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Name of Organization Amount Description Keywords Year Office
West Rhode Riverkeeper $50,000 Support the organization's inaugural year. N/A 2005 Chesapeake
West Rhode Riverkeeper $50,000 Support the West/ Rhode Riverkeeper program/ successful completion of a challenge grant. N/A 2006 Chesapeake
West Rhode Riverkeeper $50,000 Support the West/ Rhode Riverkeeper program/ successful completion of a challenge grant. N/A 2007 Chesapeake
West Rhode Riverkeeper $50,000 Continue support of the West/ Rhode Riverkeeper program. N/A 2008 Chesapeake
West Rhode Riverkeeper $50,000 Continued support of the West/Rhode Riverkeeper program. N/A 2009 Chesapeake
West Rhode Riverkeeper $50,000 Support for the Coordinator of the Waterkeepers Chesapeake. Keepers 2010 Chesapeake
West Rhode Riverkeeper $45,000 Support for the West/ Rhode Riverkeeper program. Keepers 2010 Chesapeake
Wetlands Watch, Inc. $30,000 Promote an innovative approach to wetlands conservation and protection through citizen intervention, producing a strong statewide network of wetlands advocacy organizations and individuals in Virginia. N/A 2006 Chesapeake
Wetlands Watch, Inc. $52,000 Support the capacity of the only organization in Virginia dedicated solely to wetlands advocacy. The organization works to ensure that wetlands laws and regulations are followed; educate the public and community leaders about the value of wetlands; and advocate for policy that ensures wetlands conservation and protection. N/A 2007 Chesapeake
Wetlands Watch, Inc. $46,000 Build the capacity of the only organization working at the local government level on wetlands protection in Virginia. The goal is to develop a statewide wetlands management strategy. N/A 2008 Chesapeake
Wetlands Watch, Inc. $51,000 Support the only organization working with local governments in Virginia on deciding whether climate change adaptation strategies can be implemented today. N/A 2009 Chesapeake
Wetlands Watch, Inc. $50,000 Expand the network of advocates in Virginia using land use tools to protect wetlands and shoreline natural resources. Land Use 2010 Chesapeake
Whirling Disease Foundation $5,000 Support their mission to manage the threat of whirling disease to our local fisheries. N/A 2007 Chesapeake
Wildfowl Trust of North America $50,000 Expand the Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center's ability to raise funds for restoration, targeted research and education/ outreach. N/A 2006 Chesapeake
Wildfowl Trust of North America $50,000 Continuing challenge grant to support the Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center 's mission to demonstrate innovative practices. Note focus work on training community organization leaders to work with their members. N/A 2005 Chesapeake
Your Public Radio (WYPR) $10,000 Support "The Signal" programming to educate the public about issues affecting the health of the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers. N/A 2005 Chesapeake
Your Public Radio (WYPR) $15,000 Support "The Signal" programming to educate the public about issues affecting the health of the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers, and provide environmental programming during peak drive times. N/A 2006 Chesapeake
YWCA Annapolis and Anne Arundel County $600 Recognition for outstanding contributions of women working to restore the Bay: 2004 honoree - Ginger Ellis, AACO. N/A 2004 Chesapeake
YWCA Annapolis and Anne Arundel County $610 Recognition for outstanding contributions of women working to restore the Bay: 2005 honoree - Carin Bisland, EPA. N/A 2005 Chesapeake
YWCA Annapolis and Anne Arundel County $900 Honor an outstanding woman in the environmental and scientific community. N/A 2006 Chesapeake
YWCA Annapolis and Anne Arundel County $1,000 Sponsor Ann Swanson for receipt of a 2011 "Tribute to Women in Industry" Award. Ann is the Executive Director of the Chesapeake Bay Commission. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Environmental Grantmakers Association $5,000 EGA Federal Policy Briefing in Washington, DC. N/A 2010 Chesapeake
Herring Run Watershed Association $28,000 Phase 2 support to provide guidance, technical support and recommendations on several key issues that could influence the delivery of nutrient reductions from agriculture as required by state Watershed Implementation Plans. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Audubon Naturalist Society of the Central Atlantic States, Inc. $10,000 Explore the use of N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Potomac Conservancy, Inc $30,000 Work to improve local policies to reduce polluted runoff. Specifically, once Virginia releases the final stormwater rules, work with Shenandoah and Frederick counties as they develop their stormwater ordinances. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Center for Watershed Protection, Chesapeake Stormwater Network, Inc. $20,000 Continue to expand the network of more than 1,000 stormwater professionals. CSN will also launch the Chesapeake Bay Stormwater Training Partnership, a collaboration with the Center for Watershed Protection, 3 state stormwater agencies and numerous professional societies. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Eastern Shore Land Conservancy Inc $3,000 Provide partial tuition for one staff member to enroll in the 2011-2012 National Conservation Leadership Institute. