | This project supports efforts to restore the Carmel River Estuary floodplain and Carr Lake in Salinas. | Land Use, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
American Conservation Film Festival Inc. | $40,000 | Challenge Grant | N/A | 2017 | Pacific |
Global Conservation | $50,000 | To support the use of technology to monitor compliance in California MPAs and better understand how people use these areas. | Accountability | 2017 | Pacific |
Sea Save Foundation | $5,000 | To educate, advocate, and take action to protect the oceans for future generations. | Advocacy, Communications | 2017 | Pacific |
Heal the Bay | $50,000 | This project supports establishing water quality and ecological metrics for Los Angeles River revitalization planning, and informing water quality and green infrastructure criteria for the Los Angeles County stormwater measure, should it pass. | Advocacy, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
Endangered Habitats Conservancy | $150,000 | This project supports permitting and planning phase of restoration of former gravel quarry ponds on the Russian River. | Nutrients, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2017 | Pacific |
As You Sow | $5,000 | To promote environmental and social corporate responsibility through shareholder advocacy, coalition building, and innovative legal strategies. | Accountability, Advocacy, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2018 | Pacific |
Blue Frontier Campaign | $5,000 | Blue Frontier is a national leader in providing resources and opportunities to bring citizens who care about the health of our coasts and ocean into the decision making process. | Accountability, Advocacy, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Water Quality | 2018 | Pacific |
Carpe Diem West | $40,000 | Carpe Diem West leads a network of diverse western water leaders. Together, we catalyze innovative, equitable and sustainable responses to water crises as the climate changes in the American west. | Accountability, Advocacy, Communications, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2018 | Pacific |
Earth Echo International, Inc. | $35,000 | EarthEcho International is a nonprofit organization founded on the belief that youth have the power to change our planet. Established by siblings Philippe and Alexandra Cousteau in honor of their father Philippe Cousteau Sr., and grandfather legendary explorer Jacques Yves Cousteau, our mission is to inspire young people worldwide to act now for a sustainable future. | Political Will | 2018 | Pacific |
Golden Gate Salmon Association | $5,000 | To protect and restore California’s largest salmon producing habitat comprised of the Central Valley rivers that feed both the Bay-Delta ecosystem and the communities that rely on salmon as a long-term, sustainable commercial, recreational and cultural resource. | Advocacy, Fisheries, Political Will, Water Quality | 2018 | Pacific |
Greater Farallones Association | $5,000 | Convening the “Healthy Kelp, Resilient Fisheries Working Group,” an interdisciplinary team of experts to address the scientific, research, and management needs of bull kelp habitat along the Sonoma and Mendocino coastlines | Political Will | 2018 | Pacific |
Idealware Inc. | $5,000 | Research and training programs focus on providing impartial, thoroughly researched, accessible knowledge resources about technology to environmental organizations and other nonprofits | Capacity | 2018 | Pacific |
Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation | $450,000 | Sculpture Commission: Ocean Education & Leadership Center | N/A | 2018 | Pacific |
Mt Adams Institute | $5,000 | Cascade Mountain School (CMS), a project of Mt. Adams Institute, seeks to transform students' lives and prepare them to be environmental leaders by offering them academically rigorous, personally expansive, and dynamic experiences with the natural world. | N/A | 2018 | Pacific |
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation | $5,000 | Capitol Hill Ocean Week brings together more than 700 national and global policymakers, scientists, scholars, businesses, and conservation leaders to address pressing science, conservation, and management issues facing our ocean and Great Lakes. | N/A | 2018 | Pacific |
Pomeroy Recreation and Rehabilitation Center | $2,000 | Pomeroy Recreation and Rehabilitation Center provides recreational, vocational and educational opportunities for people with disabilities through programs and services that encourage self-expression, promote personal achievement, and lead to greater independence. | N/A | 2018 | Pacific |
Sailors for the Sea Inc. | $10,000 | Sailors for the Sea unites boaters to protect the ocean. | Accountability, Advocacy, Water Quality | 2018 | Pacific |
The Exploratorium | $5,000 | The Exploratorium provides training to science teachers, delivers unique youth programs in the community, and partners with educational institutions to do research and engage the public in conversations. | Water Quality | 2018 | Pacific |
University of Southern California | $90,000 | Story Circles - narrative fitness training for scientists | Communications | 2018 | Pacific |
Women's Audio Mission | $5,000 | Women’s Audio Mission uses music and media and an incredible “carrot” of a training environment – the only professional recording studio in the world built and run by women – to attract over 1,200 under-served women and girls every year to STEM and creative technology studies that inspire them to amplify their voices and become the innovators of tomorrow. WAM’s award-winning curriculum weaves art and music with science, technology and computer programming and works to close the critical gender gap in creative technology careers. | Communications | 2018 | Pacific |
