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Location: Chesapeake | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
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Name of Organization Amount Description Keywords Year Office
Chesapeake Conservation Landscaping Council $25,000 Develop a regional credential system and network of sustainable landscape professionals, emphasizing small scale stormwater retrofit practices. Stormwater 2016 Chesapeake
Piedmont Environmental Council $20,000 Smart Growth in Northern Virginia - Expand educational efforts to ensure plans and projects effectively address stormwater runoff from commercial corridors in Fairfax County, Virginia. Stormwater 2016 Chesapeake
Clean Water Fund $1,500 Support the tuition for the Maryland Program Coordinator to participate in the Environmental Leadership Program. Capacity 2016 Chesapeake
The Funders Network $10,000 Support the National Stormwater Funders' Group, a group of funders interested in sustainable stormwater practices and green infrastructure. Stormwater 2016 Chesapeake
Schrauth Consulting, LLC $8,000 Support the Chesapeake Bay Funders' Network and their work to provide a learning and strategic coordination among funders interested in storwmater and green infrastructure in the Chesapeake Bay region. Stormwater 2016 Chesapeake
Trash Free Maryland $20,000 Trash Free Maryland's vision is a state free of trash pollution, to be accomplished through adoption of policies and programs that address the most prevalent sources and types of litter polluting local waters. Advocacy, Non-traditional Allies, Stormwater 2016 Chesapeake
Oyster Recovery Partnership $5,000 Support the Oyster Recovery Partnership in recycling oyster shell through its regional Shell Recycling Alliance, to plant one million oysters in the Little Choptank River sanctuary and to educate the public about Maryland's oyster restoration efforts at its annual Mermaid's Kiss Oyster Fest. Fisheries, Water Quality 2016 Chesapeake
The Hatcher Group, Inc. $145,000 Provide strategic coordination and communications support for the Maryland Clean Agriculture Coalition (MCAC). MCAC seeks to improve Maryland waterways and protect public health through increased transparency from agriculture and other associated causes of water degradation, to improve water quality for the region. Advocacy, Agriculture, Communications, Water Quality 2016 Chesapeake
Sierra Club Foundation $50,000 Advocate for and support strong implementation of stormwater policies that reduce polluted runoff. Broaden public awareness of the importance of the Chesapeake Bay cleanup plan, and draw connections between local water quality work, such as protecting local rivers and streams and land use policies, and broader efforts to heal the Bay. Accountability, Advocacy, Stormwater 2016 Chesapeake
South River Federation Inc $10,000 Explore a more strategic alliance between SRF and the West/Rhode Riverkeeper organization by engaging with Maryland Nonprofits. Capacity, Water Quality 2016 Chesapeake
Lancaster Farmland Trust $90,000 Position three motivated Lancaster County municipalities to potentially invest in agricultural Best Management Practices as a strategy to improve local water quality and meet their responsibility to improve the health of the Bay. Accountability, Stormwater, Water Quality 2016 Chesapeake
University System of Maryland Foundation Inc $20,000 Provide general operating support to the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Studies (UMCES), Maryland's premier research institution aimed at advancing scientific knowledge of the environment. Accountability, Communications, Water Quality 2016 Chesapeake
River Network $3,000 Provide scholarships, for staff and Board members from Chesapeake organizations, to attend the 18th annual River Rally. Workshops and plenaries are led by expert trainers and practitioners in river conservation and will give participants applicable tools and resources for use when they return home. River Rally will be held in Grand Rapids, Michigan May 8-11, 2017. Capacity 2017 Chesapeake
James River Association $20,000 The Lower James Riverkeeper LJRK serves as the eyes, ears and voice of JRA in the Lower watershed and serves as a full time advocate for the river. Advocacy, Keepers, Nutrients, Political Will 2017 Chesapeake
Association Of Baltimore Area Grantmakers Inc $35,000 Improve human health outcomes through environmental protections, using health impacts to motivate greater environmental action in Maryland. Advocacy, Non-traditional Allies 2017 Chesapeake
