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Location: Chesapeake | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
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Name of Organization Amount Description Keywords Year Office
West Rhode Riverkeeper $45,000 Support the operations of a full-time Riverkeeper on the West and Rhode Rivers, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Advocacy, Keepers, Political Will, WIP 2018 Chesapeake
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay $40,000 Support business sector research, outreach, and onboarding as part of Businesses for the Bay, focusing in Lancaster County, PA. Non-traditional Allies 2018 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Legal Alliance Inc $45,000 Provide pro bono legal services to individuals and organizations working for protection and restoration of the Chesapeake Bay, its land and waterways. Extend outreach to Pennsylvania, increasing the number of client groups and environmental issues being addressed. Advocacy 2018 Chesapeake
Coastal Conservation Association - MD $30,000 Educate anglers, boaters, students, and decision makers on the importance of conservation, while also showing the negative impacts degraded water quality and habitat have on the Chesapeake Region and its fisheries. Advocacy, Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies 2018 Chesapeake
Gunpowder Riverkeeper, Inc. $40,000 The Gunpowder Riverkeeper advocates and works to abate pollution and champion improvement through 3 programmatic areas: Advocacy, Policy/ Regulations, and Outreach. Advocacy, Keepers, Nutrients, Political Will 2018 Chesapeake
Potomac Riverkeeper Incorporated $125,000 Support the Potomac Riverkeeper, Shenandoah Riverkeeper, and the Upper Potomac Riverkeeper and their two programs: Pollution Reduction and River Access/ Recreation. Advocacy, Keepers, Nutrients, Political Will 2018 Chesapeake
Commons Inc $125,000 Assist partners by creating a framework of applications, software, training, and guidance in the planning and prioritization of restoration projects, documentation of installation, and the acquisition and management of localized monitoring data that can help track the effectiveness of restoration efforts. Capacity, Water Quality 2018 Chesapeake
National Wildlife Federation $90,000 The Mid-Atlantic Office activates members around policy and restoration efforts to protect the Chesapeake Bay by reinforcing the appropriation requests of CCWC to ensure strong federal support for Chesapeake Bay restoration, reducing stormwater run-off/build support for water protection in Baltimore City through wildlife habitat and community engagement, and efforts to deploy the cover-crop champions program in PA. Advocacy, Agriculture, Stormwater, Water Quality 2018 Chesapeake
St. Joseph Church - Fullerton $25 N/A 2017 Chesapeake
Greater Ruxton Area Foundation Inc. $100 Donation N/A 2017 Chesapeake
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society $2,500 Team in Training N/A 2017 Chesapeake
CaringBridge $500 Donation N/A 2017 Chesapeake
Baltimore Community Foundation $10,000 Civic Leadership Fund N/A 2017 Chesapeake
The Ward Foundation $250 Ward Museum N/A 2017 Chesapeake
Lutherville Volunteer Fire Company $50 Donation N/A 2017 Chesapeake
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School $1,250 Stand Up for Students N/A 2017 Chesapeake
Sinai Hospital of Baltimore Inc. $1,000 Child Life Program N/A 2017 Chesapeake
Green Street Academy Foundation Inc. $10,000 Gwynn Falls Park Junior High Project N/A 2017 Chesapeake
Baltimore Community Foundation $50,000 The Pat Campbell Fund N/A 2017 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc $10,000 Year End Gift N/A 2017 Chesapeake
Rackliffe House Trust Inc. $250 Donation N/A 2017 Chesapeake
Penn State Dance Marathon $100 THON 2018 N/A 2017 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc $500,000 General Support N/A 2017 Chesapeake
Washington College $200,000 Semans-Griswold Environmental Hall N/A 2017 Chesapeake
Johns Hopkins University-Lyme Disease Center $5,000 Donation N/A 2017 Chesapeake
Audubon Naturalist Society of the Central Atlantic States, Inc. $105,000 Support the "Communities for Clean Streams" Initiative, engaging DC area residents in monitoring and advocating for local clean streams. Continue to serve as a stormwater expertise to stakeholders at all levels. Advocacy, Stormwater 2018 Chesapeake
Green Fin Studios $31,629 Support the “Delmarva Land and Litter Challenge” (DLLC), providing administrative and communications support as they determine the State of the Industry and continue working towards environmentally responsible farming solutions. Agriculture 2018 Chesapeake
The Hatcher Group, Inc. $22,500 Provide coordination and administrative support for the Maryland Clean Agricultural Coalition (MCAC), building relationships with Eastern Shore delegates and creating dialogue between the environmental and agricultural communities. Advocacy, Agriculture 2018 Chesapeake
National Wildlife Federation $270,000 Support the Choose Clean Water Coalition, harnessing the collective power of the Chesapeake region's advocacy community, providing capacity and a voice to all members. Accountability, Advocacy, Baywide, Nutrients, Political Will, WIP 2018 Chesapeake
