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Location: Chesapeake | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
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Name of Organization Amount Description Keywords Year Office
Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund $12,000 The Citizens Campaign for the Environment will conduct a strategic planning to address challenges and opportunities to better position the overall environmental movement in Maryland, strengthening internal procedures and external outcomes.  Advocacy, Political Will 2014 Chesapeake
University System of Maryland Foundation Inc $10,000 Support a forum on Environmental Justice; bring a much needed focus to the nexus between water quality, environmental impacts, and community and public health.  Non-traditional Allies 2014 Chesapeake
University System of Maryland Foundation Inc $9,000 As coordinator of the Chesapeake Bay Funder Network Agriculture Workgroup, strengthen the economic sustainability of the Chesapeake Bay farming community while simultaneously addressing nutrient run-off from farming, particularly related to manure, that threatens the Chesapeake Bay and its local tributaries.  Agriculture, Nutrients 2014 Chesapeake
Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore, Inc $25,000 A Water  Wheel trash interceptor that uses solar power and hydro-power to collect and remove trash and debris from the Jones Falls in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. Non-traditional Allies, Stormwater 2014 Chesapeake
Alice Ferguson Foundation, Inc $15,000 Trash Free Maryland Alliance is a network of organizations and businesses focused on reducing trash pollution by coordinating and informing groups around a common policy agenda.   Advocacy, Non-traditional Allies 2014 Chesapeake
Alice Ferguson Foundation, Inc $5,000 Support Prince George’s Green in their efforts to expand the green workforce and green business development in Prince George’s County, MD.  Green Career Workshops will provide necessary skills training and potential employer matches.  Advocacy, Stormwater, WIP 2014 Chesapeake
Anacostia Watershed Stewards $20,000 Recruit stewards from diverse backgrounds and neighborhoods, thereby increasing public awareness of watershed protection issues in many communities throughout the Capital region.  Advocacy, Stormwater 2014 Chesapeake
Audubon Naturalist Society of the Central Atlantic States, Inc. $84,300 Manage and provide coordination, leadership, strategic and administrative support for the Maryland Clean Agriculture Coalition (MCAC). Improve Maryland waterways and protect public health by reducing pollution, and increasing transparency and accountability, from agriculture.  A key element of the coalition’s work is to drive reductions in the land application of manure in the Chesapeake watershed. Accountability, Agriculture, Communications 2014 Chesapeake
Audubon Naturalist Society of the Central Atlantic States, Inc. $33,150 Development and implementation of the Phosphorus Management Tool (PMT) andthe implementation of the new CBP verification standards for agriculture Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture 2014 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Conservation Landscaping Council $25,000 Create a certification program and therefore a standardized workforce of trained landscaping professionals with the skills and expertise to design, install, and maintain small-scale landscaping practices for efficient pollution removal. Stormwater, WIP 2014 Chesapeake
PennFuture $25,000 Protect the Loyalsock State Forest from an imminent threat of unconventional gas development activities by preventing Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) from entering into a Surface Disturbance Management Agreement (SDMA) with Anadarko Petroleum Corporation and other third parties. Advocacy, Land Use, Nutrients, Water Quality, WIP 2014 Chesapeake
The Funders Network $10,000 Support the National Stormwater Funders’ Group.  The group focuses on joint learning and collaborative work among funders interested in stormwater management and green infrastructure.  Advocacy, Stormwater 2014 Chesapeake
Environmental Grantmakers Association $3,000 Help launch The Blue Sky Funders Forum, a national hub for funders to learn, connect, and grow philanthropy for environmental education. Advocacy, Political Will, Water Quality, WIP 2014 Chesapeake
National Environmental Education Foundation $20,000 Strengthen coverage of weather, climate and environmental information in Spanish-language media by providing science based and actionable information through media stakeholders they trust in the DC metro area.  Communications 2014 Chesapeake
Piedmont Environmental Council $25,000 Build local partnerships to increase civic participation on projects leading to stronger stormwater protection, improved local water quality, and better environmental outcomes in Fairfax County, VA and Montgomery County, MD.  Advocacy 2014 Chesapeake
Responsible Drilling Alliance $5,000 Provide strategic guidance and communications support to the Save the Loyalsock Coalition (www.saveloyalsock.com), a coalition comprised of 23 non-profit organizations. The Coalition was formed to protect an area in Pennsylvania known as the Clarence Moore lands of the Loyalsock State Forest from natural gas development. Communications 2014 Chesapeake
