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Location: Chesapeake | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
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Name of Organization | Amount | Description | Keywords | Year | Office |
Virginia Conservation Network | $95,000 | Ensure a powerful, diverse and coordinated conservation movement in Virginia, partnering with 125 conservation organizations. Prepare a Common Agenda of proposals annually. | Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Political Will, Water Quality, WIP | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore, Inc | $10,000 | Support the Healthy Harbor Initiative, connecting Baltimore residents with the Harbor, fostering local environmental stewardship. | Civic Engagement, Outreach, Pollution, Stormwater | 2020 | Chesapeake |
N Street Village | $12,500 | Community response grant to support vulnerable women and families in DC communities during the pandemic. This grant supports work being done to provide resources to those vulnerable from homelessness, mental illness, addiction, lack of accessible healthcare, and job insecurity. | N/A | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Bay Journal Media, Inc. | $75,000 | Support the journalism programs, bringing in-depth reporting and commentary about the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed, resources, and people. | Baywide, Communications, Outreach | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Alliance for the Shenandoah Valley | $20,000 | Alliance for the Shenandoah Valley serves as the hub for conservation partnerships throughout the Valley, serving as a champion for clean water, thriving communities and protected rural landscapes. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality, WIP | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Center for Watershed Protection | $100,000 | Provide technical resources to local governments, in the form of a 'Circuit Rider', advancing watershed protection and restoration in Lancaster County, PA. Grow the capacity by establishing a PA office. | Capacity, Nutrients, Stormwater, WIP | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association, Inc. | $55,000 | Protect and promote the Middle Susquehanna watershed and its resources through a Riverkeeper program. | Accountability, Advocacy, Keepers, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality, WIP | 2020 | Chesapeake |
James River Association | $100,000 | Through the Riverkeeper and Advocacy staff, address pollution threats and engage with communities to monitor and advocate on behalf of the James River. | Accountability, Advocacy, Keepers, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality, WIP | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Anacostia Watershed Society, Inc | $369 | Professional Development | Capacity | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Conservation Foundation of Lancaster County | $245,000 | To support operation of the Lancaster Clean Water Partnership to advance conservation practice implementation and water quality in Lancaster PA. | Advocacy, Agriculture, Capacity, Civic Engagement, Communications, Comprehensive Plans, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Outreach, Political Will, Stormwater, Water Quality, WIP | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Conservation Foundation of Lancaster County | $100,000 | To support demonstration manure injection program through the Lancaster Conservation District. Program will create demonstration farms, create pilot incentive program to promote adoption and support development of animal drawn injection equipment. | Agriculture, Capacity, Communications, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Water Quality, WIP | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Stormwater Network, Inc. | $20,000 | Maintain a network of stormwater professionals, offering direct training on stormwater design, providing an analysis of changing regulations, and translating the best stormwater science. | Stormwater, Water Quality | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Clean Water Fund | $20,000 | Expand voter engagement and issue education infrastructure in Northern Virginia, utilizing digital canvassing and related outreach and recruitment strategies. | Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Outreach | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Blue Water Baltimore, Inc. | $95,000 | Support the Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper program, utilizing science, policy and the law to reduce pollution and restore water quality, protecting the public's right to clean water in Baltimore. | Accountability, Advocacy, Keepers, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality, WIP | 2020 | Chesapeake |
PennFuture | $50,000 | Advance advocacy campaigns focused on reducing nutrient pollution throughout the Commonwealth of PA. | Accountability, Advocacy, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality, WIP | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Potomac Conservancy, Inc | $50,000 | Advocate for pollution reductions through clean water policy, zoning, funding and public awareness. Through partnership, empower communities and individuals to advocate for clean water in the Potomac region. | Accountability, Advocacy, Nutrients, Political Will, Water Quality | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Ducks Unlimited, Inc | $40,000 | Matching funds to keep a biologist on staff to do farmer outreach to enroll them in USDA conservation programs. Particularly target water quality and wetlands program. | Agriculture, Capacity, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach, Water Quality, WIP | 2020 | Chesapeake |
