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Location: Chesapeake | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
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Name of Organization Amount Description Keywords Year Office
Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund $160,000 As the Maryland lead for the Choose Clean Water Coalition, address water quality throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed and environmental quality across the state. Conduct environmental outreach to connect local and regional groups to policy makers in Annapolis Political Will 2016 Chesapeake
Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc $60,000 Lead the Choose Clean Water Coalition’s stormwater workgroup push for enforceable MS4 permits and financial assurance plans to meet stormwater obligations; encourage EPA to use their Residual Designation Authority Advocacy, Stormwater 2016 Chesapeake
Society of Environmental Journalists, Inc. $5,000 Strengthen the quality, reach and viability of news coverage of fresh water, marine and coastal issues through programs and services to educate and empower colleagues and news organizations. Communications 2016 Chesapeake
University of Maryland Baltimore Foundation, Inc. $90,000 Provide pro bono legal services to environmental organizations and individuals working on environmental problems in Maryland and the Chesapeake region. Represent clients in rulemaking, permitting, legislation and litigation. Prepare new generations of environmental advocates with sophisticated advocacy, litigation and public education strategies for improving environmental enforcement Agriculture 2016 Chesapeake
Virginia Conservation Network $80,000 Ensure a powerful, diverse and coordinated conservation movement. Serve as the driving force behind the “Common Agenda”, the result of a collaborative process among 120+ partner organizations that motivates strategic action on policy Accountability, Advocacy 2016 Chesapeake
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay $2,500 Taste of the Chesapeake N/A 2016 Chesapeake
Blue Water Baltimore, Inc. $70,000 Improve local water quality and support neighborhood greening throughout Baltimore City and County by focusing on a comprehensive policy and advocacy program around stormwater and trash. Advocacy, Stormwater 2016 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Stormwater Network, Inc. $20,000 Continue to expand the network of more than 9,100 stormwater professionals and promote more widespread adoption of effective stormwater practices through technical support, training improved permits, and recognition of good programs. Stormwater 2016 Chesapeake
PennFuture $90,000 Launch PA Clean Rivers to Bay Campaign, an accountability-centric campaign to improve local water quality in the Susquehanna basin. Accountability, Agriculture, Nutrients, Water Quality 2016 Chesapeake
Clean Water Fund $35,000 Educate Northern Virginia decision makers and citizens on local water issues and conduct Get Out The Vote nonpartisan activities in that area. Advocacy, Political Will 2016 Chesapeake
National Wildlife Federation $40,000 Work with members of the Chesapeake Legal Enforcement Network and newly formed partnerships with state government to help manage, process, and provide information that leads to better enforcement of water quality laws in Maryland. Accountability, Water Quality 2016 Chesapeake
Potomac Conservancy, Inc $40,000 Continue to work towards ensuring the implementation of and funding for clean water programs in 16 targeted areas within the Potomac basin. Policy work will be driven by the 2017 midpoint assessment and WIP deadlines. Advocacy, WIP 2016 Chesapeake
Southern Environmental Law Center $10,000 Ensure strong local and state oversight of shale gas drilling and fracking in the Taylorsville Basin, which underlies lands in eastern Virginia just miles from the Bay and major tributaries. Compell Dominion Virginia Power to clean up coal ash disposal sites that are contaminating groundwater and surface waters in the Bay watershed. Advocacy, Land Use, Water Quality 2016 Chesapeake
State Voices $20,000 Support Get Out The Vote efforts in Pennsylvania, focusing on engaging the New American Majority in the democratic process. Advocacy, Political Will 2016 Chesapeake
Piedmont Environmental Council $20,000 Provide technical information, analysis, strategic planning and communications tools to conservation groups and local governments in the Shenandoah Valley to secure good land use planning that protect the Valley’s natural resources. Advocacy, Land Use, WIP 2016 Chesapeake
Lancaster Conservancy $20,000 The Lancaster County Conservancy’s Urban Greening program continues to work with the City of Lancaster to develop a public education strategy to coincide with implementation of their stormwater fee, building awareness in the community about stormwater pollution and green infrastructure. Stormwater 2016 Chesapeake
Wetlands Watch, Inc. $45,000 Expand advocacy work in local government land use decisions to protect natural resources; Organize and educated constituents to participate effectively in those local government land use decisions; Broaden advocacy networks. Advocacy, Land Use, Stormwater, WIP 2016 Chesapeake