The Energy Foundation | $50,000 | To support clean energy and climate change policy education in Maryland. | Accountability, Advocacy, Capacity, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2018 | Pacific |
Windward Fund | $100,000 | To create and build new approaches to agricultural and municipal water investment across the American West, and beyond, that result in innovative water management solutions with sustainability at their core. | Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2018 | Pacific |
International League of Conservation Photographers | $10,000 | The International League of Conservation Photographers furthers environmental and cultural conservation through ethical photography. Fellows are an elite group of the world’s top wildlife, nature and culture photographers who, in addition to displaying remarkable photographic skills, also demonstrate a deep commitment to conservation efforts around the globe. | Communications | 2018 | Pacific |
San Francisco Green Film Festival | $30,000 | This annual festival presents 70 new and compelling films from around the world, with over 100 visiting filmmakers & guest speakers, and 70 community partners to over 4,500 audience members | Communications | 2018 | Pacific |
Non-Profit Technology Enterprise Network | $5,000 | NTEN is where nonprofit professionals learn about and celebrate the ways technology helps them meet their missions. More than 50,000 community members access NTEN’s capacity-building programs and services, including educational courses, the Nonprofit Technology Conference, and online and in-person discussion spaces. | Capacity | 2018 | Pacific |
The Coral Reef Alliance | $25,000 | To improve water quality in Hawai’i through the the Clean Water For Reefs initiative | Accountability, Advocacy, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2018 | Pacific |
Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation | $140,000 | Challenge Grant to fund a Marine Laboratory Research Vessel | N/A | 2018 | Pacific |
American Conservation Film Festival Inc. | $15,000 | To promote outstanding films and the arts to educate and inspire people to become engaged in conservation. The motivating force behind ACFF is the power of imagery to engage, inform, and inspire. | Communications | 2018 | Pacific |
City Kids to Wilderness Project, Inc. | $10,000 | To enrich life experiences for DC urban youth so that they can enhance their lives and the lives of their families, and benefit the greater community. The goals of all City Kids programming are to build resiliency, broaden horizons, and ensure skills for success. | Non-traditional Allies | 2018 | Pacific |
Farallon Institute | $2,000 | Farallon Institute scientists conduct research on the atmosphere, physical ocean, and the complex marine food web, from phytoplankton to whales. As a group, we have a broad understanding of ocean ecology and are experts at understanding the latest scientific research. | Pollution, Water Quality | 2018 | Pacific |
Heyday | $15,000 | Now in their 44th year, Heyday continues to champion writing that expands readers’ understanding of their cultural and natural surroundings. | Communications | 2018 | Pacific |
San Francisco Green Film Festival | $2,633 | To attend the Sundance Film Festival | Capacity | 2018 | Pacific |
The Nature Conservancy | $75,000 | Blue Growth by Design provides a holistic approach to achieving sustainable oceans through core pillars of (1) investing in nature to address and reduce climate change impacts, (2) reforming fisheries and encourage sustainable aquaculture and (3) ocean protection and management and (4) improving ocean governance. In addition to private and public dollars, these pillars are strongly supported by innovative finance, which represents new ways to significantly increase investment in ocean conservation. | Advocacy, Fisheries, Political Will | 2018 | Pacific |
UC Santa Cruz Foundation | $30,000 | The Seymour Marine Discovery Center is a seaside learning center in Santa Cruz, California, that brings the adventures and explorations of ocean science to life. Nearly 45,000 free-choice learners interact with highly trained volunteers in the exhibit hall each year––they leave empowered to take action in their lives that helps protect our coast and ocean. | Communications | 2018 | Pacific |
NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation | $1,500 | To protect reproductive rights of women. | N/A | 2018 | Pacific |
San Diego Audubon Society | $30,000 | This project supports communications efforts in support of ecosystem restoration of Mission Bay in San Diego. | Advocacy, Communications, Land Use | 2018 | Pacific |
Resource Conservation Partners | $45,000 | This project supports analysis of the extent and impacts of arundo on the health of Ventura County's major watersheds as a pilot effort designed to promote planning and coordination for broader watershed management. | Land Use, Political Will, Water Quality | 2018 | Pacific |
Pacific Institute | $20,000 | This project supports a sustainable landscapes program for commercial properties that seeks to provide multiple benefits within the Santa Ana watershed, including reducing polluted runoff. | Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2018 | Pacific |