Clean Water Fund $50,000 Increase investment in Maryland communities on issues that impact their environment, and build capacity within places without strong local advocacy groups. Support state-wide clean water campaigns. Advocacy, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will 2017 Chesapeake
Eastern Shore Land Conservancy Inc $45,000 Advocate for greater local "Watershed Implementation Plan" progress among 6 Eastern Shore counties, while defending state wide actions supporting Bay water quality. Advocacy, Land Use, Political Will, WIP 2017 Chesapeake
Gunpowder Valley Conservation, Inc. $6,000 Develop a plan delineating high-value resource lands to unify and guide conservation efforts throughout the Gunpowder Valley watershed. Land Use 2017 Chesapeake
Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy, Inc. $10,000 Support the exploration and investigation phase of a "merger" between MRC, the Chester River Association, and the Sassafras River Association. Capacity, Keepers 2017 Chesapeake
West Rhode Riverkeeper $45,000 Support the Riverkeeper in advocacy, water quality monitoring, public engagement, education and outreach, design and construction of restoration projects, and other activities to improve water quality. Keepers, Water Quality, WIP 2017 Chesapeake
Coastal Conservation Association - MD $30,000 Continue to support sound ecosystem management of the Bay's fisheries. Develop more effective communications platforms to ensure advocacy efforts engage a larger audience. Advocacy, Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies 2017 Chesapeake
Gunpowder Riverkeeper, Inc. $40,000 Serve as the advocate for the Gunpowder River watershed and work to abate pollution and champion improvement through monitoring, outreach, advocacy, and litigation. Advocacy, Keepers, Political Will, WIP 2017 Chesapeake
National Wildlife Federation $95,000 The Mid-Atlantic office activates members around policy and restoration efforts to protect the Chesapeake Bay. Accountability, Advocacy, Political Will, Water Quality, WIP 2017 Chesapeake
Audubon Naturalist Society of the Central Atlantic States, Inc. $45,000 Provide training to empower advocates to push fro strong language and implementation of MS4 permits, with adequate finance assurance plans. Advocacy, Stormwater 2017 Chesapeake
National Wildlife Federation $225,000 Support the Choose Clean Water Coalition, harnessing the collective power of the region's advocacy community to ensure a unified voice, supporting clean water in the Chesapeake region. Advocacy, Political Will 2017 Chesapeake
Potomac Riverkeeper Incorporated $20,000 Support the Upper Potomac Riverkeeper, taking action to reduce known pollution sources, enforcing and improving laws to reduce pollution, and building a grassroots constituency of support. Advocacy, Keepers, Pollution 2017 Chesapeake
Commons Inc $10,000 Develop a product development strategy and road map for expansion of a Clean Water Communities Stormwater Calculator. Stormwater 2017 Chesapeake
Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association $50,000 Support the Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper, pushing for compliance of environmental laws, advocating for improvement of policies based on science, and educating the communities on issues pertaining to the health of the Susquehanna and its tributaries. Advocacy, Keepers, Political Will 2017 Chesapeake
Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore, Inc $10,000 Support the Healthy Harbor Initiative, creating events for community involvement, demonstrating water quality improvement projects, and organizing around issues of trash and litter. Advocacy, Non-traditional Allies, Stormwater 2017 Chesapeake
Alliance for Justice $10,000 Provide information, training and resources to build the capacity of nonprofits engaging in advocacy. Advocacy, Capacity 2017 Chesapeake
Audubon Naturalist Society of the Central Atlantic States, Inc. $60,000 Continue the "Communities for Clean Stream" campaign, educating and empowering D.C. area residents to take an active role in monitoring, stewarding, and advocating for their local streams. Advocacy, Political Will, Stormwater 2017 Chesapeake
Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc $50,000 Chair the Stormwater Workgroup of the Choose Clean Water Coalition, promoting green infrastructure through enforceable MS4 permits and local stormwater utility programs. Advocacy, Political Will, Stormwater 2017 Chesapeake
