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Location: Chesapeake | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
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Name of Organization Amount Description Keywords Year Office
Piedmont Environmental Council $20,000 SVN works closely with local citizens Land Use 2013 Chesapeake
Alice Ferguson Foundation, Inc $10,000 Address the persistent problem of litter in the Potomac by recruiting diverse and non-traditional audiences to participate in education and advocacy of litter solutions. The project is focused on engaging community members through awareness and behavior change activities, to drive continued action and support for trash reduction strategies. Non-traditional Allies 2013 Chesapeake
River Network $25,000 Strengthen the overall organizational capacity of groups in the Chesapeake watershed through trainings and consultation, to work on increasing their base of financial, volunteer and/or board support via a customized approach that responds to specific organizational needs. Capacity 2013 Chesapeake
National Wildlife Federation $25,000 Support the Maryland State Lead for the Choose Clean Water Coalition. The Maryland Lead will be the point organization to develop a state-wide strategy to identify the most relevant policy opportunities to improve water quality throughout the state. Advocacy, Stormwater 2013 Chesapeake
Environmental Integrity Project $70,000 Seek opportunities to reduce nutrient and sediment pollution in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Comment on and appeal weak permits and regulations, bring citizen suits to hold poultry processors, other industrial point sources, and municipalities accountable for illegal discharges, and analyze pollution data to track Bay TMDL progress and identify areas for further improvement. Agriculture 2013 Chesapeake
Clean Water Fund $25,000 In collaboration with the Choose Clean Water Coalition and other partners, educate decision makers and citizens on critical local water issues. Outreach will be done through community and homeowner associations in Northern Virginia jurisdictions. Advocacy, Political Will 2013 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Stormwater Network, Inc. $40,000 Provide direct training to the stormwater design and review community; develop a network of stormwater professionals; track and analysis objectively on the changing regulatory landscape; and translate the science to improve the performance of urban stormwater practices. Stormwater 2013 Chesapeake
Blue Water Baltimore, Inc. $50,000 BWB will push for the strong implementation of recent stormwater legislation and permits. They will hire a full-time advocacy staff person to help execute this work. Advocacy, Stormwater 2013 Chesapeake
Potomac Conservancy, Inc $40,000 Roll out a policy campaign for clean water tentatively called Advocacy, Political Will, Stormwater 2013 Chesapeake
PennFuture $50,000 Conduct advocacy on water policy issues affecting the Bay Watershed, and combine that advocacy with legal work around the nutrient credit trading system, CAFO NPDES permits, sewage treatment plant discharges and stormwater management plans. Monitor and hold DEP accountable for implementing and achieving its TMDL requirements. Advocacy 2013 Chesapeake
Virginia Organizing, Inc $10,000 Virginia Organizing is a statewide grassroots organization dedicated to challenging injustice by empowering people in local communities to address issues that affect the quality of their lives. Advocacy, Political Will 2013 Chesapeake
West Rhode Riverkeeper $50,000 Support the Waterkeepers Chesapeake's advocacy priorities. The overall aim is to uphold, strengthen and enforce the Clean Water Act and other policies that have a direct impact on the water quality and watersheds of the Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Bays. Advocacy, Agriculture, Keepers, Stormwater 2013 Chesapeake
Virginia League of Conservation Voters Education Fund $90,000 General operating support to include: 1) implementing a non-partisan Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) civic engagement program leading up to Virginia's November election, and 2) exposing the threats of hydraulic fracturing to landowners and decision makers in the eastern third of Virginia in order to protect Virginia's open spaces, farmland and water resources . Advocacy, Political Will 2013 Chesapeake
Resource Media $45,000 Develop and implement long-term strategies to bring new voices and constituencies into the fight to protect Chesapeake Bay from agricultural runoff and other pollution. Change the politics around Bay protection that now strongly favor agricultural interests and make progress difficult. Agriculture, Communications 2013 Chesapeake
