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Location: Chesapeake | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
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Name of Organization | Amount | Description | Keywords | Year | Office |
Chesapeake Bay Trust | $75,000 | Support the continued partnership with CBT, NOAA and NFWF to provide grants for living shoreline projects throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed. | N/A | 2008 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Bay Trust | $5,000 | Support for CBT's annual "Treasure the Chesapeake" event, attracting more than 300 environmental leaders and advocates from the State of Maryland. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Bay Trust | $60,000 | Support the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network Agricultural Collaboration. Two new projects in Maryland will test flexible approaches to buffering agricultural ditches and develop strategic conservation plans and partnerships in a watershed targeted for Farm Bill funding. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Bay Trust | $20,000 | Support the coordination and partnership of the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Bay Trust | $20,000 | Participation in the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network. CBFN provides a forum for members to review the policy and science of Bay restoration, to identify shared goals and strategies, and to develop joint initiatives. | Advocacy, Capacity | 2010 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Bay Trust | $20,000 | Continue support of the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network. | Political Will | 2011 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Climate Action Network | $25,000 | Support CCAN in its efforts to broaden the network of citizens who are informed advocates for global warming solutions. | N/A | 2007 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Climate Action Network | $50,000 | Continue to organize and educate the grassroots community by hiring a new, full-time field organizer to create support for a national solution to the climate crisis that specifically promotes safe energy choices. Work to produce and distribute nationally the radio show Earthbeat, America's only climate-specific radio show and featuring CCAN director Mike Tidwell as co-host. | N/A | 2008 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Climate Action Network | $20,000 | Partner with Environmental Integrity Project to improve Maryland's environmental enforcement program, particularly related to power plant permitting and enforcement. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Climate Action Network | $50,000 | Raise the visibility of Virginia's renewable energy potential and cultivate grassroots support for a transition to clean, renewable energy and energy efficiency. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Climate Action Network | $50,000 | Support for clean energy campaigns in Maryland and Virginia. Advocate for development of a comprehensive MD state energy plan to implement recently adopted state climate policies. Prevent construction of a proposed 1500MW coal fired power plant in VA while promoting state energy efficiency measures that would make this new plant unnecessary. | Political Will | 2010 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Climate Action Network | $50,000 | Support efforts to prohibit permitting of natural gas drilling in the Marcellus Shale region of western Maryland until certain environmental criteria and safeguards are met. | Nutrients, Political Will | 2011 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Legal Alliance Inc | $25,000 | A network of lawyers and legal professionals who provide free legal services to individuals, environmental organizations, and citizens groups working to improve the Chesapeake Bay. | Political Will | 2010 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Legal Alliance Inc | $25,000 | Continue to support the development of a network of lawyers and legal professionals who can provide free legal services to individuals, environmental organizations, and citizen groups working to improve the Chesapeake Bay. | Non-traditional Allies, Political Will | 2011 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Media Services Inc | $73,400 | Continue support of The Bay Journal. Expansion of its content and geographical scope will result in enhanced outreach and education about issues and events that affect the Chesapeake Bay region. | N/A | 2008 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Media Services Inc | $80,000 | Support "The Bay Journal" and its expansion to include syndication and an e-newsletter to promote news and articles to editors. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Media Services Inc | $81,000 | Educate and inform about the people, issues and places the influence the conservation of the Chesapeake Bay through the monthly Bay Journal. | Communications | 2010 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Research Consortium | $5,000 | Funding for local government representatives from Virginia to attend Local Hurricane Response Seminar. | N/A | 2004 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Research Consortium | $5,000 | Investigate barriers to removal of poultry litter from agricultural land by supporting research on possible arsenic impacts. | N/A | 2005 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Research Consortium | $50,000 | Native Oyster Restoration Review. | N/A | 2005 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Research Consortium | $7,500 | Support additional fellowship career training. | N/A | 2005 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Research Consortium | $27,800 | Investigate implications of agricultural ditching on water quality and identify barriers to adoption of improved ditch management practices. | N/A | 2006 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Research Consortium | $9,000 | Support a forum for regional scientists and managers to identify commonalities in fish health deterioration, increase regional understanding, and lay the framework for eventual mitigation of causes. | N/A | 2006 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Research Consortium | $5,000 | Support additional training in the Chesapeake Bay Program Fellowship program. | N/A | 2006 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Research Consortium | $25,000 | Year 2 partnership with NOAA to conduct a review of native oyster restoration activities, an effort designed to provide "lessons learned" to help guide future restoration funding. | N/A | 2006 | Chesapeake |