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Name of Organization Amount Description Keywords Year Office
James River Association $29,000 The Upper James Riverkeeper serves as a full-time advocate for the upper (non-tidal) James River and its tributaries. He is assisted by citizen volunteers, RiverRats, who monitor their chosen stretch of waterway and are trained to recognize and report threats to water quality. Keepers, Nutrients 2012 Chesapeake
Virginia Eastern Shorekeeper, Inc. $30,000 Serve as the advocacy voice for strong water quality action on the Virginia Eastern Shore, particularly in Accomack and North Hampton Counties. Keepers, Nutrients 2012 Chesapeake
West Rhode Riverkeeper $45,000 West/Rhode Riverkeeper works to protect families and communities of these two watersheds, by stopping pollution, striving for healthy and safe rivers and streams. They work with communities to enforce environmental laws, promote restoration, and advocate for better environmental policy. Land Use, Political Will 2012 Chesapeake
American Rivers, Inc $10,000 Develop a unified conservation plan to be presented in negations with the owners of the three major dams on the lower Susquehanna River. The operators of the dams are preparing for talks to determine the terms of their new federal operating licenses. Advocacy, Nutrients 2012 Chesapeake
Schrauth Consulting, LLC $8,000 Provide overall coordination and support for the Stormwater Workgroup of the Chesapeake Bay Funders Nutrients, Political Will, Stormwater 2012 Chesapeake
  $10,000 Support and coordinate the a Stormwater Funders' Group, a group developed with national and regional funders interested in stormwater management and green infrastructure. They will work to increase funder knowledge, expertise, information sharing and collaborations. Nutrients, Political Will, Stormwater 2012 Chesapeake
Conservation Pennsylvania $45,000 Develop tools and messages to support the environmental community Agriculture, Nutrients 2012 Chesapeake
Piedmont Environmental Council $20,000 The Coalition for Smarter Growth will continue working in in Fairfax County, Virginia, specifically, advocating for the revitalization and redevelopment of aging commercial corridors in order to convert thousands of acres of impervious surface to green development. Nutrients, Stormwater 2012 Chesapeake
Sustainable Chesapeake $60,000 Provide project management for Year 2 of the USDA Conservation Innovation Grant to the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network. The grant is designed to accelerate the deployment of manure to energy technologies that provide alternatives to land application and reduce nutrient pollution from animal agriculture production. Provide technical assistance on a number of issues related to nutrient polllution from animal agriculture and cropland, such as the phosphorus site index, agricultural BMP verification standards, and nutrient management regulations. Agriculture, Nutrients 2012 Chesapeake
  $3,000 Develop a coordinated strategy to ensure that the renewal of the Federal license for the Conowingo Dam on the Susquehanna River incorporates sediment build-up behind the dam, dam-related fish passage and mortality rates, and conservation/recreational use. Advocacy, Political Will 2012 Chesapeake
Virginia Tech $2,500 Support the Virginia Farm to Table Conference and its effort to make the connection to soil and water conservation for healthier farms, foodsheds and watersheds in the Shenandoah Valley and Chesapeake Bay region. The conference will address the recommendations of the Virginia Farm to Table Plan with specific focus on business planning, conservation of natural resources, and opportunities for farmers to retain more of the food dollar for profitability and sustainability. Agriculture, Nutrients 2012 Chesapeake
Nanticoke Watershed Alliance Inc $10,000 General support to NWA for initiatives to conserve natural resources within the Nanticoke River watershed. These may include: the citizen volunteer water quality monitoring program; the flexible agricultural buffers program; water quality restoration projects; and community outreach and education. NWA will play a crucial role in outreach on the Watershed Implementation Plans (WIPs). Agriculture, Nutrients 2012 Chesapeake
Center for Watershed Protection $35,000 Develop a white paper to inform and support development of EPA guidance on stormwater compliance credits in nutrient trading programs. The work will identify key issues related to stormwater trading (credit calculations, acceptable BMPs, etc.) and provide background information for jurisdictions setting up trading programs to deal with MS4s. Agriculture, Nutrients 2012 Chesapeake
