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Name of Organization Amount Description Keywords Year Office
California Ocean Science Trust $200,000 The MPA Monitoring Enterprise program leads the development and implementation of impartial, cost-effective and relevant MPA monitoring of California's statewide MPA network Accountability, Communications, Political Will 2013 Pacific
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated $100,000 EDF seeks to transform fisheries management by convening and facilitating a workgroup comprised of key recreational fishing leaders to design and implement fundamental management improvements for the recreational sector, such as better monitoring and accountability measures, and angler incentives Accountability, Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies 2013 Pacific
Friends of the Upper Delaware River $15,000 FUDR works to protect, preserve and enhance the ecosystem and cold-water fishery of the Upper Delaware River System Advocacy, Land Use, Pollution, Water Quality 2013 Pacific
Golden Gate Salmon Association $10,000 To protect and restore the California salmon fishery by improving the freshwater habitat of California Central Valley salmon and the San Francisco Bay Delta estuary Advocacy, Fisheries 2013 Pacific
Interfaith Power & Light $25,000 The Regrant Program provides financial support for IPL state-based affiliates Advocacy, Pollution, Water Quality 2013 Pacific
International League of Conservation Photographers $10,000 The International League of Conservation Photographers furthers environmental and cultural conservation through photography, primarily Conservation Photography Expeditions that connect conservation groups with their photographers Communications 2013 Pacific
Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation $150,000 Create and implement a multi-year plan that will propel the Aquarium to a position of leadership in using technology and digital media to achieve their mission and impact Communications 2013 Pacific
River Network $30,000 The River Rescue Fund will provide River Network with the flexibility to deploy our limited staff resources in a timely way in response to strategic opportunities Advocacy, Agriculture, Land Use, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality 2013 Pacific
Turtle Island Restoration Network $30,000 The Sustainable Pacific Fisheries and Oceans Program works to phase out or tightly regulate drift gillnet fisheries Fisheries 2013 Pacific
Island Conservation $20,000 This ongoing project to eradicate invasive mice from the Farallon Islands is moving into the implementation phase, including finalizing the Environmental Impact Statement and helping securing necessary permits with the USFWS. N/A 2013 Pacific
Otter Project, Inc. $25,000 The Monterey Coastkeeper is in settlement talks with the Monterey County Water Resources Agency (MCWRA) that may lead to establishing irrigation districts as dischargers. They also pursue actions against the State Water Quality Control Board (SWRCB) to strengthen provisions in the Ag Waiver for groundwater monitoring. Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Keepers, Land Use, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality 2013 Pacific
Surfrider Foundation $70,000 Demonstrate the value of Ecosystem-Based Management paradigms to coastal and ocean management by promoting localized models based on the unique needs of Ventura, California and the Pacific Coasts of Washington and Oregon Advocacy, Capacity, Land Use, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality 2013 Pacific
The Coral Reef Alliance $100,000 Develop solutions that incentivize hotels to reduce wastewater pollution and adopt more sustainable treatment practices along the West Maui coastline Accountability, Advocacy, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Pollution, Water Quality 2013 Pacific
WildAid Inc $40,000 Raise awareness about the impact of the consumption of shark fin soup, and reduce consumption of shark fin in China and SE Asia by building public and political support for legal controls on the consumption of shark fin soup, culminating in a ban Advocacy, Communications 2013 Pacific
Community Initatives $15,000 The Biodiversity Program is building a vision, rationale, strategy and practice for inter-agency biodiversity management, planning, policy-making and eco-literacy Baywide 2013 Pacific
Resource Media $34,000 Resource Media will support a small coalition of conservation groups that are organizing around several policy planning processes (Shoreline Management Plans and Marine Spatial Planning) by developing a communications strategy, trainings and tools to help grow and bring the local conservation voice and vision to the fore in planning efforts at the local and state levels around coastal protection and conservation. Communications 2013 Pacific
Rural California Broadcasting Corp KRCB-TV Channel 22 $25,000 The Emmy-award winning Natural Heroes TV Series features independent films that share inspiring, extraordinary stories of everyday people making a positive difference for our world by working hands-on in their local environment. This year, they are also adding in-depth classroom projects that are appropriate for kindergarten through high school students, while meeting Common Core needs. Communications 2013 Pacific
Tides Foundation $25,000 A TV series and web/social event on climate change, featuring a diverse cast of celebrities and journalists who will span the globe telling human stories on the impacts of and solutions to global warming N/A 2013 Pacific
Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation $17,000 The Connection Storymaker Workshop brings the basic skills of storytelling from Hollywood to the world of strategic communication and provides tools that can be used for shaping stories in the real world Communications 2013 Pacific
Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center $25,000 KS Wild's Rogue Riverkeeper works to protect and restore several rivers and waterways in Oregon from a variety of threats, including suction dredge mining, LNG terminal development, pollution and agriculture Advocacy, Agriculture, Fisheries, Keepers, Land Use, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality 2013 Pacific
Smart Growth America $10,000 The Leadership Institute advises state and local officials on smart growth, transit, sustainability, and environmental policies and practices by providing technical assistance, workshops, and implementation tools Land Use 2013 Pacific
University of Southern California $65,000 The Shifting Baselines Ocean Media Project consists maintaining several websites, producing short videos throughout the year, and conducting talks and workshops Communications 2013 Pacific
Ocean Foundation $100,000 The Ocean Leadership Fund supports the diverse needs of the marine conservation community and key stakeholders to protect and restore healthy ocean resources around the world. Advocacy, Communications, Fisheries, Political Will 2013 Pacific
Resources Legacy Fund $500,000 Sustaining Californias Ocean (SCO) works to ensure that government and nonprofit organizations have the long-term capacity and funding to implement the MPA network through effective monitoring, compliance, and education and outreach N/A 2013 Pacific
Environmental Defense Fund Incorporated $100,000 The Central Valley Habitat Exchange (CVHE) is a mechanisim to direct public funding towards achieving quantifiable conservation outcomes Accountability, Agriculture, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality 2013 Pacific