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Location: Chesapeake | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
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Name of Organization | Amount | Description | Keywords | Year | Office |
Friends of the Rappahannock, Inc. | $30,000 | State-wide advocacy | Advocacy | 2010 | Chesapeake |
The Funders Network | $1,500 | Support a funders briefing and reception on the "Transportation for America" campaign. The meeting will have a discussion of state and local implementation capacity. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Green Corps | $15,000 | Support a Mid-Atlantic Regional Expansion Program to train young leaders in the skills of environmental organizing and advocacy. This project works to increase civic engagement, strengthen the region's environmental movement, and highlight the regional environmental groups. | N/A | 2006 | Chesapeake |
Green Treks Network, Inc. | $30,000 | Support a communications project on stormwater best management practices, targeting municipal officials, engineers and developers with the goal of implementing BMPs in the Pennsylvania stormwater manual. | N/A | 2007 | Chesapeake |
Green Treks Network, Inc. | $35,000 | Continue support of a social marketing project designed to encourage municipalities to adopt regulations and promote the implementation of stormwater BMPs throughout Pennsylvania. will be an online resource center, including video case study success stories. | N/A | 2008 | Chesapeake |
Gunpowder Valley Conservation, Inc. | $500 | Tribute to a great environmental leader, Jo Owen, by supporting a tree planting in her honor. | N/A | 2007 | Chesapeake |
Harry R. Hughes Center for AgroEcology | $20,000 | Successful match of a challenge grant to build their fellowship program. Funds will be used to support future graduate students working on issues of Maryland's working lands. | N/A | 2008 | Chesapeake |
Harry R. Hughes Center for AgroEcology | $50,000 | Evaluate the energy and environmental benefits of warm season grasses used as a biofuel and as buffers by farmers in the Chester River watershed. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
H. John Heinz III Center for Science Economics and the Environment | $25,000 | Develop a strategy to ensure that long term data on phosphorus build up in soils and current science is elevated to the policy making level to improve agricultural phosphorus management. | Agriculture | 2011 | Chesapeake |
Herring Run Watershed Association | $10,000 | Participation in a program created by the Maryland General Assembly to provide assistance from local businesses for community organizations. (Campbell & Company tax credit) | N/A | 2003 | Chesapeake |
Herring Run Watershed Association | $18,000 | Support the Baltimore stormwater action coalition to establish a baseline of citizen knowledge about stormwater impacts in the Patapsco/ Back River Basin to create an effective messaging plan. | N/A | 2006 | Chesapeake |
Herring Run Watershed Association | $19,500 | A study of attitudes and behaviors among residents of the Patapsco/ Back River watershed, aimed at gaining a full understanding of how the public perceives stormwater runoff, and what messages will result in action. | N/A | 2007 | Chesapeake |
Herring Run Watershed Association | $35,000 | Support the "Advancing Runoff Awareness" campaign in the Baltimore City and County. This project will bring attention to the problems caused by stormwater and seek solutions to those problems by consulting with elected officials, business groups and community leaders. | N/A | 2008 | Chesapeake |
Herring Run Watershed Association | $20,000 | Reduce stormwater runoff through public education and engagement of the local community in Baltimore. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Herring Run Watershed Association | $10,000 | Support the merger of 5 Baltimore watershed organizations, forming one Baltimore Watershed Alliance. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Herring Run Watershed Association | $30,000 | Develop a comprehensive public policy and advocacy program, providing one Baltimore voice, particularly focused on stormwater. | Advocacy, Stormwater | 2010 | Chesapeake |
Herring Run Watershed Association | $19,000 | Support for the Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper. | Keepers | 2010 | Chesapeake |
Herring Run Watershed Association | $20,000 | Support the tracking and evaluation of administrative and treatment waivers that may take place in 7-10 focused jurisdictions in response to regulation exceptions to the 2007 MD Stormwater Act. | Stormwater | 2010 | Chesapeake |
Institute for Conservation Leadership | $20,000 | Support the Mid-Atlantic Complete Fundraiser Program - work with ~20 Chesapeake organizations to increase their total income, diversify their funding base and develop effective fundraising strategies. | N/A | 2006 | Chesapeake |
Institute for Conservation Leadership | $7,700 | Support two tuitions for the "Leading from Within' training; a five-month training designed to strengthen participants" leadership skills and increase their effectiveness as leaders. | N/A | 2008 | Chesapeake |
Island Press | $25,000 | Launch an outreach campaign, raising the importance of menhaden with the public and promoting policy discussions on the topic of over-harvesting, done through the release of the book, "The Most Important Fish in the Sea". | N/A | 2007 | Chesapeake |
Izaak Walton League of America | $20,000 | General Support | N/A | 2003 | Chesapeake |
Izaak Walton League of America | $10,000 | General Support | N/A | 2005 | Chesapeake |
Izaak Walton League of America | $10,000 | General Operational Support to support their goal of strengthen partnerships in the sporting community and expanding outreach to involve more citizens in conservation decision making. | N/A | 2006 | Chesapeake |
Izaak Walton League of America | $10,000 | General operating support to assist the League's goal of protecting our country's natural heritage and improving outdoor recreation opportunities for the public. | N/A | 2007 | Chesapeake |