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Location: Chesapeake | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
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Name of Organization Amount Description Keywords Year Office
American Rivers, Inc $50,000 Develop a model of "Gateway Gardens" with Penn DOT and Lancaster City, connecting highways to urban communities while addressing stormwater impacts. Stormwater 2017 Chesapeake
Center for Watershed Protection $50,000 Continue refining the Clean Water Certificate Training Program around Green Infrastructure. Stormwater 2017 Chesapeake
National Wildlife Federation $70,000 Work with environmental and agricultural decision makers to ensure the agricultural sector can achieve the pollution reductions necessary to achieve water quality goals, especially in Pennsylvania. Agriculture, Political Will 2017 Chesapeake
Piedmont Environmental Council $20,000 Protect the Piedmont's rural economy and natural resources, including water quantity and quality. Advocacy, Agriculture, Land Use 2017 Chesapeake
River Network $35,000 Assist groups within the Chesapeake Bay watershed on organizational development issues, capacity building needs, and mobilizing their base in innovative ways. Capacity 2017 Chesapeake
Virginia Organizing, Inc $10,000 Create a strong grassroots force for long-term change, by expanding the diversity and issues discussed in communities. Advocacy, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will 2017 Chesapeake
Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association, Inc. $70,000 Continue to build the foundation for the Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association. The Riverkeeper will serve as a key source of information on watershed topics for community programs and media outreach. Advocacy, Capacity, Keepers, Political Will 2017 Chesapeake
Conservation Foundation of Lancaster County $140,000 Support a multi-sector group of partners, Lancaster Clean Water Partners, convening to accelerate strategic conservation and restoration efforts in Lancaster County. A Coalition Director will be hired to lead the effort. Agriculture, Capacity, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality 2017 Chesapeake
Southern Environmental Law Center $10,000 Advance effective implementation of the Bay TMDL, by providing a watchdog role throughout the process. Accountability, Advocacy 2017 Chesapeake
Wild Oceans, Inc. $7,000 Build public support and present scientific rationale for ecological reference points for Atlantic menhaden. Advocacy, Fisheries 2017 Chesapeake
Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy, Inc. $65,000 Complete and implement the merger of 3 Eastern Shore of Maryland watershed organizations: the Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy, Chester River Association, and Sassafras River Association. Capacity, Keepers 2017 Chesapeake
Green Fin Studios $63,258 Support DLLC, The Delmarva Land & Litter Challenge, providing a forum for poultry industry to work collaboratively and productively with government representatives and environmental organizations to achieve shared goals. Agriculture 2017 Chesapeake
Blue Water Baltimore, Inc. $60,000 Support Baltimore advocacy efforts to achieve effective stormwater management by increasing transparency and accountability, and expediting green infrastructure. Advocacy, Stormwater 2017 Chesapeake
Commons Inc $40,000 Work with Bay restoration communities and government entities to improve access to robust digital services and maintain products that facilitate tracking of water quality improvements. Accountability, Capacity, Water Quality 2017 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Stormwater Network, Inc. $20,000 Develop a network of stormwater professionals, provide technical support to partners, translate the best science to improve BMP performance, and stay up to date on the changing regulatory landscape. Stormwater 2017 Chesapeake
PennFuture $90,000 Continue work of the "Pennsylvania Clean Rivers to Bay campaign, holding government accountable, educating decision makers, and communicating with partners. Serve as the PA State Lead for the Choose Clean Water Coalition. Accountability, Advocacy, Political Will, WIP 2017 Chesapeake
PennFuture $115,000 Build an email based digital engagement program to activate individuals through a collaborative list building project. Run a field and media program, "Green in 18". Advocacy, Political Will, WIP 2017 Chesapeake
Clean Water Fund $35,000 Continue and expand efforts to reach Northern Virginia constituents on the critical issues of water protection and restoration, land use, green infrastructure, and sustainable growth. Advocacy, Political Will, WIP 2017 Chesapeake
Potomac Conservancy, Inc $50,000 Grow a local movement of clean water supporters who stand up, speak up, and show up for the Potomac River and its local streams, with a focus in Montgomery and Frederick Counties, MD and Loudoun County, VA. Advocacy, Stormwater, WIP 2017 Chesapeake
Pennsylvania Voice $20,000 Increase civic engagement and increase voter registration, modernizing the technology in Pennsylvania. Accountability, Advocacy, Political Will 2017 Chesapeake
Friends of the Rappahannock, Inc. $25,000 Support local WIP implementation, advocate for issues related to the Rappahannock watershed, and build capacity through membership and major donor programs. Capacity, WIP 2017 Chesapeake
Lancaster Conservancy $30,000 Support the Urban Greening program, building awareness around stormwater pollution and green infrastructure in Lancaster City and County. Stormwater 2017 Chesapeake
National Parks Conservation Association $50,000 Protection national parks in the Chesapeake by collaborating with the National Park Service and showcasing agricultural best management practices. Advocacy, Agriculture 2017 Chesapeake
Piedmont Environmental Council $20,000 Support the Shenandoah Valley Network in their role providing technical and communication tools to conservation groups in the Valley. Help the Shenandoah Futures collaborative move forward. Capacity, Land Use, Water Quality 2017 Chesapeake
The Nature Conservancy $50,000 Increase implementation of conservation practices on the Delmarva engaging 4R: the right source, right rate, right time, and right place of nutrient applications. Agriculture, Water Quality 2017 Chesapeake