Queen Anne's Conservation Association $10,000 Pilot an electronic system of gathering signatures in citizens-driven referendum efforts. Advocacy, Capacity 2014 Chesapeake
Schrauth Consulting, LLC $8,000 Support coordination of a stormwater community of funders in the Chesapeake Bay.  Advocacy, Stormwater 2014 Chesapeake
Sierra Club Foundation $50,000 Support strong implementation of Maryland stormwater policies that reduce polluted runoff  and draw connections between local water quality work and broader efforts to heal the Bay.  Address the negative impacts of agricultural pollution on Maryland’s waterways. Advocacy, Agriculture, Stormwater 2014 Chesapeake
Sustainable Chesapeake $72,550 Provide project management for the USDA Conservation Innovation Grant to the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network.  Accelerate deployment of manure to energy technologies and other options that provide alternatives to land application and reduce nutrient pollution from animal agriculture production.  Agriculture 2014 Chesapeake
Virginia Conservation Network $8,500 Support the tuition for participation in the Institute for Conservation Leadership’s Executive Director Leadership Program.   Capacity 2014 Chesapeake
Virginia Institute of Marine Science Foundation $10,000 Support the VIMS SAV program to monitor SAV beds annually baywide and restore eelgrass to areas that can now support these plants.  Seagrass  (SAV) beds are important habitats in the Chesapeake Bay region that provide a variety of ecosystem services such as habitat, protection, nursery areas, and other functions for economically valuable fishery species.  The emphasis for the last decade has been successful restoration of eelgrass to the Virginia coastal bays and the bay scallops that were once abundant in these bays back in the 1930s. Advocacy, Fisheries 2014 Chesapeake
West Rhode Riverkeeper $8,500 Support the tuition to participate in the Institute for Conservation Leadership’s Executive Director Leadership Program.  Capacity 2014 Chesapeake
Conservation Strategies, LLC $60,000 Organize a regional civic engagement strategy; work with other national water funders to get endorsement of the EPA Clean Water Rule; support the new leadership of the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network and help facilitate a mid-point assessment workshop for funders and key advocates.  Advocacy, WIP 2015 Chesapeake
Environmental Grantmakers Association $5,000 EGA hosts a Federal Policy Briefing every other year to allow environmental funders to strategize, coordinate, and reflect on the most recent election cycle. The next Federal Policy Briefing will be held in Washington, DC on February 24-25, 2015.  Advocacy, Political Will 2015 Chesapeake
James River Association $15,000 The Lower James Riverkeeper is a full-time advocate for the Lower James watershed.  The Riverkeeper patrols the river, monitors the health of the river and its species, responds to pollution reports and develops strategies to address threats.  Advocacy, Fisheries, Keepers 2015 Chesapeake
River Network $3,000 Provide scholarships to help Chesapeake Bay watershed leaders participate in River Rally 2015 in Santa Ana Pueblo, NM.  The event will bring together several hundred river leaders, staff and board members for learning and network opportunities. Capacity, Political Will 2015 Chesapeake
Water Stewardship, Inc. $60,000 Strengthen private and public sector efforts to reduce agricultural nutrient and sediment pollution. Provide confidential support to improve on-farm compliance and BMP implementation through a continuous improvement program. Agriculture 2015 Chesapeake
The Hatcher Group, Inc. $75,000 Educate Maryland policymakers and the media about risks posed by farm pollution and the need for tighter regulations and enforcement, through effective messaging, media outreach, strategic advice and implementation of smart communication strategies by state environmental groups.   Help environmental groups become more collaborative, strategic and sophisticated in their public outreach around a long-term, unified effort to reduce farm pollution.  Agriculture, Communications 2015 Chesapeake
Association Of Baltimore Area Grantmakers Inc $3,000 The Green Funders Affinity Group creates a forum for ABAG environmental funders to increase member awareness of pressing issues and promising work in the fields of environment, sustainability and community greening.   Non-traditional Allies 2015 Chesapeake
Association Of Baltimore Area Grantmakers Inc $25,000 The Maryland Environmental Health Network works to achieve environmental protections that are evidence-based; create safe and healthy communities; and connect health professionals and environmental advocates.  Advocacy 2015 Chesapeake