James River Association $15,000 In partnership with the Potomac Conservancy, Friends of the Rappahannock and others, advocate for adequate state water quality funding to meet Virginia’s clean water commitments. Advocacy, Agriculture, Political Will, Stormwater 2016 Chesapeake
Friends of the Rappahannock, Inc. $20,000 Expand local advocacy efforts to ensure strong local Watershed Implementation Plans, funding for living shorelines, and protection of sensitive land areas, while expanding reach of membership and major donor programs. Advocacy, Political Will, Stormwater 2016 Chesapeake
Conservation Pennsylvania $80,000 Run a nonpartisan engagement program to engage voters. Conduct testing to further refine how to effectively increase voter turnout and identify long-term voter trends. Advocacy, Political Will 2016 Chesapeake
Trout Unlimited $30,000 Advance the protection and restoration of coldwater habitat in the Chesapeake Bay watershed through advocacy, communications, and planning. Advocacy, Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies 2016 Chesapeake
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, Inc. $40,000 Ensure that the Clean Water Rule is not weakened so that protections are restored to the wetlands and headwater streams that feed into the Chesapeake Bay. Ramp up efforts to engage on conservation issues which affect water quality in the 2018/19 Farm Bill with conservation organizations across the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Agriculture, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will 2016 Chesapeake
Piedmont Environmental Council $30,000 Protect the Piedmont’s rural economy and natural resources, including water quantity and quality. Advocacy, Agriculture, Land Use 2016 Chesapeake
National Parks Conservation Association $50,000 Protect national parks from incompatible development, polluted waterways, air pollution, habitat fragmentation, and other threats. Use a national parks lens to (1) showcase agricultural best management practices (BMPs), and (2) increase public support and advocacy for state conservation program funding essential for Pennsylvania’s clean water goals Advocacy, Agriculture, Water Quality 2016 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Media Services Inc $75,000 General support for in-depth environmental reporting and commentary that reaches millions of people each month through a suite of products and services that includes the Chesapeake Bay Journal, Chesapeake Bay Journeys, Bay Journal News Service, as well as through partnerships with other media. Baywide, Communications 2016 Chesapeake
Waterkeepers Chesapeake $65,000 Support a coalition of 19 independent programs. Together, and in coordination, they amplify the voices of each Waterkeeper and mobilize to stop pollution and champion clean water. Waterkeepers Chesapeake promotes peer learning, shares successful strategies and provides technical and legal expertise. They also organize collective legal and advocacy campaigns around clean water, and coordinate information and resources. Advocacy, Keepers, WIP 2016 Chesapeake
Virginia Civic Engagement Table $10,000 Conduct a collaborative 501(c)(3) GOTV effort in the Hampton Roads region with several partners. This effort should improve the shared data partners utilize year round in the VAN, increase the sophistication of field efforts, and improve changes for year round collaboration. Non-traditional Allies, Political Will 2016 Chesapeake
James River Association $40,000 Protect and restore the James River watershed by advocating for policies and regulations at the state level. Continue to focus on the James River watershed WIPs and “Our River at Risk” campaign. Advocacy, Political Will, WIP 2016 Chesapeake
Common Cause Education Fund $25,000 “Open Access to Data in MD” aims to increase transparency at all levels of Maryland’s government (open meetings, open data, and procurement reforms) and to advance access to data regarding pollution loading and public health, with a specific local focus on Baltimore City. Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Stormwater 2016 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Trust $50,000 The 3rd generation Capacity Building Initiative is attempting a new structure (collective action model) that facilitates cross sector and strategic collaborations while creating a safe and welcome space to engage new partners in local coalitions to advance clean water plans. 5 regions have been selected and regional action plans are being developed. Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, WIP 2016 Chesapeake
Anne Arundel County Watershed Stewards Academy $25,000 Train citizens in Anne Arundel County to help neighborhoods reduce local stormwater runoff. A hands-on training curriculum gives Stewards the tools to bring change, by turning knowledge and good intentions into action. Stewards work with communities to install projects such as rain gardens or conservation landscapes that capture polluted runoff. There are now 160 Stewards, (since 2009) representing over 100 communities across the County. Stormwater, WIP 2016 Chesapeake
