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Name of Organization | Amount | Description | Keywords | Year | Office |
American Conservation Film Festival Inc. | $10,000 | The Festival is held annually in Shepherdstown, WV to promote outstanding films that educate and inspire people to become engaged in conservation. Films address the intersection of people and the environment to stimulate new thinking and dialogue about conservation and the natural world. | N/A | 2007 | Pacific |
American Conservation Film Festival Inc. | $20,000 | The Festival is held annually in Shepherdstown, WV to promote outstanding films that educate and inspire people to become engaged in conservation. Films address the intersection of people and the environment to stimulate new thinking and dialogue about conservation and the natural world. | N/A | 2008 | Pacific |
American Conservation Film Festival Inc. | $25,000 | The Festival is held annually in Shepherdstown, WV to promote outstanding films that educate and inspire people to become engaged in conservation. Films address the intersection of people and the environment to stimulate new thinking and dialogue about conservation and the natural world. | N/A | 2009 | Pacific |
American Conservation Film Festival Inc. | $25,000 | The Festival is held annually in Shepherdstown, WV to promote outstanding films that educate and inspire people to become engaged in conservation. Films address the intersection of people and the environment to stimulate new thinking and dialogue about conservation and the natural world. | N/A | 2010 | Pacific |
American Conservation Film Festival Inc. | $25,000 | The Festival is held annually in Shepherdstown, WV to promote outstanding films that educate and inspire people to become engaged in conservation. Films address the intersection of people and the environment to stimulate new thinking and dialogue about conservation and the natural world. | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Animal Fund | $5,000 | OdyseeTV, the first web-based television station solely dedicated to promoting organizations around the world that are working to save wildlife and nature through effective programs. | N/A | 2009 | Pacific |
Animal Fund | $5,000 | PBS documentary " The Killing Seasons" about work in Zambia converting elephant poachers to sustainable trades like fish farming and beekeeping. | N/A | 2009 | Pacific |
Appalachian Center for the Economy and the Environment | $20,000 | Advocate for an end to mountaintop removal coal, work to lessen its overwhelming impacts on communities and the environment, and force the coal industry to internalize their environmental costs. | N/A | 2009 | Pacific |
Appalachian Center for the Economy and the Environment | $20,000 | Advocate for an end to mountaintop removal coal, work to lessen its overwhelming impacts on communities and the environment, and force the coal industry to internalize their environmental costs. | N/A | 2010 | Pacific |
Appalachian Center for the Economy and the Environment | $25,000 | Advocate for an end to mountaintop removal coal, work to lessen its overwhelming impacts on communities and the environment, and force the coal industry to internalize their environmental costs. | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Appalachian Voices | $20,000 | Build and leverage a nationwide movement to end mountaintop removal coal mining by developing online tools, unique networks and non-traditional partnerships, and pursuing legal action. | N/A | 2007 | Pacific |
Appalachian Voices | $20,000 | Build and leverage a nationwide movement to end mountaintop removal coal mining by developing online tools, unique networks and non-traditional partnerships, and pursuing legal action. | N/A | 2008 | Pacific |
Appalachian Voices | $25,000 | Build and leverage a nationwide movement to end mountaintop removal coal mining by developing online tools, unique networks and non-traditional partnerships, and pursuing legal action. | N/A | 2009 | Pacific |
Appalachian Voices | $25,000 | Build and leverage a nationwide movement to end mountaintop removal coal mining by developing online tools, unique networks and non-traditional partnerships, and pursuing legal action. | N/A | 2010 | Pacific |
Appalachian Voices | $25,000 | Build and leverage a nationwide movement to end mountaintop removal coal mining by developing online tools, unique networks and non-traditional partnerships, and pursuing legal action. | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
As You Sow | $20,000 | Through strategic shareholder activism, place internal and external pressure on companies to address critical issues related to water quality impacts of hydraulic fracturing (fracking). | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Baum Foundation | $10,000 | Distribution and outreach activities for A Sheltered Sea, a film on the California Marine Life Protection Act Initiative. | N/A | 2008 | Pacific |
Baum Foundation | $15,000 | Distribution and outreach activities for A Sheltered Sea, a film on the California Marine Life Protection Act Initiative. | N/A | 2009 | Pacific |
Bay Citizen | $5,000 | For Bay Area environmental reporting | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Bay Institute | $250,000 | For an evaluation and report on the short- and long-term issues threatening habitat and water quality in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, in order to define actions that will rehabilitate the ecosystem and safeguard biodiversity. | Water Quality | 2007 | Pacific |
Bay Institute | $30,000 | Continued support to advance a strategic plan for restoring the Delta that addresses both short-term and long-term threats, while meeting the social and economic needs of surrounding communities. | Water Quality | 2008 | Pacific |