Blue Water Baltimore, Inc. $8,000 Develop and implement a Maryland communications campaign that puts stormwater in the lens of job creation, programs at work, and the reality of federal mandates, community enhancement, flood reduction and water quality benefits.  Communications, Stormwater 2015 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Climate Action Network $55,000 Develop “best practices” for Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling in order to avoid the environmental impacts already witnessed in neighboring states.  Advocate for a multi-year moratorium that will allow more time to review New York’s recent findings and assess Maryland’s unique threats.  Advocacy, Pollution, Water Quality 2015 Chesapeake
Clean Water Fund $75,000 Build grassroots support in Baltimore to provide oversight in the implementation of stormwater funds, and push for City and statewide protection of Environmental Justice communities.  Advocacy, Stormwater 2015 Chesapeake
Eastern Shore Land Conservancy Inc $65,000 Defend and advance the regulatory framework essential to protecting Chesapeake Bay.  Achieve pollution reduction in the mid- and upper- Eastern Shore MD counties.  Build new networks supporting a new generation of local Bay leaders. Land Use, WIP 2015 Chesapeake
National Wildlife Federation $60,000 Provide cost effective web mapping, computer programming, and data acquisition/management services to small watershed organizations, foundations, and government agencies.  Provide tools and services to facilitate information transparency, open-data, public engagement, and conservation policy decisions. Advocacy, Agriculture, Communications 2015 Chesapeake
Potomac Conservancy, Inc $100,000 Protecting the largest remaining tract of undeveloped forest in the main stem of the South Branch of the Potomac.  Protection of this land will connect critical land and help secure source water for Washington, D.C. Land Use 2015 Chesapeake
West Rhode Riverkeeper $45,000 The Riverkeeper serves as the eyes, ears and voice for the West and Rhode Rivers, using grassroots efforts, advocacy and legal action to protect communities from harmful pollution.   Advocacy, Keepers, Nutrients 2015 Chesapeake
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay $10,000 Lead, support and inspire local action, foster stewardship and build partnerships to restore and protect the health of the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed. Implement a development and communications strategy to amplify Alliance visibility and grow engagement and partnerships with a diverse set of communities in all six Bay states.  Advocacy 2015 Chesapeake
Coastal Conservation Association - MD $40,000 Organize anglers around best available science and sound policy to ensure stable and abundant fish populations in the Chesapeake Bay waters.  Advocacy, Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies 2015 Chesapeake
Gunpowder Riverkeeper, Inc. $40,000 Serve as an advocate for the Gunpowder River watershed and its communities, working to stop pollution and champion regulatory reform by using baseline monitoring, outreach, advocacy and litigation. Advocacy, Fisheries, Keepers 2015 Chesapeake
Natural Resources Solutions, LLC $16,000 Help grain and chicken grower and poultry integrator leaders step up and provide catalytic leadership in implementing recommendations from the Chesapeake Bay Land and Litter Project, Phase 1. Agriculture 2015 Chesapeake
National Wildlife Federation $135,000 The NWF Mid-Atlantic Regional Office educates and activates hundreds of thousands of their members who have a connection within the Chesapeake watershed.   Advocacy, Non-traditional Allies 2015 Chesapeake
Potomac Riverkeeper Incorporated $40,000 Conduct a multi-year campaign to address the excessive growths of algae which seriously impair streams feeding the Shenandoah.   Advocacy, Agriculture 2015 Chesapeake
Virginia Eastern Shorekeeper, Inc. $35,000 Protect and enhance the coastal waters of Virginia's Eastern Shore through education, advocacy, enforcement, and litigation.  Advocacy, Keepers 2015 Chesapeake
YWCA Annapolis and Anne Arundel County $1,500 Honor a woman working in the environmental field in Anne Arundel County, through the YWCA’s Tribute to Women and Industry award program. N/A 2015 Chesapeake
Watsonville Wetlands Watch $10,000 Watsonville Wetlands Watch will work to improve water quality by addressing areas of high impairment by providing technical assistance for water-quality improvement and habitat-restoration practices to local property owners and businesses and outreach programs. Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Communications, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality 2015 Chesapeake
Alice Ferguson Foundation, Inc $10,000 Through the Trash Free Potomac Watershed Initiative, reduce the amount of litter in the watershed by utilizing a framework of regulation, policy, enforcement, public education, and building a diverse network of partners. Non-traditional Allies, Stormwater 2015 Chesapeake
Aqua Terra Science LLC $15,000 Monitor, review, analyze and report on key activities and decisions made by Bay Program workgroups, committees and expert panels related to agriculture Agriculture, Nutrients 2015 Chesapeake
Center for Watershed Protection $45,000 Develop and pilot a Clean Water Training Program in stormwater by collaborating with community workforce development organizations to provide job training and placement to underemployed and unemployed individuals. Accountability, Advocacy, Stormwater 2015 Chesapeake