LEAD Maryland Foundation, Inc. | $10,000 | Operations support for LEAD Maryland Program. Provide training to emerging agricultural leaders and engage conservation community in collaborating with agriculture. | Agriculture, Communications, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Water Quality, WIP | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Green Fin Studios | $51,811 | Support operation of the Delmarva Land and Litter Collaborative (DLLC) for one year. Included in projected work are advancing litter connector, outreach to additional groups and political leaders, development of better understanding of ammonia and potential management and better grain production management in addition to normal function of DLLC to get diverse groups together. | Advocacy, Agriculture, Communications, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality, WIP | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Anne Arundel County Watershed Stewards Academy | $35,000 | Support for implementation of WSA's new strategic plan and continued engagement/behavior change of Anne Arundel County residents and communities. | Advocacy, Capacity, Stormwater | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Pennsylvania Environmental Council Inc | $3,090 | Professional Development | Capacity | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Environmental Integrity Project | $110,000 | Increase accountability from point sources, mainly urban and industrial sources in Pennsylvania. In particular, monitor the work of Harrisburg in reducing its sewage/ stormwater overflows. | Accountability, Advocacy, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality, WIP | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Wetlands Watch, Inc. | $40,000 | Empower residents and local government officials to use the authority within local governments to protect natural resources, particularly those threatened by climate change. | Accountability, Advocacy, Land Use, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Friends of the Rappahannock, Inc. | $30,000 | Serve as the voice for the Rappahannock River and the 18 counties that make-up its watershed. Expand their River Steward model to have four individual staff serving water segments and its respective communities. | Accountability, Advocacy, Capacity, Land Use, Nutrients, Outreach, Pollution, Water Quality, WIP | 2020 | Chesapeake |
American Rivers, Inc | $50,000 | Develop a "Stormwater Academy, consisting of 3-5 intensive sessions for municipal staff on green infrastructure. Lead partners on commenting on revisions to the PA Stormwater BMP Manual. | Advocacy, Nutrients, Outreach, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Friends of the Rappahannock, Inc. | $13,060 | Support for implementation of technology plan | Capacity | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Legal Alliance Inc | $481 | Professional Development | Capacity | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Conservation Landscaping Council | $1,198 | Funding for equipment to help CBLP Certification online training. | Capacity | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Anacostia Watershed Society, Inc | $328 | Professional Development | Capacity | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Commons Inc | $6,240 | Funding for server hosting services for Commons products. | Capacity | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay | $5,000 | Sponsorship for the 2020 Taste of the Chesapeake | N/A | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Oyster Recovery Partnership | $4,500 | Challenge grant to build long term operations support and broaden funding base. | Capacity, Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Water Quality, WIP | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Anacostia Watershed Society, Inc | $45,000 | Use the Watershed Stewards Academy model to raise awareness, increase the number of advocates and implement restoration projects. Advocate for the remediation of toxics in the Anacostia and the implementation of stormwater pollutant and volume controls. | Advocacy, Outreach, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2020 | Chesapeake |
PennFuture | $75,000 | Support Penn Future's Civic Engagement program, working towards a responsive democracy. In 2020, the message is around voter registration and GOTV. | Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Political Will | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Preservation Maryland | $115,000 | Work at the County level, within coalitions, to develop and implement comprehensive plans that protect natural resources and curb sprawl development. Focus on redevelopment programs as a way to revitalize under-represented communities. | Advocacy, Comprehensive Plans, Land Use, Pollution, Stormwater | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Waterkeepers Chesapeake | $65,000 | Provide organizational support and skills training for the individual 17 Waterkeeper member programs within the Chesapeake. | Advocacy, Capacity, Keepers, Pollution, Water Quality, WIP | 2020 | Chesapeake |
West Virginia Rivers Coalition | $10,000 | Support their advocacy and policy work, and grassroots community organizing, focusing on the Eastern Panhandle. | Advocacy, Pollution, Water Quality | 2020 | Chesapeake |