Gulf Restoration Network | $25,000 | To advocate for Gulf-wide ecosystem restoration that restores natural coastal lines of defense that increase community resilience. | Accountability, Advocacy, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will | 2018 | Pacific |
Idealware Inc. | $2,880 | To sponsor grantees to attend an Infographics Toolkit course. | Capacity | 2018 | Pacific |
North Carolina Coastal Federation Inc. | $100,000 | To build habitat and water quality restoration projects that make the coastal ecosystems of North Carolina more healthy, while still providing important economic development benefits to rural coastal communities. | Accountability, Advocacy, Communications, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2018 | Pacific |
South Yuba River Citizens League | $10,000 | Wild & Scenic Film Festival | N/A | 2018 | Pacific |
Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods | $1,760 | For staff to attend the Public Lands Alliance Conference. | Capacity | 2018 | Pacific |
The Collider | $5,000 | To create a community with the intent of saving and advancing climate action, environmental protection, and the production and use of science to inform evidence-based decision-making. | Communications, Non-traditional Allies | 2018 | Pacific |
Friends of the San Juans | $589 | To attend the Public Interest Environmental Law Conference | Capacity | 2018 | Pacific |
Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation | $50,000 | David Packard Award Dinner | N/A | 2018 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $2,138,400 | To advance the goal of ending agricultural nutrient pollution through the adoption of more sustainable practices (improved nutrient management and soil health measures) on half of the U.S. corn acres. Also to drive change by creating a standard metric for quantifying nitrogen loss, by increasing transparency and rigor in tracking outcomes for water quality and greenhouse gas emissions, and by aligning 2018 Farm Bill priorities with conservation outcomes. | Agriculture, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2018 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $1,181,100 | To work in partnerships with local agricultural communities and government agencies to develop and implement market- and incentive-based approaches to sustainable water management in California’s Central Valley and in other strategic locations across the West that enhance flexibility and enable communities to meet sustainability goals. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2018 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $355,000 | To leverage actors across the supply chain to drive adoption of conservation practices in southcentral Pennsylvania to provide a foundation for implementing activities on-the-ground to reduce harmful nutrient loading. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2018 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $1,144,550 | To redirect mitigation and public conservation spending into the development of more disciplined and quantifiable conservation tools, such as habitat exchange, to create financial incentives for farmers and ranchers to conserve wildlife habitat and to help prevent the extinction of dozens of species. | Accountability, Agriculture, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2018 | Pacific |
Coastal Quest | $25,000 | Support for development and submission of watershed pilot projects for the State Wildlife Grant program which receives federal funds to support and implement conservation priorities. | Capacity, Fisheries, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2018 | Pacific |
Russian Riverkeeper | $30,000 | Support the general operation of Russian Riverkeeper. | Advocacy, Agriculture, Keepers, Nutrients, Pollution, Water Quality | 2018 | Pacific |
Orange County Coastkeeper | $700 | To attend the Public Interest Environmental Law Conference | Capacity | 2018 | Pacific |
Resources Legacy Fund | $800,000 | The Land-Sea Connection Fund advances the ecological resilience of California coastal and marine ecosystems to a wide range of threats by better integrating conservation efforts that target land-based threats to water quality and ocean health. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Capacity, Keepers, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2018 | Pacific |
Sylvia Earle Alliance | $25,000 | Led by legendary oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle, Mission Blue is uniting a global coalition to inspire an upwelling of public awareness, access and support for a worldwide network of marine protected areas. | Political Will | 2018 | Pacific |
Greater Farallones Association | $236 | To attend the Intertidal Science Conference. | Capacity | 2018 | Pacific |
Ten Strands | $10,000 | Ten Strands is a field catalyst that advances efforts across the environmental education landscape in California - from the state to local level, from policy and infrastructure to on-the-ground partnerships, and more. They leverage partnerships to manage projects, facilitate connections, secure funding, and move work forward, serving as a statewide driver in advancing environmental literacy. | Political Will | 2018 | Pacific |
Windward Fund | $100,000 | Chesapeake Food Summit | Advocacy, Agriculture, Baywide, Capacity, Communications, Pollution | 2018 | Pacific |