Bay Institute | $30,000 | Promotes the adoption of clear and measurable ecosystem and water management reform targets in the major and comprehensive Bay-Delta planning initiatives currently underway. | Water Quality | 2009 | Pacific |
Bay Institute | $30,000 | Promotes the adoption of clear and measurable ecosystem and water management reform targets in the major and comprehensive Bay-Delta planning initiatives currently underway. | Water Quality | 2010 | Pacific |
Baykeeper | $55,000 | The only "on the water" monitoring and watchdog advocacy organization working on improving the water quality and ecosystems of the San Francisco Bay-Delta watershed. | Keepers, Water Quality | 2006 | Pacific |
Baykeeper | $60,000 | The only "on-the-water" monitoring and watchdog advocacy organization, working to improve the water quality and ecosystems of the San Francisco Bay-Delta watershed. | Keepers, Water Quality | 2007 | Pacific |
Baykeeper | $60,000 | The only "on-the-water" monitoring and watchdog advocacy organization, working to improve the water quality and ecosystems of the San Francisco Bay-Delta watershed. | Keepers, Water Quality | 2010 | Pacific |
Baykeeper | $60,000 | The only "on the water" monitoring and watchdog advocacy organization working on improving the water quality and ecosystems of the San Francisco Bay-Delta watershed. | Keepers, Water Quality | 2011 | Pacific |
Blue Ocean Film Festival, a project of Make A Difference Media Inc | $1,000 | BLUE is five days of education and action, including screenings of finalist films from our international film competition, a filmmaking industry conference, conservation seminars, ocean photography and art exhibits, and community educational outreach activities. | N/A | 2010 | Pacific |
Blue Ocean Film Festival, a project of Make A Difference Media Inc | $1,000 | BLUE On Tour is the traveling outreach component of the BLUE Ocean Film Festival, which utilizes entertainment and award-winning films to raise awareness of marine issues and empower better stewardship of the ocean. | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship | $5,000 | The two-year "Bridging the Gap" Initiative to foster a community of newspaper editors who are committed to publishing about the environment and to establish a strong direct connection between newspaper editors and writers. | N/A | 2008 | Pacific |
Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship | $5,000 | Foster a community of newspaper editors who are committed to publishing about the environment and to establish a strong direct connection between newspaper editors and writers. | N/A | 2009 | Pacific |
Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship | $5,000 | Blue Ridge Press seeks to foster a community of newspaper editors who are committed to publishing about the environment, and who provide the real-time feedback to shape product for their readers, so that the growing stable of writers can offer challenging ideas to a growing number of newspaper readers. | N/A | 2010 | Pacific |
Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship | $5,000 | In The New Climate of Hope series, five respected Christian writers have been commissioned to write environmental topics from an evangelical perspective. | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Cal Poly San Corporation | $25,000 | San Luis Obispo Science and Ecosystem Alliance (SLOSEA) | N/A | 2008 | Pacific |
California Coastkeeper | $75,000 | CCKA safeguards and helps to improve the long-term resiliency of California's coastal and marine ecosystems. | Keepers, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2010 | Pacific |
California Coastkeeper | $50,000 | Coordination of Waterkeepers statewide, Giant Kelp Restoration Project | Keepers, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2005 | Pacific |
California Coastkeeper | $50,000 | Advocate for greater accountability and coordination in management of waterways and coastal habitats, adoption of improved ocean protection funding and enforcement strategies, and increased stewardship of kelp forest habitat in Southern California. This grant also provided support for the first-ever, all-staff, all-California Waterkeeper retreat in January 2007. | Keepers, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2006 | Pacific |
California Coastkeeper | $50,000 | Ensure stronger controls and enforcement on stormwater pollution, a phase-out of once-through cooling systems in coastal power plants, and inclusion of water quality criteria throughout the California Marine Life Protection Act process. | Keepers, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2007 | Pacific |
California Coastkeeper | $50,000 | Ensure stronger controls and enforcement on stormwater pollution, a phase-out of once-through cooling systems in coastal power plants, and inclusion of water quality criteria throughout the California Marine Life Protection Act process. | Keepers, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2008 | Pacific |
California Coastkeeper | $75,000 | Ensure stronger controls and enforcement on stormwater pollution, a phase-out of once-through cooling systems in coastal power plants, and inclusion of water quality criteria throughout the California Marine Life Protection Act process. | Keepers, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2009 | Pacific |
California Ocean Science Trust | $200,000 | The MPA Monitoring Enterprise leads the development and implementation of impartial, cost-effective and relevant MPA monitoring of the emerging statewide MPA network. | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