The Nature Conservancy | $90,000 | This project contains two components: 1) to do an assessment of barriers to broad based producer participation in implementing advanced conservation and 2) to initiate outreach mechanisms through private (i.e. input supplier) and government programs. Particular attention will be payed to non-operating landowners and producers with high potential to advance conservation implementation. Documentation of penetration of conservation will be provided. | N/A | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Trout Unlimited | $60,000 | Social engagement focusing on Pennsylvania and national funding to support Bay restoration. TU will also provide technical assistance on restoration programs in the Susquehanna basin. Building local support for coldwater fisheries is an important component of local support for broader water quality objectives. | Capacity, Civic Engagement, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Maryland Association of Soil Conservation Districts | $20,000 | To support increased management and capacity at the Conservation Districts throughout Maryland. | Agriculture, Capacity, Land Use, Nutrients, Water Quality, WIP | 2020 | Chesapeake |
The Mill | $125,000 | To provide technical support and decision support tools to improve the efficiency of nutrient use. Adopt Decision Ag Support and other tools that assess profit and ROI from nutrient, strain selection and other management issues to foster farm economic viability while reducing nutrient and sediment loss. Move ahead of Land Grant University recommended rates to profit focused decisions. | Agriculture, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Water Quality | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Preservation Maryland | $5,400 | Provided three laptops that had increased field usability, battery life, and processing program compatibility. | Capacity | 2019 | Chesapeake |
Lancaster Conservancy | $90,000 | Focus on the connections between land protection and water quality, while engaging the Lancaster County community. | Land Use, Outreach, Water Quality | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Common Cause Education Fund | $20,000 | Support the Maryland chapter and its focus on maximizing transparency and ensuring remote participation in government processes. Work with partners on raising constituent voices and removing barriers to voting. | Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Equity, Outreach, Political Will | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Earth Force Inc | $10,000 | Provide the tools necessary for middle school students on the Delmarva peninsula to experience civic action by participating in an inquiry based program, "Caring For Our Watersheds". | Civic Engagement, Outreach, Pollution | 2020 | Chesapeake |
ShoreRivers, Inc | $235,000 | Support for riverkeeper and agricultural programs. Also to advance innovative market based systems in Maryland. | Agriculture, Keepers, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Water Quality | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Lower Shore Land Trust | $35,000 | Engage conservation in strategic plans of counties and municipalities in region. Also advance precision conservation and communication between rural and urban communities. Continue Airs lands discussions. | Capacity, Communications, Equity, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Water Quality | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay | $55,000 | Advance corporate partnerships to support ag conservation implementation in Lancaster County. Particular focus on dairy sector and developing new corporate partners. | Advocacy, Agriculture, Capacity, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Water Quality, WIP | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Potomac Conservancy, Inc | $1,128 | Professional Development | Capacity | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Lancaster Farmland Trust | $5,000 | Professional Development | Capacity | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Lancaster Conservancy | $3,000 | Professional Development | Capacity | 2020 | Chesapeake |
The Funders Network | $20,000 | Provide coordination and support for the national Urban Water Funders affinity group, and the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network's Urban Waters Workgroup. | Capacity, Stormwater | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Piedmont Environmental Council | $20,000 | Support the Coalition for Smarter Growth, and their work to address stormwater management and stream restoration around commercial corridor redevelopment in Northern Virginia. | Accountability, Advocacy, Land Use, Pollution, Stormwater | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Nanticoke Watershed Alliance Inc | $40,000 | Accomplish large scale restoration and community collaboration by working in partnership with volunteers, agriculture and local municipalities. | Capacity, Outreach, Pollution, Water Quality | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake, Inc | $75,000 | Inspire watershed stewardship and activism in people of faith throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Equip and support congregations to address local water quality impacts, and empower them to be mobilized the call to action in sacred texts. | Diverse Partnerships, Outreach, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Conservation Landscaping Council | $30,000 | Continue development and management of the Chesapeake Bay Landscaping Professionals program.The program is targeted towards those in the field that design, install, and maintain green infrastructure practices. | Outreach, Stormwater, WIP | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Outdoor Afro | $10,000 | General operating support grant to advance equitable accessibility to the outdoors. Outdoor Afro fosters connections