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Location: Chesapeake | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
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Name of Organization Amount Description Keywords Year Office
Caroline County Health Department $35,000 Physically survey properties utilizing On-Site Sewage Disposal Systems within the critical areas of Caroline County. The condition of systems within the County is largely unknown, making it difficult to adequately manage and prioritize funding for upgrades. N/A 2009 Chesapeake
Catticus Corporation $5,000 Support the completion of a one-hour documentary outlining the career and life-long goals of Bernie Fowler, former Maryland State Senator and a pioneer of the environmental movement in Maryland. N/A 2008 Chesapeake
CBF/NFWF/NRCS $24,000 For technical support for NRCS staff (Robert Whitescarver) engaged in pace setting work to enroll landowners in the Shenandoah Valley in the CREP program. N/A 2003 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Trust $50,000 Co-sponsorship of "Living Shorelines Initiative" to encourage local governments, watershed associations and other groups to promote natural shoreline restoration techniques. N/A 2004 Chesapeake
Center for Agricultural Partnerships $24,000 Improve the delivery of technical assistance to farmers in the region, identify nutrient-reducing opportunities and organize field-based partnership programs. N/A 2006 Chesapeake
Center for Progressive Reform Inc $43,000 Track development of a Chesapeake Bay Program accountability mechanism and prepare recommendations on reviving the Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts among the Program and its partners. N/A 2008 Chesapeake
Center for Progressive Reform Inc $45,000 Convene CPR scholars with watershed management and Clean Water Act expertise to provide guidance on new directions for the Chesapeake Bay Program, such as recommendations for improving enforcement, clarifying the 2008 CAFO rule, and employing innovative approaches under the general permitting program and the Bay-wide TMDL. N/A 2009 Chesapeake
Center for Progressive Reform Inc $51,000 Recommend policy tools that could strengthen the effectiveness and enforcement capabilities of the Bay-wide TMDL. N/A 2009 Chesapeake
Center for Progressive Reform Inc $45,000 Develop a scorecard to evaluate state Watershed Implementation Plans WIP 2010 Chesapeake
Center for Progressive Reform Inc $35,000 Investigate current CAFO programs in Maryland and Pennsylvania to determine whether state Watershed Implementation Plans will accomplish the nutrient reductions they project for agriculture. WIP 2011 Chesapeake
Center for Public Integrity $75,000 Support investigative reporting to evaluate campaign contributions given by development industry groups to local government officials and state legislators to see if there are any links between political interests and land use decisions. N/A 2007 Chesapeake
Center for Public Integrity $75,000 Support the continuation of a project evaluating campaign contributions by sprawl industry groups to local government officials and state legislators. The project will take place in 6 communities, subject in recent years to extreme development pressures. N/A 2008 Chesapeake
Center for Public Interest Research $10,000 Support a dialogue between scientists, policy makers, the public and the media on the importance of addressing global warming. Work on a Climate Action Plan. N/A 2006 Chesapeake
Center for Watershed Protection $100,000 Support for the Watershed Protection and Restoration Training Institute to develop skills of citizen organizations, government employees and consulting firms related to watershed protection and restoration issues, including stormwater problems. N/A 2003 Chesapeake
Center for Watershed Protection $50,000 Support of the 2005 Stormwater Institute. N/A 2005 Chesapeake
Center for Watershed Protection $50,000 Provide general operational support to a national organization, providing them the flexibility to respond to requests of technical assistance and training for local watershed organizations. N/A 2006 Chesapeake
Center for Watershed Protection $50,000 Provide general operational support to a national organization, providing them the flexibility to respond to requests of technical assistance and training for local watershed organizations. N/A 2007 Chesapeake
Center for Watershed Protection $50,000 Monitoring and determining illicit discharge sites, training local watershed groups to assist with this investigation, reporting findings to MDE and the Attorney General's office. N/A 2008 Chesapeake
Center for Watershed Protection $40,000 Respond to technical assistance requests by Chesapeake watershed organizations. The national Stormwater Institute in 2010 will take place in Virginia. N/A 2009 Chesapeake
Center for Watershed Protection $20,000 Provide general operating funds to allow CWP flexibility in responding to technical assistance requests by local watershed organizations and local governments, particularly in the implementation of TMDL requirements. Capacity 2010 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Commission $10,000 Analysis and report of the cost effectiveness of nutrient and sediment reduction practices in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. N/A 2004 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Commission $50,000 Engage the agricultural community in the development of opportunities to expand funding for conservation programs on farms. N/A 2005 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Commission $38,400 Support non-legislative efforts of their Agriculture Reform Project; support increased agricultural funding for the Chesapeake Bay region. N/A 2006 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Commission $47,200 Continue efforts to build a coordinated, region-wide voice on agriculture for the Chesapeake Bay region. CBC will do this by working with a variety of stakeholders to fine-tune the agricultural priorities and communicate these through fact sheets and reports, emphasizing funding gaps and opportunities. N/A 2007 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Commission $15,000 Support the design and planning of a Cellulosic Biofuels Summit in the fall of 2008. The Chesapeake Executive Council agreed that this summit is necessary to evaluate the production of cellulosic biofuels in the Bay region. N/A 2007 Chesapeake