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Virginia Organizing, Inc $10,000 Virginia Organizing is a statewide grassroots organization dedicated to empowering people in local communities. They will work to expand non-partisan civic engagement activities. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Maroon Consulting, LLC $12,500 Inform and equip conservation interests on the emerging issues and needed reforms associated with Nutrient Credit Trading in the Bay watershed. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Resource Dynamics, Inc. $28,000 Phase 2 support to provide guidance, technical support and recommendations on several key issues that could influence the delivery of nutrient reductions from agriculture as required by state Watershed Implementation Plans. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Consultative Group on Biological Diversity $5,000 Prepare a draft work plan for the water funders N/A 2011 Chesapeake
LIVE Green (Lancaster Investment in a Vibrant Economy) $50,000 In partnership with the City of Lancaster, develop a public roll-out strategy to support implementation of a stormwater utility in Lancaster City. This work will greatly improve the water quality of the Conestoga River, a tributary to the Susquehanna River. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
National Parks Conservation Association $56,000 Advocate for strong clean air and water protections to be adopted and enforced throughout the Chesapeake region. Inform and mobilize the national parks constituency along with businesses and community leaders about the connections among clean air and water, healthy parks, healthy communities and a strong local economy. Engage these constituencies in pressing for strong policies to protect clean air and water. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Media Services Inc $80,000 Produce the monthly Bay Journal and the Bay Journal website which present a comprehensive overview of environmental issues facing the Bay region. Co-produce a monthly radio show dealing with Bay issues and operate the Bay Journal News Service, which distributes original op-eds as well as selected Bay Journal articles to newspapers and other publications around the watershed. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Friends of the Rappahannock, Inc. $30,000 Improve the fundraising and advocacy capacity of FOR, so they can continue in a leadership role in the development of local Watershed Implementation Plans and in innovative stormwater models. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
James River Association $20,000 The Healthy Rivers Initiative, a Virginia partnership of conservation organization, is focused on raising awareness around the annual funding needs for Virginia N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay $50,000 Engage Jewish, Protestant, and Catholic congregations and people of faith in Bay advocacy N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Trout Unlimited $30,000 Protect and restore habitat for native and wild trout in he Chesapeake Bay basin by engaging anglers in political and on-the-ground action and targeting technical and financial assistance for coldwater fisheries conservation. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Valley Conservation Council Inc $10,000 VPC works to restrict sprawl and preserve land in the Baltimore County region of Maryland. This project supports the hiring of legal and expert professionals to assist in zoning cases. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, Inc. $40,000 Engage sportsmen in support of common-sense conservation measures that improve water quality, land use decisions, and the protection of quality fish and wildlife habitat in the entire Chesapeake Bay watershed. Leverage hunter and angler influence and credibility with local, state and national decision makers to foster positive momentum for Bay conservation at all levels. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Valley Conservation Council Inc $20,000 VCC is an advocate in the Shenandoah region, working with localities to encourage growth patterns that protect water resources and the rural character of the region, and landowners with voluntary land conservation solutions tailored to their properties. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Anne Arundel County Watershed Stewards Academy $25,000 Establish N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Trust $50,000 Provide assistance to organizations in the form of grants, technical assistance and training in order to build individual organizational capacity and increase effectiveness in accelerating implementation of local watershed restoration priorities. This is a shared initiative of the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Chester River Association $5,000 Provide administrative support to the West/Rhode Riverkeeper and the South River Association to help with membership and financial recordkeeping. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Anacostia Watershed Society, Inc $30,000 Strengthen stormwater standards statewide in Maryland, and specifically push for effective stormwater MS4 permits and ordinances in Prince George N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Audubon Naturalist Society of the Central Atlantic States, Inc. $18,000 Work in Northern Virginia to ensure a Phase II WIP is developed for the region, that citizen support and involvement encourages stream restoration and protection, and that Fairfax County N/A 2011 Chesapeake