Calvert Marine Museum Society, Inc. $6,000 The Calvert Marine Museum will assist Senator Bernie Fowler, a pioneer in environmental advocacy for the Patuxent River and Chesapeake Bay, in cataloguing and preserving his extensive personal collection, amassed over a lifetime of work in the public sector. Advocacy 2013 Chesapeake
Audubon Naturalist Society of the Central Atlantic States, Inc. $125,000 Develop and implement a campaign to: reduce environmental impacts from the land application of manure; increase accountability and transparency for state WIP provisions related to agriculture; and increase public awareness of, and engagement in, ag pollution issues. Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture 2013 Chesapeake
University System of Maryland Foundation Inc $20,000 Provide general operating support to the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Studies (UMCES), Maryland's premier research institution aimed at advancing scientific knowledge of the environment. Agriculture 2013 Chesapeake
Wetlands Watch, Inc. $50,000 Push for greater accountability of Virginia wetlands programs; seek to expand the adoption of conservation landscaping solutions in local government MS4s and WIP strategies; and monitor the progress on Virginia comprehensive coastal resources management guidance. Advocacy, Land Use, Stormwater 2013 Chesapeake
Lancaster Conservancy $25,000 Support the City of Lancaster in the development of a public education strategy to coincide with implementation of the City Stormwater 2013 Chesapeake
Valley Conservation Council Inc $20,000 Fold into all of its program areas a greater emphasis on water quality protection. VCC promotes land use that sustains the farms, forests, open spaces, and heritage of the Shenandoah Valley of VA. Program areas include: land conservation, better development, & resource conservation. Land Use, Nutrients 2013 Chesapeake
Friends of the Rappahannock, Inc. $25,000 FOR serves as the voice for a healthy and scenie Rappahannock River. They will continue to work on local WIP implementation and tracking, while expanding advocacy efforts downstream with a particular focus on the threat of hydrofracking. Advocacy, WIP 2013 Chesapeake
National Parks Conservation Association $60,000 Advocate that local, state, and federal governments adopt, implement, and enforce strong clean air and water protections to benefit the Chesapeake region. Educate NPCA Advocacy 2013 Chesapeake
James River Association $15,000 Ensure the protection and restoration of the Potomac, Rappahannock and James River watersheds by advocating for adequate water quality funding at the state level to implement the pollution reductions that are called for within Virginia Advocacy, Political Will, WIP 2013 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Media Services Inc $75,000 General support for in-depth environmental reporting that reaches approximately 5 million people each month through a suite of products and services that includes the Chesapeake Bay Journal, Chesapeake Bay Journeys, Bay Journal News Service, and the Midday on the Bay radio program with WYPR. Communications 2013 Chesapeake
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, Inc. $40,000 Convene sportsmen leaders working on issues critical to the health of the Bay, and the future of the Chesapeake's outdoor pursuits. Strengthen laws, policies and practices affecting fish and wildlife conservation by leading partnerships that influence decision makers. Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will 2013 Chesapeake
Trout Unlimited $30,000 Ensure conservation of the Chesapeake Bay watershed Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies 2013 Chesapeake
Environment America Research & Policy Center Inc $25,000 Raise the visibility of the threats facing the bay, coordinating with the Choose Clean Water Coalition, by build ing support for state and federal policies to reduce pollution flowing into the Bay, especially from agriculture. At the same time defend these policies from polluter-driven attacks. Advocacy, Political Will, Water Quality 2013 Chesapeake
James River Association $50,000 Continue to advocate for adequate water quality regulations at the state level and work to incorporate LID provisions into local development codes. Advocacy, Stormwater, WIP 2013 Chesapeake
1000 Friends of Maryland, Inc $35,000 Develop policy solutions and build strong coalitions to advance a suite of proposals for cleaner water and sustainable growth in Maryland. Research and message around the economic benefits of smarter growth for communities, counties, and residents. Advocacy, Political Will, Water Quality 2013 Chesapeake
Anacostia Watershed Society, Inc $30,000 Work with partners to reduce pollution from stormwater by reviewing NPDES permits for public facilities, identify projects to implement in the Anacostia River Watershed Restoration Plan, and investigate and evaluate opportunities to improve clean water flow to the Anacostia River. Advocacy, Stormwater 2013 Chesapeake