California Trout | $20,000 | Development of RecoveryExpress, a new tool that evaluates and prioritizes cost-effective actions to facilitate the recovery of endangered native salmonids, coordinating recovery efforts to maximize their impact. | N/A | 2010 | Pacific |
Carpe Diem West | $25,000 | The Western Water & Climate Change project is developing the strategic framework and resources needed by the western water management community to effectively address the impacts of climate change. | N/A | 2008 | Pacific |
Carpe Diem West | $70,000 | The Western Water & Climate Change project is developing the strategic framework and resources needed by the western water management community to effectively address the impacts of climate change. | N/A | 2009 | Pacific |
Carpe Diem West | $40,000 | The Western Water & Climate Change project is developing the strategic framework and resources needed by the western water management community to effectively address the impacts of climate change. | N/A | 2010 | Pacific |
Carpe Diem West | $40,000 | Carpe Diem West addresses the impacts of climate change on water in the American West by recruiting forward-thinking leaders from different sectors to serve on working groups and teams that generate ideas for improving the laws, policies, and practices that govern how the West's scarce water is managed and allocated. | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Cascadia Times Research Fund | $40,000 | Staffing to focus on advocacy for water quality issues in California state legislature, specifically regarding Proposition 40 and 50 fund allocation. | N/A | 2007 | Pacific |
Cascadia Times Research Fund | $10,000 | A comprehensive, four-part investigation of US management of marine resources and how political and corporate arrangements drive environmental policies. Cascadia Times has provided in depth coverage of environmental news in the Greater Northwest Region since 1995. | N/A | 2006 | Pacific |
Earth Echo International, Inc. | $15,000 | Participation in the American Film Institute's Digital Content Lab, a project that aims to use innovative new media to improve the methods for promoting environmental action. Earth Echo will work to leverage digital media to engage audiences through inspiring environmental messages and simple tools to connect audiences with resources and information on which they can act. | N/A | 2008 | Pacific |
Earth Echo International, Inc. | $30,000 | Participation in the American Film Institute's Digital Content Lab, and work to leverage digital media to engage younger audiences, connecting them to resources and information on which they can act. | N/A | 2009 | Pacific |
Earth Echo International, Inc. | $35,000 | The Water Planet Challenge is a web-based call-to-action that provides interactive tools and resources for middle and high school-aged youth to design, create, and implement service-learning projects that address environmental concerns related to water in their communities | Water Quality | 2011 | Pacific |
Earth Echo International, Inc. | $35,000 | The Water Planet Challenge is a web-based call-to-action that provides interactive tools and resources for middle and high school-aged youth to design, create, and implement service-learning projects that address environmental concerns related to water in their communities | Water Quality | 2010 | Pacific |
EarthJustice | $35,000 | Earthjustice works to secure national regulations covering coal ash disposal in surface impoundments, landfills, and mines; safeguard drinking water, aquatic habitats, wetlands, and air quality; and pursues litigation and advocacy aimed at forcing the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), the nation's largest public utility, to clean up its vast coal ash dumps and high hazard dams and ultimately solve its pollution problems by shuttering its exceptionally old fleet of coal-fired power plants. | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Ecological Rights Foundation | $25,000 | Creation of a database to improve Citizen Water Quality Monitoring and address stormwater pollution in Humboldt Bay, CA . | Keepers, Water Quality | 2011 | Pacific |
EcoTrust | $30,000 | For Ocean 2.0, an information network with open access to users to obtain data and analysis on ecosystem-based management processes along the California Current. | Fisheries | 2007 | Pacific |
EcoTrust | $30,000 | Provide a range of analytical, management and planning services to several fishing community partners that further the creation of west coast regional and/or community fishing associations. | Fisheries | 2009 | Pacific |
EcoTrust | $30,000 | Through Capacity Building for Sustainable Fisheries Trusts, Ecotrust will support community fisheries trusts in their efforts to reassert the integral role of fishing communities in the pursuit of healthy fisheries and fishing economies. | Fisheries | 2010 | Pacific |
Elkhorn Slough Foundation | $30,000 | Restoration and stewardship of acquired lands that have been identified as the greatest source of damaging runoff in the Elkhorn Slough watershed. Restoration efforts include cleanup and stabilization of landforms, management of invasive weed species and reduction of cultivated areas on acquired lands. | Water Quality | 2004 | Pacific |