1000 Friends of Maryland, Inc $40,000 Develop policy solutions, educate decision makers and the public, produce reports and fact sheets, and build strong coalitions to advance a suite of proposals for cleaner water and sustainable growth. Central to this effort will be research and messaging around the economic benefits of smarter growth for communities, counties, and residents. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Association Of Baltimore Area Grantmakers Inc $3,000 The ABAG Green Funders Affinity Group enables Baltimore regional funders to convene around aspects of environmental grantmaking. Funders meet on a regular basis, to share experiences and expertise, and to learn about new developments and potential efforts. The goal is to increase interest and support for green initiatives. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Piedmont Environmental Council $1,500 Assist with speaker fees for the 2nd Virginia Food Security Summit, which will launch the statewide Virginia Food to Table plan. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Eastern Shore Land Conservancy Inc $65,000 Advocate for effective public policy on the Eastern Shore of Maryland that promotes growth in towns, creates greenbelts around towns and preserves natural areas and farmland. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Center for Watershed Protection $10,000 Continue research in illicit discharges, provide technical assistance to communities, and advocate for improvements in the detection and elimination of raw sewage and other pollutants entering the Chesapeake Bay watershed. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
James River Association $60,000 As the Chesapeake Bay cleanup plan shifts to the local level and to implementation, JRA work to ensure that MS4 permits and local stormwater programs are appropriately revised and strengthened to effectively address pollution in urban areas. They will work with targeted localities to develop strong Phase II WIPs and local codes and ordinances that will protect local waters. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Water Stewardship, Inc. $25,000 Evaluate technical aspects and scientific validity of agricultural-related work products developed by grantees and advocacy organizations. Conduct technical analyses to identify strengths, weaknesses and scientific validity of proposed government policies and actions. Ensure that KCF and its grantees are aware of new agricultural technical and programmatic issues arising at the state and federal level and identify technical concerns/issues/recommendations. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Nanticoke Watershed Alliance Inc $10,000 Assess the feasibility of installing grass buffers of variable width along farm drainage ditches to reduce nutrients entering the Chesapeake Bay from farm fields. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
  $5,000 Develop potential messages and communications strategy options for a marketing campaign targeted on reducing land application of manure. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Commission $5,000 Prepare a report to convey the information and recommendations emerging from the CBC Nutrients, Water Quality 2011 Chesapeake
Assateague Coastal Trust Inc $28,000 Support the Assateague Coastkeeper program. Their mission is to protect and enhance the natural resources of the Atlantic Coastal Bays watershed through advocacy, education and conservation. Keepers 2011 Chesapeake
Woodwrights, LLC $10,000 Work with selected Waterkeeper Chesapeake organizations to build their capacity in reaching out to decision makers in their localities, and building their fundraising and friend raising skills. Keepers 2011 Chesapeake
Herring Run Watershed Association $22,000 Support the Baltimore Harbor Waterkeeper program, to patrol the harbor, respond to calls on the pollution hotline and hold polluters accountable under the law. Keepers 2011 Chesapeake
Anacostia Riverkeeper, Inc. $30,000 The Anacostia Riverkeeper program promotes advocacy, enforcement, and public participation to improve the water quality of the Anacostia for the health of the local communities. Keepers 2011 Chesapeake
Farm Pilot Project Coordination, Inc. $50,000 As part of a team working under a recently awarded USDA Conservation Innovation Grant to the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network, demonstrate innovative technologies that convert excess animal manure into a usable form of energy on farms in nutrient hot spots of the Chesapeake Bay watershed in four states. Agriculture, Nutrients, Pollution, Water Quality 2011 Chesapeake
Friends of the Rappahannock, Inc. $20,000 To establish a base of volunteer/ members in the lower tidal portion of the Rappahannock River who will create a critical mass in that region and establish relationships with local officials and policymakers. Keepers 2011 Chesapeake
Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy, Inc. $40,000 The Choptank Riverkeeper program, located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Keepers 2011 Chesapeake
Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy, Inc. $35,000 Support the Miles/ Wye Riverkeeper program, located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Keepers 2011 Chesapeake
Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association $45,000 The Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper covers a watershed of 24 counties in the Southern Tier of Pennsylvania and in Northern Maryland. Keepers 2011 Chesapeake
Maroon Consulting, LLC $30,000 Inform the Bay region Nutrients, Water Quality 2011 Chesapeake
Gunpowder Riverkeeper, Inc. $30,000 The Gunpowder Riverkeeper uses advocacy to strengthen policy to better protect the resources within the Gunpowder watershed, the source of drinking water to Baltimore City. Keepers 2011 Chesapeake
Potomac Riverkeeper Incorporated $25,000 Support the Shenandoah Riverkeeper program. The Shenandoah River, a major tributary to the Potomac, drains a large portion of Virginia west of the Blue Ridge Mountains. It provides drinking water and recreational opportunities to a large part of the Shenandoah Valley. Keepers 2011 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Rivers Association $16,000 Support the Severn Riverkeeper program. The Severn River is a direct tributary to the Chesapeake Bay, running through the Capitol in the State of Maryland. Keepers 2011 Chesapeake
Potomac Riverkeeper Incorporated $45,000 Support the Potomac Riverkeeper program. The Potomac River and its watershed encompasses almost 15,000 square miles in MD, VA, WV, PA, and DC, flowing 383 miles to the Chesapeake Bay. There are 6 million residents in the watershed, many of whom rely on the River for its drinking water. Keepers 2011 Chesapeake
Sassafras River Association $27,000 Support the Sassafras Riverkeeper. By working with local government officials, businesses and state legislators, the Riverkeeper targets high nutrient export sites and works to treat problem areas with BMPs. Keepers 2011 Chesapeake
EarthReports, Inc. $33,000 Support the Patuxent Riverkeeper program. The Patuxent River is the longest intrastate rivers in the State of Maryland crossing into seven counties. Keepers 2011 Chesapeake
Virginia Eastern Shorekeeper, Inc. $30,000 Support the Virginia Eastern Shorekeeper program, working to protect, preserve and improve the quality of the tidal waters of the Eastern Shore of Virginia. The Shorekeeper advocates compliance with environmental laws and ordinances, responds to citizen concerns and seeks solutions to water quality problems. Keepers 2011 Chesapeake
James River Association $25,000 Support the Upper James Riverkeeper program, serving as the full-time advocate for the area from the fall line in Richmond, to the headwaters of the River. Keepers 2011 Chesapeake
YWCA Annapolis and Anne Arundel County $5,000 The YWCA works to strengthen families and break the cycle of violence, which unfortunately is a service more in demand during difficult economic times. In November 2011 they will host their annual fundraising event in support of furthering their mission in Annapolis and Anne Arundel County. This grant is used at the event to leverage additional contributions. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Waterkeeper Alliance Inc $10,000 Support the Waterkeepers Chesapeake Keepers 2011 Chesapeake
West Rhode Riverkeeper $45,000 Support the West/ Rhode Riverkeeper program, based in Anne Arundel County, MD. The Rivereeper works to protect the local communities by stopping pollution, supporting enforcement of laws, and advocating for better environmental policies. Keepers 2011 Chesapeake
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay $7,000 The Chesapeake Covenant Community (CCC) will develop messaging around the Bay TMDL and WIPs translating Bay goals to the faith community Advocacy 2011 Chesapeake
National Audubon Society, Inc. $20,000 Apply Audubon Land Use, Non-traditional Allies 2011 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Trust $3,000 Support the annual NFWF/CBFN Networking Forum, which brings in grantees to discuss accomplishments and lessons learned from past agricultural-related projects. Panels are designed to focus on opportunities for technology transfer and more widespread adoption of demonstrated conservation techniques, as well as implementing policy and program change. Pollution, Water Quality 2011 Chesapeake
Conservation Pennsylvania $25,000 Develop tools and messages to support the environmental community N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Piedmont Environmental Council $20,000 Support the Coalition for Smarter Growth Land Use, Stormwater 2011 Chesapeake
Anacostia Watershed Society, Inc $25,000 Through the Academy Advocacy, Stormwater 2011 Chesapeake
  $25,000 Support NPCA N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Sustainable Chesapeake $50,000 Provide project management for the recently awarded USDA Conservation Innovation Grant to the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network. The grant is designed to accelerate the deployment of manure to energy technologies that provide alternatives to land application and reduce nutrient pollution from animal agriculture production. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Sierra Club Foundation $28,100 The MD Sierra Club Chapter will address environmental issues by providing intensive campaign support for grassroots activists. This approach will enable the chapter to educate, engage and mobilize a MD residents to participate in the Phase II WIP process and improve water quality. Advocacy, Political Will 2011 Chesapeake