Society of Environmental Journalists, Inc. $5,000 Increase journalists' understanding of environmental issues by hosting workshops, an annual conference, and providing tools and guidebooks. Communications 2017 Chesapeake
Virginia Conservation Network $80,000 Work for a powerful, diverse and coordinated conservation movement in Virginia. Continue to create the well-established Common Agenda, created through a collaborated process of 120+ partner organizations. Advocacy, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will 2017 Chesapeake
Oyster Recovery Partnership $5,000 Support the recycling of oyster shell through a regional Shell Recycling Alliance, to plant one million oysters in the Little Choptank River sanctuary. Fisheries 2016 Chesapeake
Sierra Club Foundation $50,000 Broaden public awareness of the importance of the Chesapeake Bay cleanup plan, particularly supporting the implementation of stormwater policies and programs that reduce polluted runoff. Political Will, Stormwater, WIP 2016 Chesapeake
  $145,000 Provide strategic coordination and communications support for the Maryland Clean Agriculture Coalition. MCAC's mission is to improve waterways by reducing pollution, and increasing transparency and accountability, from agriculture. Accountability, Agriculture, Communications 2016 Chesapeake
Lancaster Farmland Trust $90,000 Utilize peer focus groups and farmer to farmer mentoring to link water quality and farming operations. Implement improved practices in high nitrate areas on 10 "early adopter" farms. Agriculture 2016 Chesapeake
University System of Maryland Foundation Inc $20,000 General operating support to the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Studies (UMCES), a premier research institution aimed at advancing scientific knowledge of the environment. Pollution, Water Quality 2016 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Commission $10,000 Support the Commission's work to educate new landmakers on the strengths of the Chesapeake Bay Program, the critical role it has played and the continued advancement of the restoration. Political Will 2017 Chesapeake
Commons Inc $50,000 Partner with organizations to access, organize and share data and technology that inspires action to restore the environment. Develop tools that bridge knowledge gaps, enhancing transparency and leads to better conservation decisions. Capacity, Pollution 2017 Chesapeake
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay $40,000 Through Businesses for the Bay, encourage businesses to go beyond compliance and take measurable actions to support protection and restoration of Bay waters. Accountability, Non-traditional Allies, Pollution 2017 Chesapeake
Potomac Riverkeeper Incorporated $30,000 Conduct a multi-year campaign to address major sources of water quality degradation in the Shenandoah Valley watershed. Advocacy, Agriculture, Pollution 2017 Chesapeake
Sustainable Chesapeake $72,000 Help secure resources for high-impact conservation practices, expand implementation, and foster collaboration to achieve restoration goals in high priority geographical regions. Agriculture, Capacity 2017 Chesapeake
Virginia League of Conservation Voters Education Fund $95,000 Generate progress on top conservation issues in VA through education and outreach to elected officials and turn out conservation voters by elevating concerns. Advocacy, Political Will 2017 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Legal Alliance Inc $35,000 Provide pro bono legal services to individuals and organizations working to protect and restore the Chesapeake Bay and its land and waterways. Accountability, Advocacy, Baywide 2017 Chesapeake
Environmental Integrity Project $115,000 Ensure compliance with existing environmental laws, regulations and permits by increasing access to data and reporting on implementation progress, Accountability, Advocacy, Baywide, Political Will 2017 Chesapeake
Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund $150,000 Increase the grassroots base for clean water, connect decision-makers to their constituents, and serve as the Maryland lead for the Choose Clean Water Coalition. Accountability, Advocacy, Political Will 2017 Chesapeake
University of Maryland Baltimore Foundation, Inc. $75,000 Equip law students with the experience of providing legal services to environmental organizations and individuals by representing clients in rule-making, permitting, and litigation. Accountability, Advocacy 2017 Chesapeake
The Hatcher Group, Inc. $145,000 MCAC Coordination Agriculture, Capacity, Communications, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Water Quality 2016 Chesapeake