Elkhorn Slough Foundation | $50,000 | For habitat restoration of the upper Elkhorn Slough, a globally important bird area and national estuarine research reserve. This project will boost native vegetative cover to impede runoff and reduce damage to the watershed while improving water quality in the estuary and marine environment of Monterey Bay. | Water Quality | 2007 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $30,000 | Aquaculture - Seek stringent environmental safeguards for new offshore development. Work to create and promote new business practices for seafood wholesalers and large corporate buyers. | Fisheries | 2005 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $20,000 | California Fisheries | Fisheries | 2005 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $30,000 | Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine Sanctuary designation | N/A | 2005 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $60,000 | Cultivate and protect "working waterfronts" communities that include a sustainable fishing industry, promote fishing heritage as well as current sport and commercial activities, and create a regulatory environment that encourages fishermen to be effective stewards of marine resources. | Fisheries | 2006 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $40,000 | Help create adequate safeguards to ensure that plans to pursue offshore aquaculture development do not threaten the marine environment, and that strong organic standards for aquaculture are established. | Fisheries | 2006 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $50,000 | Work with a wide range of stakeholders to ensure an open, transparent and deliberative process for applying the best available science to the management of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument, while working in support of Native Hawaiian initiatives in the region. | N/A | 2006 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $60,000 | A project to add vitality to California fisheries by fostering a sustainable fishing industry and promoting fishing heritage. This project will stimulate a regulatory environment that encourages fisherman to be effective stewards of marine resources; | Fisheries | 2007 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $60,000 | Regional work to help transition fisheries to more conservation-oriented methods. | Fisheries | 2008 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $75,000 | Work to help transition fisheries to more conservation-oriented methods of fishing. | Fisheries | 2009 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $60,000 | EDF's work has focused on seeking out pilot fisheries at the state and federal levels to demonstrate how transformational change in fisheries management can help attain these goals, primarily through the tool of well-designed catch share systems. | Fisheries | 2010 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $15,000 | Works to ensure that all coral reef animals imported into the U.S. are collected and transported in a demonstrably sustainable and humane way, thereby reducing the ecological footprint of trade in coral ornamental species by at least 50% by 2015. | Fisheries | 2010 | Pacific |
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated | $100,000 | Works to ensure that all coral reef animals imported into the U.S. are collected and transported in a demonstrably sustainable and humane way, thereby reducing the ecological footprint of trade in coral ornamental species by at least 50% by 2015. | Fisheries | 2011 | Pacific |
Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital | $10,000 | For the 2012 festival | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Environmental Law Institute | $25,000 | To promote the Gold Standard for Sustainable Aquaculture Ecolabel Design, a comprehensive framework for the design of an aquaculture certification based explicitly on environmental and social sustainability. | Fisheries | 2007 | Pacific |
Environmental Law Institute | $25,000 | To promote the Gold Standard for Sustainable Aquaculture Ecolabel Design, a comprehensive framework for the design of an aquaculture certification based explicitly on environmental and social sustainability. | Fisheries | 2008 | Pacific |
Environmental Law Institute | $25,000 | To promote the Gold Standard for Sustainable Aquaculture Ecolabel Design, a comprehensive framework for the design of an aquaculture certification based explicitly on environmental and social sustainability. | Fisheries | 2010 | Pacific |
Environmental Media Fund | $10,000 | Distribution and promotion of the national PBS series Natural Heroes, the only showcase for independently produced programming on environmental issues that informs and inspires viewers through stories of people making a difference in communities across the country. | N/A | 2004 | Pacific |
Environmental Media Fund | $7,500 | Documentary special The Last Stand: Heroes at Ballona Wetlands, about the struggle by ordinary citizens to save the Ballona Wetlands, the largest remaining natural wetlands ecosystem in Southern California. This film is airing on PBS as part of a series called Natural Heroes. | N/A | 2004 | Pacific |
Environmental Media Fund | $7,500 | General operating and capacity building. | N/A | 2004 | Pacific |
Environmental Media Fund | $7,500 | General operating and capacity building. | N/A | 2005 | Pacific |
Environmental Media Fund | $4,000 | Tarkio Retreat | N/A | 2006 | Pacific |
Environmental Working Group | $30,000 | Skin Deep Cosmetics Database that educates consumers about toxins in personal care products. | N/A | 2009 | Pacific |
Fishchoice | $25,000 | is an online database of seafood producers, suppliers, and brokers that meet criteria for sustainable production or are certified sustainable. The database is geared toward seafood buyers that have partnered with environmental organizations, as well as seafood buyers who are interested in sourcing sustainable products. | Fisheries | 2008 | Pacific |