Resource Dynamics, Inc. $25,000 Conduct analyses and provide policy recommendations for use by environmental advocates on critical agricultural issues important to attaining state watershed implementation plan goals, such as: nutrient management, federal and state CAFO programs, and emerging agricultural certainty programs. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Maryland Association of Soil Conservation Districts $10,000 Assist MASCD in their efforts to promote federal financial support programs to local farmers and to encourage their continued participation in the USDA Conservation Security Program, with emphasis on Talbot County. These funds will offset costs to keep the program viable and improve farmers N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund $21,050 Strengthen MD LCV Education Fund to increase its ability to build and maintain partnerships, increase its ability to implement strategic issue campaigns, and maximize the power of the conservation community in Maryland. Advocacy 2011 Chesapeake
Northeast-Midwest Institute $5,000 Support a part-time coordinator for the Conservation Coalition in Washington, D.C. The Conservation Coalition is an affiliation of over 60 national environmental and conservation organizations that has functioned off and on since 1986 as a big tent meeting place for farm conservation and environmental interests to share information and develop joint strategies on agricultural issues. Pollution, Water Quality 2011 Chesapeake
Conservation Strategies, LLC $59,000 Contract with Conservation Strategy to The Campbell Foundation make more effective agricultural and stormwater funding strategies in the region and nationwide. Stormwater 2011 Chesapeake
Community Partners $1,000 Support the annual SAFSF staff and steering committee meeting to be held in Washington DC January 2012. The meeting brings together SAFSF members and other area funder colleagues to share what Agriculture, Nutrients 2011 Chesapeake
The Hatcher Group, Inc. $10,000 Develop potential messages and communications strategy options for a campaign focused on reducing pollution from agriculture. These will serve to educate legislators, the public and key decision makers on the need for stronger protections in Maryland to reduce water quality impacts from the land application of manure and sewage sludge. N/A 2011 Chesapeake
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated $175,000 Build a sustainable fisheries management system in the Chesapeake for the blue crab and striped bass fisheries. Facilitate a collaborative process with watermen and fishery managers to develop and win approval of fundamental management improvements. Simultaneously, build support for incorporating market-based tools, such as catch shares, into the management systems by demonstrating local success of catch shares through voluntary pilot projects. Fisheries 2008 Chesapeake
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated $175,000 Build a sustainable fisheries management system in the Chesapeake for the blue crab and striped bass fisheries. Facilitate a collaborative process with watermen and fishery managers to develop and win approval of fundamental management improvements. Simultaneously, build support for incorporating market-based tools, such as catch shares, into the management systems by demonstrating local success of catch shares through voluntary pilot projects. Fisheries 2009 Chesapeake
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated $175,000 Build a sustainable fisheries management system in the Chesapeake for the blue crab and striped bass fisheries. Facilitate a collaborative process with watermen and fishery managers to develop and win approval of fundamental management improvements. Simultaneously, build support for incorporating market-based tools, such as catch shares, into the management systems by demonstrating local success of catch shares through voluntary pilot projects. Fisheries 2010 Chesapeake
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated $175,000 Build a sustainable fisheries management system in the Chesapeake for the blue crab and striped bass fisheries. Facilitate a collaborative process with watermen and fishery managers to develop and win approval of fundamental management improvements. Simultaneously, build support for incorporating market-based tools, such as catch shares, into the management systems by demonstrating local success of catch shares through voluntary pilot projects. Fisheries 2011 Chesapeake
H. John Heinz III Center for Science Economics and the Environment $30,000 Develop and refine the Chesapeake Commons Data Initiative (CCDI), which is a web-based tool that empowers Chesapeake Bay watershed organizations by making ecological data on the Bay locally relevant, accessible, and easy-to-manage. Political Will 2012 Chesapeake
Environmental Grantmakers Association $15,000 The 2012 EGA Retreat will engage attendees in informative sessions and strategic opportunities, giving participants an occasion to gain a stronger awareness and understanding of the issues, obstacles, and opportunities that affect environmental grantmaking. N/A 2012 Chesapeake
River Network $3,000 The 2012 River Rally in Portland. Advocacy 2012 Chesapeake