Oyster Recovery Partnership $10,000 Plant and provide spat-on-shell for Maryland's restoration and sanctuary program, in support of the wild fishery and the aquaculture industry. Fisheries, Water Quality 2018 Chesapeake
Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association $50,000 Support the Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper, building capacity of the organization so they can more effectively work with partners, identify sources of pollution and advocate for the River. Accountability, Advocacy, Keepers, Political Will, Water Quality, WIP 2018 Chesapeake
Virginia League of Conservation Voters Education Fund $80,000 Preserve and protect Virginia's natural landscape by making conservation a top priority with Virginia decision makers, and engage concerned citizens in the democratic process. Accountability, Advocacy, Political Will, Water Quality, WIP 2018 Chesapeake
Sustainable Chesapeake $85,000 Help secure resources and expand conservation implementation in high priority regions (Lancaster County, PA & the Delmarva). Agriculture 2018 Chesapeake
Virginia Conservation Network $95,000 Support a coordinated conservation movement in Virginia, driving collaboration among the 100+ partner organizations. Accountability, Agriculture, Civic Engagement, Political Will, WIP 2018 Chesapeake
Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore, Inc $10,000 Support Baltimore's Healthy Harbor Fund, engaging residents to care for and learn about the local marine ecosystem, fostering stewardship and building a base of supporters. Outreach, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality 2018 Chesapeake
Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc $50,000 Focus on the promotion, funding and implementation of green infrastructure to address stormwater concerns. Continue chairing the Choose Clean Water Coalition's stormwater workgroup. Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality, WIP 2018 Chesapeake
Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund $145,000 Protect Maryland's environment and natural resources by maximizing participation of citizens in conservation decisions. Continue holding forums and building relationships with those in public policy. Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Political Will 2018 Chesapeake
Alliance for Justice $10,000 Provide information, training and resources to build the advocacy capacity of those in the nonprofit community. Advocacy 2018 Chesapeake
American Rivers, Inc $50,000 Work towards the adoption of green infrastructure solutions by municipalities in the Susquehanna basin of Pennsylvania, particularly the concept of gateway gardens. Outreach, Stormwater 2018 Chesapeake
Bay Journal Media, Inc. $75,000 Support the environmental journalism programs of Bay Journal Media, which includes in-depth reporting and commentary that reaches people each month through a suite of products and services. Communications, Outreach 2018 Chesapeake
Center for Watershed Protection $70,000 Continue providing stormwater training opportunities that promote job growth. In addition, provide stormwater technical resources to municipalities in Lancaster County, PA. Capacity, Non-traditional Allies, Stormwater, Water Quality, WIP 2018 Chesapeake
Conservation Foundation of Lancaster County $185,000 Support the Lancaster Clean Water Partners, a diverse, multi-sector group of public and private partners convening to accelerate conservation and restoration efforts in Lancaster County, PA. Accountability, Agriculture, Capacity, Communications, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality 2018 Chesapeake
Eastern Shore Land Conservancy Inc $65,000 Advance local water quality projects, assure the economic viability of farming, protect the environmental integrity of the Eastern Shore, and continue to advocate for greater WIP progress. Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Comprehensive Plans, Land Use, Nutrients, Outreach, Political Will, Stormwater, WIP 2018 Chesapeake
James River Association $100,000 Continue traditional river advocacy at the state level, while also supporting the James Riverkeeper program. Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Keepers, Political Will, WIP 2018 Chesapeake
Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association, Inc. $70,000 Provide general support to build the foundation for sustainable growth of the Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association. Accountability, Advocacy, Capacity, Keepers, Outreach, Political Will 2018 Chesapeake
ShoreRivers, Inc $2,500 The ShoreRivers’ Summer Solstice Gala funds restoration projects throughout our watersheds, advocacy efforts at the state and local levels, outreach to the agricultural community, and our extensive water quality monitoring programs. N/A 2018 Chesapeake
Shenandoah Forum $20,000 Support the new 'Alliance for the Shenandoah Valley', a group formed from a merger of local Shenandoah organizations. Capacity 2018 Chesapeake
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay $2,500 Taste of the Chesapeake N/A 2018 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Conservancy Inc $2,500 Champions of the Chesapeake N/A 2018 Chesapeake
Anne Arundel County Watershed Stewards Academy $40,000 Provide hands-on training courses to county residents, equipping them with the tools needed to help neighbors reduce stormwater runoff pollution in their communities. Outreach, Stormwater 2018 Chesapeake