Anacostia Watershed Society, Inc $30,000 Work towards the restoration of the Anacostia River, with a particular emphasis on enhanced stormwater controls, reduction of trash inputs, and increased attention to remediation of toxics. Stormwater, WIP 2016 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Commission $10,000 Support the Commission’s work in the three Bay states to advance the goals of the Bay TMDL, with particular emphasis on agriculture. Accountability, Agriculture 2016 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Commission $25,000 Reach 100% livestock stream exclusion within a sub-watershed of Lancaster County, PA and improve riparian buffers within the setback area. In so doing, create a model that can be duplicated state and region-wide. Leverage federal funding with private funding to facilitate participation of underserved Plain Sect producers. Agriculture, Nutrients 2016 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Conservancy Inc $60,000 Advance collaborative conservation on a landscape scale through expanded public access, engagement, and innovative approaches to accelerate the pace of conservation throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Advocacy, Baywide, Land Use 2016 Chesapeake
Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake, Inc $60,000 Educate, support and inspire people and communities of faith to advocate for the waters of the Chesapeake through policies and practices that promote a healthier environment and healthier people. Advocacy, Non-traditional Allies, Water Quality 2016 Chesapeake
1000 Friends of Maryland, Inc $80,000 Develop policy solutions, educate decision makers and the public, produce reports and fact sheets, and build strong coalitions to advance a suite of proposals for cleaner water and sustainable growth. Advocacy, Land Use, Water Quality 2016 Chesapeake
Anacostia Riverkeeper, Inc. $23,000 Protect, restore and advocate for the Anacostia River for all who work, live and play in the watershed. Advocacy, Keepers, Political Will, Stormwater 2016 Chesapeake
Blue Water Baltimore, Inc. $32,000 The Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper utilizes law and science to stop pollution and restore water quality, serving as a voice for the watershed to government agencies, the media, and the public. Advocacy, Keepers, Political Will, Stormwater 2016 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Rivers Association $25,000 Continue the mission to protect and restore the Severn River, focusing on enforcement of forest conservation easements. Advocacy, Keepers, Stormwater 2016 Chesapeake
Chester River Association $37,500 Support the Chester Riverkeeper and the work of monitoring the river's health, enforcing clean water laws, promoting behavior changes, increasing awareness and inspiring stewardship. Agriculture, Keepers, Political Will, WIP 2016 Chesapeake
James River Association $30,000 Support the Upper James Riverkeeper, serving as the eyes, ears and voice of the Upper and Middle James River watershed. Agriculture, Keepers, Political Will 2016 Chesapeake
Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy, Inc. $52,000 Support the Miles/ Wye Riverkeeper program and the Executive Director's role in the Land and Litter Steering Committee. Advocacy, Agriculture, Keepers 2016 Chesapeake
Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy, Inc. $39,000 Support the Choptank Riverkeeper program, restoring and preserving the River by pushing for adequate WIPs, supporting policy initiatives, and adopting pollution reducing technologies. Agriculture, Keepers, WIP 2016 Chesapeake
Potomac Riverkeeper Incorporated $36,000 Support the Potomac Riverkeeper, taking action to reduce pollution sources, and working to enforce and improve laws to reduce pollution while seeking opportunities for river access and recreation. Advocacy, Keepers, Stormwater 2016 Chesapeake
Potomac Riverkeeper Incorporated $35,000 Support the Shenandoah Riverkeeper, taking action to reduce pollution sources, patrolling the river to identify threats, and working to enforce and improve policies to reduce pollution. Advocacy, Agriculture, Keepers 2016 Chesapeake
Sassafras River Association $35,000 Support the Sassafras Riverkeeper program, monitoring water quality, addressing citizen concerns, investigating sources of pollution and acting as a voice for the River. Advocacy, Agriculture 2016 Chesapeake
South River Federation Inc $36,000 Support the South Riverkeeper program, serving as the eyes and ears of the River with a focus on advocacy, building outreach and membership support. Advocacy, Keepers, Stormwater 2016 Chesapeake
Oyster Recovery Partnership $5,000 Support ORP in recycling oyster shell to plant one million oysters in the Little Choptank River sanctuary and to educate the public about Maryland's oyster restoration efforts at its annual Mermaid's Kiss Oyster Fest. Fisheries 2016 Chesapeake
Anacostia Watershed Society, Inc $20,000 Support the National Capital Region Watershed Stewards Academy, educating community members through a training program and reducing stormwater runoff with the implementation of capstone projects. Stormwater 2016 Chesapeake