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, Inc. $45,000 Focus on the Pennsylvania portion of the Chesapeake watershed, engaging sportsmen and women on water quality conservation and restoration. Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Water Quality 2017 Chesapeake
Trout Unlimited $50,000 Establish a technical assistance program in the Susquehanna watershed in Pennsylvania to enable more watershed organizations and TU chapters to complete additional restoration projects. Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies, Water Quality 2017 Chesapeake
Valley Conservation Council Inc $5,000 Provide general operating support funds to the Valley Conservation Council, working to promote natural resource protection in the Shenandoah Valley region. Capacity, Land Use, Water Quality 2017 Chesapeake
Wetlands Watch, Inc. $40,000 Working in the tidal portions of Virginia, organize citizens to participate effectively in local government land use decisions. Accountability, Land Use, Water Quality 2017 Chesapeake
Bay Journal Media, Inc. $75,000 Support The Bay Journal and its environmental journalism, in-depth reporting and commentary, on Bay and local water quality issues. Baywide, Communications 2017 Chesapeake
1000 Friends of Maryland, Inc $115,000 Engage at the county level on land use and growth issues, working to conserve rural lands, forests and open space, to protect local water quality. Advocacy, Land Use 2017 Chesapeake
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay $14,500 Support the move of the Alliance's Pennsylvania office from Camp Hill to Lancaster City. The move will strategically position the office in the center of the Lancaster environmental hub. Capacity 2017 Chesapeake
Anacostia Watershed Society, Inc $50,000 Advocate for the remediation of the Anacostia River and the implementation of stormwater runoff and volume controls. Advocacy, Stormwater, Water Quality 2017 Chesapeake
Anne Arundel County Watershed Stewards Academy $25,000 Train citizens through an Academy curriculum and hands-on training to help neighbors reduce stormwater pollution in local creeks and rivers. Pollution, Stormwater 2017 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Commission $25,000 Help leverage a project seeking to achieve 100% livestock stream exclusion in 3 subwatersheds of Fishing Creek, Lancaster County PA. Agriculture 2017 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Trust $50,000 Support the Capacity Building Initiative of the Chesapeake Bay Funders' Network. Expand 5 networks of environmental and non-environmental groups, to build support and strategically work together for a common objective. Capacity, Non-traditional Allies 2017 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Conservancy Inc $80,000 Use new technologies to enhance precision conservation and improve community-based conservation in Lancaster County. Capacity, Land Use, Water Quality 2017 Chesapeake
Common Cause Education Fund $20,000 Continue to increase transparency and accessibility to data in Maryland, promote small donor matching funds, and work with the Administration on redistricting reforms. Advocacy, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will 2017 Chesapeake
Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake, Inc $60,000 Inspire watershed stewardship and activism in people of faith. Connect people to their watershed community and inspire them to care for our waters by connecting to their beliefs. Advocacy, Non-traditional Allies, Stormwater 2017 Chesapeake
James River Association $50,000 Advocate for river policies at the Virginia state and local level, incorporating funding goals for cost-share programs. Advocacy, Political Will, WIP 2017 Chesapeake
Waterkeepers Chesapeake $90,000 Develop a core competency program for Waterkeeper Chesapeake members and launch a new stormwater campaign, "Clear Choices Clean Water" Advocacy, Baywide, Keepers, Stormwater 2017 Chesapeake
Virginia Civic Engagement Table $10,000 Provide field organizing experience and leadership opportunities for the 38 members of the Table. Advocacy, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will 2017 Chesapeake
Anacostia Riverkeeper, Inc. $24,000 Protect and restore the Anacostia River watershed through advocacy, enforcement, outreach and education to target trash, toxics, stormwater, sewage and environmental justice. Advocacy, Keepers, Stormwater 2017 Chesapeake
Blue Water Baltimore, Inc. $32,000 The Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper (BHWK) program utilizes law, advocacy, and science to reduce pollution and restore water quality. The BHWK acts as the voice for the Baltimore Harbor watershed. Advocacy, Keepers, Stormwater 2017 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Rivers Association $24,000 Protect and restore the Severn River through the Severn Riverkeeper program, with an emphasis on reducing stormwater runoff. Advocacy, Keepers, Stormwater 2017 Chesapeake
Chester River Association $40,000 The Chester Riverkeeper leads the work on water quality monitoring, political advocacy, on-the-ground restoration, outreach to and engagement with the public. Advocacy, Keepers, Political Will, Water Quality 2017 Chesapeake
James River Association $30,000 The Upper James Riverkeeper works to prevent pollution and promote conservation and responsible stewardship of the upper portion of the river. Advocacy, Agriculture, Keepers, Water Quality 2017 Chesapeake
Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy, Inc. $40,000 The Choptank Riverkeeper has built a leading voice locally for supporting oyster restoration. He works with communities, connecting them with their local waters. Advocacy, Keepers, Nutrients, Political Will 2017 Chesapeake
Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy, Inc. $52,000 The Miles/ Wye Riverkeeper functions around: (1) Outreach/Education, (2) River Patrols/ Enforcement/ Water Quality Monitoring, (3) Restoration, and (4) Advocacy. Advocacy, Keepers, Political Will 2017 Chesapeake
Oyster Recovery Partnership $5,000 Promote and implement science-based shellfish restoration to protect the environment, support the economy, and preserve cultural heritage. Fisheries, Water Quality 2017 Chesapeake