Fishchoice | $45,000 | is an online database of seafood producers, suppliers, and brokers that meet criteria for sustainable production or are certified sustainable. The database is geared toward seafood buyers that have partnered with environmental organizations, as well as seafood buyers who are interested in sourcing sustainable products. | Fisheries | 2009 | Pacific |
Fishwise | $30,000 | A point of sale seafood labeling program that provides a direct service to businesses interested in increasing their level of understanding and participation in a more sustainable trade of seafood. The program educates consumers and businesses on the impact caused by unsustainable fishery practices and aquaculture, and helps them participate in conservation from a market perspective. | Fisheries | 2004 | Pacific |
Fishwise | $30,000 | Continued support for "Fishwise" labeling program | Fisheries | 2005 | Pacific |
Fishwise | $88,500 | A point of sale seafood labeling program that provides a direct service to businesses interested in increasing their level of understanding and participation in a more sustainable trade of seafood. The program educates consumers and businesses on the impact caused by unsustainable fishery practices and aquaculture, and helps them participate in conservation from a market perspective. | Fisheries | 2006 | Pacific |
Fishwise | $50,000 | A point of sale seafood labeling program that provides a direct service to businesses interested in increasing their level of understanding and participation in a more sustainable trade of seafood. The program educates consumers and businesses on the impact caused by unsustainable fishery practices and aquaculture, and helps them participate in conservation from a market perspective. | Fisheries | 2007 | Pacific |
Fishchoice, Fishwise | $25,000 | For Fishchoice, an online database of sustainable seafood producers, suppliers, and brokers that will enable seafood buyers to easily find reliable sources for products certified as sustainable or produced through sustainable practices. | Fisheries | 2007 | Pacific |
Fishwise | $85,000 | A point of sale seafood labeling program that provides a direct service to businesses interested in increasing their level of understanding and participation in a more sustainable trade of seafood. The program educates consumers and businesses on the impact caused by unsustainable fishery practices and aquaculture, and helps them participate in conservation from a market perspective. | Fisheries | 2008 | Pacific |
Fishwise | $110,000 | FishWise offers a range of services that create trust between seafood vendors and their customers, enabling businesses to sell more sustainable seafood. | Fisheries | 2009 | Pacific |
Fishwise | $100,000 | FishWise offers a range of services that create trust between seafood vendors and their customers, enabling businesses to sell more sustainable seafood. | Fisheries | 2010 | Pacific |
Fishwise | $100,000 | FishWise has embarked on an ambitious project with Safeway Inc. and its principal seafood suppliers to transition all of its seafood (fresh and frozen) to sustainable sources by 2015. | Fisheries | 2011 | Pacific |
Food Alliance | $25,000 | Working with the Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association, Food Alliance is working to set standards and develop a third-party audit process for certifying shellfish growers that follow socially and environmentally responsible practices. | Fisheries | 2008 | Pacific |
Food Alliance | $20,000 | Working with the Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association, Food Alliance is working to set standards and develop a third-party audit process for certifying shellfish growers that follow socially and environmentally responsible practices. | Fisheries | 2010 | Pacific |
Food Alliance | $25,000 | Working with the Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association and other partners, Food Alliance is working to set standards and develop a third-party audit process for certifying shellfish growers that follow socially and environmentally responsible practices. | Fisheries | 2011 | Pacific |
Foundations of Success Inc. | $39,500 | The Streamlining Initiative seeks to increase harmonization across the proposal and reporting requirements of different funders using the core concepts, terminology, and best practices outlined in the Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation. | N/A | 2011 | Pacific |
Friends of the Earth | $20,000 | Protect marine life and coastal communities in California from vessel air pollution and poorly regulated sewage and wastewater discharges from cruise ships, cargo ships, oil tankers, and ferries. | Pollution, Water Quality | 2009 | Pacific |
Green Fire Productions | $50,000 | To produce a video program to build public and policy support for ecosystem-based management of Oregon's ocean and coastal resources. While focusing specifically on Port Orford, Oregon, the video will also help bolster support for watershed and ocean protection along the entire west coast by outlining the benefits of ecosystem-based management and ways it can be achieved at local, state, and coast-wide levels. | N/A | 2008 | Pacific |
Green Fire Productions | $50,000 | A documentary to build public and policy support for ecosystem-based management of ocean and coastal resources, outlining the ways it is already being implemented at local, state, and coast-wide levels. | N/A | 2009 | Pacific |
Green Fire Productions | $50,000 | A documentary to build public and policy support for ecosystem-based management of ocean and coastal resources, outlining the ways it is already being implemented at local, state, and coast-wide levels. | N/A | 2010 | Pacific |