and leadership in Black communities to address the historical exclusion of these communities from outdoor recreation. | Advocacy, Diverse Partnerships, Equity | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Tri Community Mediation | $10,000 | The Vulnerable Populations Task Force on the Lower Eastern Shore, facilitated by Tri Community Mediation, emerged as a community response to address the systemic issues made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic. It has since evolved to address systemic barriers to education, vaccination, voter registration, and the census among others. | Civic Engagement, Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Lancaster Conservancy | $125,000 | To provide farmer outreach, technical assistance and project management to implement conservation in Lancaster County. | Agriculture, Nutrients, Water Quality, WIP | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Anacostia Watershed Society, Inc | $1,100 | Professional Development | Capacity | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Anacostia Watershed Society, Inc | $500 | Professional Development | Capacity | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Donegal Trout Unlimited | $46,240 | Stream restoration in Lancaster in support of the PA WIP plus outreach to youth and underserved communities. Funds will also be used to support a contractor to assist with social media. | Agriculture, Civic Engagement, Communications, Diverse Partnerships, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Outreach, Political Will, Water Quality, WIP | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay | $50,000 | To strengthen the long term fiscal stability of the Alliance through strategic actions to strengthen and diversify fundraising. | Advocacy, Agriculture, Baywide, Capacity, Civic Engagement, Water Quality | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore | $10,000 | Support the development and launch of a community needs assessment, and explore the development of a nonprofit incubator on the Shore. | Capacity, Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Outreach | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Audubon Naturalist Society of the Central Atlantic States, Inc. | $10,000 | Support general operations within the Conservation Program. | Advocacy, Capacity, Water Quality | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Blue Water Baltimore, Inc. | $10,000 | Support the Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper program. | Advocacy, Capacity, Water Quality | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Dickinson College | $35,000 | Support the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM) and their Susquehanna Stream Teams and the enhancement of Creek Watch, empowering citizens to monitor and report pollution problems. | Nutrients, Outreach, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2020 | Chesapeake |
James River Association | $10,000 | Support JRA's River Advocacy program. | Advocacy, Capacity, Keepers, Political Will, Water Quality | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | $7,587 | General support to build and diversity the voices pushing for clean water, healthy air and climate justice for all Maryland. | Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Diverse Partnerships, Political Will | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Pennsylvania Environmental Council Inc | $20,000 | Educate and empower leaders and volunteers of Clean Water Organizations so they can engage in local government processes and improve watershed management. | Accountability, Advocacy, Capacity, Civic Engagement, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2020 | Chesapeake |
PA Parks and Forests Foundation | $30,000 | Build awareness around the need to invest in and conserve Pennsylvania public lands; turn that awareness into action to address the $ 1 billion need for maintenance on these public lands. | Accountability, Advocacy, Land Use, Political Will | 2020 | Chesapeake |
Wildlife Leadership Academy | $20,000 | WLA works to engage and empower high school age youth to become Conservation Ambassadors. $10,000 of this support was in response to a student-driven 1-1 match to support future students. | Diverse Partnerships, Outreach, Water Quality | 2020 | Chesapeake |
University of Maryland Environmental Finance Center | $10,000 | EFC with the Water Center, will analyze water sector infrastructure (drinking, wastewater, stormwater) in 3 locations, along with their investment needs and capacity to take advantage of state/ federal resources. | Capacity, WIP | 2020 | Chesapeake |
University of Maryland Eastern Shore | $5,760 | Conduct a first order assessment of the prevalence of "Heirs Lands" in Maryland. Black and minority communities commonly inherit lands that are not recorded and may be owned in common thereby constraining their economic value, viability for use and making conservation implementation difficult. | Agriculture, Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Land Use | 2020 | Chesapeake |
River Network | $50,000 | Assist groups in the Chesapeake watershed with organizational development and capacity building needs. Offer Roundtable conversations on issues of concern to the network, along with trainings, mentoring and personalized coaching. | Capacity | 2021 | Chesapeake |
First Fruits Farm Inc | $28,000 | General Support | N/A | 2007 | Chesapeake |
First Fruits Farm Inc | $20,000 | General Support | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Lancaster Conservancy | $20,000 | Lancaster Water Week | Capacity | 2021 | Chesapeake |
