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Total Results: 2669
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Name of Organization Amount Description Keywords Year Office
Sailors for the Sea Inc. $5,000 For production of a coffee table book about Around the Americas, a 13-month, 28,000 mile circumnavigation of the Americas to educate and inspire Americans to take action to protect the health of our oceans. N/A 2011 Pacific
Sportfishing Conservancy $10,000 A growing alliance of sport fishing, conservation and community groups, together focusing on the perception that sportfishing and conservation are compatible. Fisheries, Non-traditional Allies 2012 Pacific
Friends of the Earth $20,000 Protect marine life and coastal communities in California from vessel air pollution and poorly regulated sewage and wastewater discharges from cruise ships, cargo ships, oil tankers, and ferries. Pollution, Water Quality 2011 Pacific
Southern Alliance for Clean Energy $25,000 Outreach and advocacy to oppose two coal plants and increase energy efficiency in Georgia. Advocacy, Pollution 2011 Pacific
Save the Bay $40,000 For reduction of trash in San Francisco Bay, especially from plastic bags and polystyrene. Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality 2011 Pacific
River Network $30,000 The River Rescue Fund will provide River Network with the flexibility to deploy our limited staff resources in a timely way in response to strategic opportunities. Advocacy, Pollution, Water Quality 2011 Pacific
National Parks Conservation Association $20,000 For work to encourage better management of the San Francisco Bay Area's Golden Gate National Recreation Area and Point Reyes National Seashore. N/A 2011 Pacific
Ocean Conservancy Inc $30,000 Ocean Conservancy educates decision-makers on the threat posed by GE fish to native salmon, support efforts at the federal level to prevent approval by the FDA and advance efforts to ensure additional ecological science is undertaken before GE fish are allowed into the nation's seafood supply. Fisheries 2011 Pacific
Tides Center $30,000 The West Coast Ecosystem-Based Management Network is a partnership of six community-based initiatives focused on the successful implementation of ecosystem-based management (EBM) along the coasts of Washington, Oregon and California. Advocacy, Communications, Water Quality 2011 Pacific
University of Southern California $56,500 A year of support to enable Randy Olson to develop several projects, including Shifting Baseline Ocean Media Project and www.benshi.com in his continuing exploration of the broad communication of science. Communications 2011 Pacific
Ocean Conservancy Inc $70,000 Ocean Conservancy will advocate for the creation, implementation and monitoring of marine protected area (MPA) networks in California state waters through the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA). N/A 2011 Pacific
Surfrider Foundation $70,000 Demonstrate the value of Ecosystem-Based Management paradigms to coastal and ocean management by promoting localized models based on the unique needs of Ventura, California; Port Orford and Florence/Yachats, Oregon; and the Outer Coast of Washington. Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality 2011 Pacific
California Coastkeeper $75,000 CCKA safeguards and helps to improve the long-term resiliency of California's coastal and marine ecosystems. Advocacy, Capacity, Keepers, Water Quality 2011 Pacific
Environmental Law Institute $25,000 The Environmental Law Institute (ELI), in partnership with The Ocean Foundation (TOF) and the Emmett Environmental Law and Policy Clinic at Harvard Law School (EELPC), works to ensure that federal laws and policies require aquaculture facilities to be created and operated in a responsible manner that does not harm the environment. Fisheries 2011 Pacific
Organic Farming Research Foundation $5,000 Support immediate information needs of organic farmers while moving the public and policymakers toward greater investment in organic farming systems. N/A 2011 Pacific
Ocean Foundation $40,000 The Ocean Leadership Fund supports the diverse needs of the marine conservation community and key stakeholders to protect and restore healthy ocean resources around the world. Accountability, Advocacy, Capacity, Fisheries, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality 2011 Pacific
Island Conservation $20,000 Restoring the ecosystem of the South Farallon Islands to protect native and threatened species by removing introduced house mice. N/A 2012 Pacific
Seaweb $60,000 As the only international, nonprofit organization exclusively dedicated to using the science of communications to fundamentally shift the way people interact with the ocean, SeaWeb is uniquely positioned to serve as the "Public Relations" firm for the ocean. Communications 2011 Pacific
As You Sow $21,930 Through strategic shareholder activism, place internal and external pressure on companies to address critical issues related to water quality impacts of hydraulic fracturing (fracking). Pollution, Water Quality 2011 Pacific
Sustainable Conservation $21,930 The Partners in Restoration program simpifies the otherwise complex and costly permitting process landowners face when implementing voluntary riparian restoration projects in and around waterways. This grant is for the purpose of scaling up the PIR Program to a statewide level. Land Use 2011 Pacific
National Parks Conservation Association $10,000 For work related to California's Central Valley National Parks, including Yosemite. Land Use, Pollution, Water Quality 2011 Pacific
Santa Monica Bay Restoration Foundation $82,000 Aerial monitoring of South Coast Marine Protected Areas. N/A 2011 Pacific
Pelican Media $10,000 Pelican Dreams is a feature-length documentary about California brown pelicans, starring a young bird who stopped traffic by landing on the Golden Gate Bridge, and ranging up and down the U.S. Pacific coast with the migration, from the Channel Islands to the Columbia River. Communications 2012 Pacific
Trace and Trust, Inc. $75,000 Expansion of a web-based network of fishermen, processors, distributors and restaurants that collaborate to allow consumers to enjoy their seafood with the knowledge of what kind of fish they are eating as well as when, where, how and by whom it was caught. Fisheries 2012 Pacific
Green Planet Films $10,000 The San Francisco Green Film Festival will present forward-thinking programs and discussions focused on positive solutions to today's environmental problems. The festival will include premieres of over 50 works from around the globe, as well as Q&A sessions, panel discussions, educational presentations, and special events. Communications 2012 Pacific