Water Stewardship, Inc. $35,000 Support KCF and its grantees by providing technical analyses and interpretation related to agricultural policy issues. Review technical documents and discuss/explain scientific information relative to policy questions. Requests for assistance may range from analysis of data to preparation of informal and written technical comments related to policy projects, proposed regulations and other science-policy issues. Agriculture, Nutrients 2012 Chesapeake
Anacostia Watershed Society, Inc $25,000 The National Capital Region _ Watershed Stewards Academy trains and equips community leaders, or stewards, to guide the development and implementation of local solutions to stormwater management problems; raise awareness about the problems of and solutions to stormwater pollution and flooding; and implement environmental site design practices to increase the absorption of stormwater, thereby, lessening pollution and runoff into streams and rivers. Advocacy, Political Will 2012 Chesapeake
Environmental Grantmakers Association $5,000 EGA works to promote effective environmental philanthropy by sharing knowledge, fostering debate, cultivating leadership, facilitating collaboration, and catalyzing action. EGA holds the Federal Policy Briefing every other year to allow environmental funders space to strategize and coordinate in response to the recent election cycle. The next Federal Policy Briefing will be held in Washington, DC on February 26 - 27, 2013. Advocacy, Political Will 2012 Chesapeake
Sierra Club Foundation $40,000 The MD Sierra Club chapter educates, engages and mobilizes members and citizens to participate in Watershed Implementation Plan development and implementation. Staff will work at the state level, ensuring strong state regulations, including MS4 permits and nutrient management and trading policies. Advocacy, Agriculture, Nutrients, Political Will, Stormwater 2012 Chesapeake
Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association $6,000 Contract with professionals to guide them in a long-term planning process, including designing and facilitating a strategic planning development that includes gathering necessary information to inform decision making, retreat facilitation, and the creation of a written strategic plan and implementation plan. Keepers, Nutrients 2012 Chesapeake
Virginia Organizing, Inc $30,000 Environmental Health Sciences highlights differences between current safety standards and what science is now revealing about risks from chemical exposures. Highlighting these differences contributes to public pressure for policy change that will lead to healthier people and ecosystems. At the top of the list for estuaries like the Chesapeake Bay are endocrine disrupting compounds. Political Will 2012 Chesapeake
Council Fire $20,650 Coordinate and facilitate a representative stakeholder workgroup to help reach consensus recommendations regarding a nutrient trading program for the State of Maryland. The process will develop recommendations to aid MDE in the development of a policy and implementation strategy to offset new loads to account for growth in the State. Nutrients 2012 Chesapeake
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated $175,000 Build a sustainable fisheries management system in the Chesapeake for the blue crab and striped bass fisheries. Facilitate a collaborative process with watermen and fishery managers to develop and win approval of fundamental management improvements. Simultaneously, build support for incorporating market-based tools, such as catch shares, into the management systems by demonstrating local success of catch shares through voluntary pilot projects. Fisheries, Political Will 2013 Chesapeake
H. John Heinz III Center for Science Economics and the Environment $30,000 The Chesapeake Commons is a web-based tool that empowers Chesapeake Bay watershed organizations and agencies to make sound decisions on Bay restoration policy by making ecological data on the Bay locally relevant, accessible, and easy-to-manage. Chesapeake Commons allows nonprofits and small Bay watershed organizations to locate and manage public data they need, get consultation on tool training and use, and create maps from this information at no cost to them. Agriculture, Nutrients 2013 Chesapeake
Resource Dynamics, Inc. $30,000 Analyze technical and policy related initiatives associated with agriculture that will increase the pace of Bay cleanup. Key issue areas will include: strengthening nutrient management tools and programs and improving verification and tracking of on- the- ground management practices. Nutrients 2013 Chesapeake
Audubon PA $15,000 Protect priority high-value headwater and habitat areas of the Susquehanna River in northern Pennsylvania from further Marcellus gas leasing in state forests, and work with private landowners in those areas to help them implement best management practices for watershed protection. Advocacy 2013 Chesapeake
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay $3,000 Develop a set of strategic goals and actions that will help the Chesapeake Bay Program Capacity, Political Will 2013 Chesapeake