Clean Water Fund | $60,000 | Address septic system pollution and its impact on the Bay, ground water and well water. Maryland work will also include zero-waste efforts with the reliance on incinerators. | Advocacy, Diverse Partnerships, Land Use, Political Will, Water Quality | 2021 | Chesapeake |
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay | $90,000 | Support green infrastructure solutions to stormwater runoff in Lancaster City and County, PA. Engage and activate diverse communities to participate in installing stormwater reducing practices. | Diverse Partnerships, Land Use, Stormwater | 2021 | Chesapeake |
Lower Shore Land Trust | $9,450 | Technology Capacity Assessment and Creation of Technology Plan | Capacity | 2021 | Chesapeake |
Living Classroom Foundation | $10,000 | Support the partnership between the Masonville Cove Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership and the Harbor City Chapter of The Links, Inc. to promote conservation careers, community greening, and habitat restoration efforts for young people of color. | Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Water Quality | 2021 | Chesapeake |
California Coastkeeper | $75,000 | Support for coordinating, supporting, and enhancing the work of local California Waterkeepers to protect and enhance coastal and marine ecosystems, as well as water supply and quality. | Accountability, Advocacy, Capacity, Keepers, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2021 | Chesapeake |
PA Parks and Forests Foundation | $2,115 | Professional Development | Capacity | 2021 | Chesapeake |
ShoreRivers, Inc | $2,880 | Support for consultant to develop an organizational Technology Plan. | Capacity | 2021 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Bay Trust | $5,000 | Sponsorship for Treasure the Chesapeake gala. | N/A | 2021 | Chesapeake |
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders | $500 | Speaker stipend for Chesapeake Bay Funders Network. | Capacity | 2021 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Legal Alliance Inc | $45,000 | CLA provides pro bono legal services to environmental advocates working to protect the Chesapeake Bay and its communities, supporting clients who would otherwise not have access to the legal system. | Advocacy, Water Quality | 2021 | Chesapeake |
Gunpowder Riverkeeper, Inc. | $35,000 | Defend the Gunpowder River and its reservoirs from environmental threats, holding polluters and government officials accountable. | Accountability, Advocacy, Keepers, Pollution, Water Quality | 2021 | Chesapeake |
Potomac Riverkeeper Incorporated | $135,000 | Support the Shenandoah, Potomac, and Upper Potomac Riverkeeper programs as they stop pollution and enhance community engagement. | Accountability, Advocacy, Keepers, Pollution, Water Quality | 2021 | Chesapeake |
Arundel Rivers Federation | $85,000 | Support the Riverkeeper program, covering the South, West and Rhode Rivers in Arundel County. | Accountability, Advocacy, Keepers, Water Quality | 2021 | Chesapeake |
Audubon Naturalist Society of the Central Atlantic States, Inc. | $95,000 | Support the Conservation Program, working to improve stormwater policies and regulations throughout the DC metro area. | Accountability, Advocacy, Comprehensive Plans, Stormwater, Water Quality, WIP | 2021 | Chesapeake |
Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association | $90,000 | Support the Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper and the advocacy to improve protection of the waterway, and compliance of laws. | Accountability, Advocacy, Keepers, Pollution, Water Quality | 2021 | Chesapeake |
National Wildlife Federation | $275,000 | Support the Choose Clean Water Coalition, harnessing the collective power of the Chesapeake region's advocacy community to advance common goals around clean water. | Accountability, Advocacy, Baywide, Civic Engagement, Diverse Partnerships, Political Will, WIP | 2021 | Chesapeake |
Pennsylvania Voice | $30,000 | Harness the power of more than 42 local civic engagement organizations to strengthen the democratic process in Pennsylvania. | Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will | 2021 | Chesapeake |
Virginia League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | $80,000 | Preserve and protect Virginia's natural landscape by making conservation a top priority with decision makers and engaging constituents in conservation policy and the democratic process. | Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Political Will, WIP | 2021 | Chesapeake |
ShoreRivers, Inc | $30,152 | Tech capacity building grant to support purchase of Survey, video, and Water Quality Testing Equipment and storage upgrades. | Capacity | 2021 | Chesapeake |
Coastal Conservation Association | $10,000 | Improve management of finfish, build habitat for multiple fisheries including finfish and crustaceans, and broaden outreach to youth and minority communities to advance participation in fisheries and conservation. | Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach, Political Will, Water Quality | 2021 | Chesapeake |
Commons Inc | $155,000 | Build decision support systems to more effectively target investment of conservation dollars and quantify the effects of conservation practices. A particular emphasis is placed on increasing engagement with the agricultural community. | Agriculture, Baywide, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Water Quality | 2021 | Chesapeake |
Alliance for Justice | $10,000 | Through AFJ's Bolder Advocacy program, provide trainings and resources on how environmental nonprofits can exercise their right to utilize advocacy strategies. | Advocacy, Civic Engagement | 2021 | Chesapeake |