West Rhode Riverkeeper $15,000 Train Waterkeepers Chesapeake on developing messages, using and incorporating those messages with the media, and developing communication tools to make Waterkeepers Chesapeake more effective and more cohesive. Keepers 2013 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Trust $50,000 Support the Chesapeake Bay Funders Advocacy, Capacity 2013 Chesapeake
Anne Arundel County Watershed Stewards Academy $30,000 Train and support Master Watershed Stewards, whose role is to empower communities in reducing pollution sources and employing stormwater retrofit practices. Advocacy, Stormwater 2013 Chesapeake
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay $50,000 Inspire new behavior in people of faith and build advocacy and action within the faith community in order to contribute to achievement of Chesapeake Bay clean water goals. Advocacy, Non-traditional Allies 2013 Chesapeake
Marshall-Wythe School of Law Foundation $18,000 Provide advocates in the MD Trading Group and the Accounting for Growth Workgroup with the legal research support to help strengthen MDE Advocacy, Agriculture 2013 Chesapeake
Virginia Conservation Network $30,000 Increase the role of affiliate members in fostering civic engagement, by providing tools, training and resources that nonprofits need to execute legal, effective GOTV programs. Advocacy 2013 Chesapeake
Virginia New Majority Education Fund $20,000 Educate low-propensity Latino/a voters and voters of color about climate and environmental issues while also conducting GOTV activities throughout Northern Virginia. Advocacy, Non-traditional Allies 2013 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Conservancy Inc $60,000 The Conservancy Communications 2013 Chesapeake
Water Stewardship, Inc. $20,000 Expand WSI Agriculture 2013 Chesapeake
Assateague Coastal Trust Inc $26,000 Support the Assateague Coastkeeper program and their work in protecting the health, productivity, and sustainability of the coastal bays watershed of Delmarva through advocacy, education and conservation. Advocacy, Agriculture, Keepers, Nutrients 2013 Chesapeake
Blue Water Baltimore, Inc. $30,000 Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper focuses on utilizing the law to achieve cleaner water in Baltimore Advocacy, Keepers, Pollution, Stormwater 2013 Chesapeake
Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy, Inc. $38,000 Support the Choptank Riverkeeper program, serving as an advocate of the Choptank River and its tributaries. The Riverkeeper works to increase agricultural and community engagement, reducing pollution from agricultural ditches and residential lawns. Advocacy, Agriculture, Keepers 2013 Chesapeake
Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy, Inc. $38,000 The Miles-Wye Riverkeeper serves as an advocate for the Miles and Wye Rivers and Eastern Bay. Advocacy, Keepers 2013 Chesapeake
Sassafras River Association $28,000 The Sassafras Riverkeeper uses advocacy, community outreach, and partnerships with local governments to implement on-the-ground restoration projects and adequate polices to protect and preserve the Sassafras River. Advocacy, Keepers, Nutrients 2013 Chesapeake
Potomac Riverkeeper Incorporated $32,000 The Shenandoah Riverkeeper works to stop pollution and restore clean water to the Shenandoah River public awareness, community action, and enforcement of the laws. Agriculture, Keepers, Nutrients 2013 Chesapeake
James River Association $27,000 The Upper James Riverkeeper serves as a full-time advocate for the upper (non-tidal) James River and its tributaries. He is assisted in his duties by citizen volunteers who monitor their chosen stretch of waterway and are trained to recognize and report threats to water quality. Keepers, Nutrients 2013 Chesapeake
Anacostia Riverkeeper, Inc. $18,000 Protect and restore the Anacostia River for all who live, work, and play in the watershed, and to advocate for a clean, healthy river for all its communities. Agriculture, Keepers, Nutrients, Stormwater 2013 Chesapeake
Potomac Riverkeeper Incorporated $45,000 Stop pollution and restore clean water to the Potomac River and its tributaries by enforcing the laws and promoting community action. Advocacy, Keepers, Nutrients 2013 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Rivers Association $17,000 The Chesapeake Rivers Association, Inc is a nonprofit conservation organization that sponsors the Severn Riverkeeper Program whose mission is to protect and restore the Severn River, through litigation, restoration, engagement and monitoring of results. Keepers, Stormwater 2013 Chesapeake
South River Federation Inc $42,000 Protect, preserve, restore and celebrate the South River and its interdependent living community, using community engagement, scientific data, and advocacy and enforcement. Advocacy, Keepers, Nutrients, Stormwater 2013 Chesapeake