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Location: Chesapeake | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
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Name of Organization Amount Description Keywords Year Office
Chiles Consulting, LLC $50,000 Develop and implement a campaign to establish an effective coast-wide cap on Atlantic menhaden by the 2012 fishing season. Fisheries 2011 Chesapeake
Choptank River Eastern Bay Conservancy $35,000 Support the establishment of a new Choptank Riverkeeper. N/A 2008 Chesapeake
Choptank River Eastern Bay Conservancy $40,000 Continued support of the Choptank Riverkeeper. N/A 2009 Chesapeake
Choptank River Eastern Bay Conservancy $38,000 Support for the Choptank Riverkeeper program. Keepers 2010 Chesapeake
Clean Air Watch $20,000 Support a watchdog organization focusing on strong clean-air laws and regulations through media education and grassroots advocacy. Provide rebuttals to criticism by groups attacking environmental protection. N/A 2007 Chesapeake
Clean Air Watch $30,000 Support Clean Air Watch's core mission of educating the media about the need for clean air as well as the need for strong clean air laws and regulations. Work closely to help allied groups achieve this objective as well. N/A 2008 Chesapeake
Clean Air Watch $35,000 Educate the media about the need for clean air and the need for strong clean air laws and regulations, while also providing input through newspaper, TV, radio and editorials in major newspapers. N/A 2009 Chesapeake
Clean Air Watch $35,000 Educate the media about the need for clean air and the need for strong clean air laws and regulations. Serve as a watchdog organization and provide input on relevant issues through newspaper, television, radio, and editorials in major newspapers. Communications, Political Will 2010 Chesapeake
Clean Air Watch $35,000 Continue support of a watchdog organization that works to educate the media about the need for strong clean air laws and regulations. They issue alerts and help shape public perception of air issues through newspaper, tv, radio stories, editorials and social media. Communications, Political Will 2011 Chesapeake
Clean Water Fund $90,000 Support the Baltimore Initiative, focusing on empowering citizens and businesses to invest in their community, while educating locally elected officials to the issues surrounding stormwater management. $15,000 is allocated to messaging and media training through Action Media. N/A 2008 Chesapeake
Clean Water Fund $75,000 Identify communities in the Baltimore area and work strategically to educate them on environmental problems and empower them to engage in environmental efforts. N/A 2009 Chesapeake
Clean Water Fund $75,000 Support for "The Baltimore Initiative", enabling CWF to work with neighborhoods, decision-makers and watershed organizations to facilitate and implement best management practices for stormwater management in the city. Stormwater 2010 Chesapeake
Clean Water Fund $75,000 Support "The Baltimore Initiative", encouraging the development of neighborhood advocates to take a leadership role in developing and implementing Community Action Plans, with a particular focus on strengthening stormwater standards Stormwater 2011 Chesapeake
Clean Water Fund (PA), PA Clean Water Fund $60,000 Bring an advocacy presence in the Chesapeake watershed are of Pennsylvania. Enable the hiring of a Central PA Coordinator. Advocacy 2010 Chesapeake
Clean Water Fund (PA), PA Clean Water Fund $60,000 Bring more advocacy presence into the Chesapeake watershed area of Pennsylvania. Focus will be on forested buffers, Marcellus Shale drilling, state water testing for pharmaceuticals, and stormwater. N/A 2009 Chesapeake
Clean Water Fund (PA), PA Clean Water Fund $40,000 Support an advocacy presence in the Chesapeake watershed of Pennsylvania. They will work to strategically bring together state and local groups around the issues of Marcellus Shale gas extraction and stormwater protections. Advocacy, Political Will, Stormwater 2011 Chesapeake
Coastal Conservation Association - MD $70,500 For general operational support to further efforts to protect estuarine and marine fisheries with special interest in menhaden. N/A 2003 Chesapeake
Coastal Conservation Association - MD $35,000 Support fishery conservation objectives, with a focus on menhaden and oyster policy. N/A 2005 Chesapeake
Coastal Conservation Association - MD $35,000 Enhance conservation and advocacy efforts in CCA-MD to protect menhaden and oysters. N/A 2006 Chesapeake
Coastal Conservation Association - MD $35,000 Support conservation and advocacy efforts in the promotion of coastal marine resources for the benefit of the general public. N/A 2007 Chesapeake
Coastal Conservation Association - MD $35,000 Support conservation and advocacy efforts in the promotion of coastal marine resources for the benefit of the general public. N/A 2008 Chesapeake
Coastal Conservation Association - MD $35,000 Support CCA-MD and their leadership role in educating decision makers about the importance of science based management of state fisheries. N/A 2009 Chesapeake
Coastal Conservation Association - MD $27,950 Represent conservation oriented fishermen and work to advise and educate policy makers about the importance of science based fisheries management. Political Will 2010 Chesapeake
Coastal Conservation Association - MD $35,000 Support CCA's leadership role in protecting vital living resources in the Maryland portion of the Chesapeake Bay. Their presence provides an advocacy voice for recreational fishermen. Advocacy 2011 Chesapeake
Coastal Conservation Association of Virginia $1,000 General Support N/A 2006 Chesapeake