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Location: Pacific or Chesapeake | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: 2023 | Amount: All
Total Results: 457
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Name of Organization Amount Description Keywords Year Office
The Mill $50,000 To provide conservation technical assistance to row crop producers to sustain yields while reducing nutrient loss. The Mill is helping producers shift from a maximum yield to a profit focus which results in reduced nutrient loss. The Mill is also advancing innovation in product utilization that improves nutrient efficiency. Agriculture, Land Use, Nutrients, Water Quality, WIP 2023 Chesapeake
Lancaster County Community Foundation $50,000 The Lancaster County Community Foundation will run a regranting program to support broader engagement in water conservation programs. This will increase the diversity of peoples engaged in conservation as well as type of management actions taken. Advocacy, Agriculture, Civic Engagement, Diverse Partnerships, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality, WIP 2023 Chesapeake
River Network $50,000 Assist watershed groups in the Chesapeake region with organizational development and capacity building needs. Capacity 2023 Chesapeake
ShoreRivers, Inc $5,000 Sponsorship of the Upper Shore Youth Environmental Action Summit. Youth 2023 Chesapeake
Lancaster Conservancy $20,000 Sponsorship of 2023 Lancaster Water Week. Capacity, Civic Engagement, Outreach, Water Quality 2023 Chesapeake
Maryland Onsite Wastewater Professionals Association $7,000 Develop new online courses and conduct in person classes at Wor-Wic Community College for entry level professionals in the septic system industry. Students passing will receive a certificate and continuing education credit. Outreach, Pollution, Water Quality 2023 Chesapeake
Dickinson College $35,000 Engage volunteers in stream monitoring and assessments through Susquehanna Stream Teams. Capacity, Outreach, Water Quality 2023 Chesapeake
Orange County Coastkeeper $65,000 Support for general operations of Orange County Coastkeeper. Advocacy, Comprehensive Plans, Keepers, Nutrients, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality 2023 Pacific
San Diego Canyonlands $20,000 Support for habitat enhancement, restoration, and streambed rehabilitation of the Mission Hills and Manzanita Canyons in San Diego. Land Use, Pollution, Stormwater 2023 Pacific
Clean Water Fund $70,000 Advocate for a Maryland regulatory framework to support the septic industry - adding a structure for education, uniform information and access to dollars for maintenance and upgrades. In a parallel effort, increase efforts to reduce food waste through composting and diversion. Advocacy, Nutrients, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality 2023 Chesapeake
Agriculture and Land-Based Training Association $40,000 Support for sustainable and organic-based farmer education course for aspiring disadvantaged farmers. Agriculture, Capacity, Equity, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach 2023 Pacific
Shelterwood Collective $35,000 Support for Shelterwood Creek restoration assessment and planning process. Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Land Use, Water Quality 2023 Pacific
Chesapeake Bay Trust $50,000 Through the Chesapeake Bay Funders' Network's Capacity Building Initiative, support and build regional cross-sector networks to improve local environmental and community conditions. Invest in individual organizational capacity building as well. Capacity, Water Quality 2023 Chesapeake
Gunpowder Riverkeeper, Inc. $40,000 The Gunpowder Riverkeeper defends and protects the Gunpowder and Bush River watersheds from environmental threats, using science, advocacy and law. Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Keepers, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality 2023 Chesapeake
Pennsylvania Voice $35,000 PA Voice coordinates a partnership of more than 50 nonprofit organizations that collectively seek to build an inclusive, just and reflective democracy in Pennsylvania. Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will 2023 Chesapeake
United Way of Lancaster County $50,000 Project Blueprint will train underrepresented, racially diverse community members to serve on nonprofit and public governance boards. It will also assess and address the diversity of local organizations and whether they reflect the communities they serve. Capacity, Civic Engagement, Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Non-traditional Allies 2023 Chesapeake
Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore, Inc $10,000 The Healthy Harbor Initiative invests in community projects and programs to engage Baltimore City residents in the restoration of the Harbor and its watersheds. Projects include community greenings, trash interception, and habitat creation. Equity, Outreach, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality 2023 Chesapeake
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders $500 Speaker stipend for Chesapeake Bay Funders Network. Capacity 2023 Chesapeake
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders $1,000 Sponsorship of 2023 SAFSF Forum. N/A 2023 Pacific
Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc $10,000 Sponsorship for Bands in the Sand. N/A 2023 Chesapeake
United Way of Lancaster County $4,945 Organizational DEIJ Capacity Capacity 2023 Chesapeake
National Maritime Historical Society $1,000 Sponsorship of National Maritime Awards Dinner. N/A 2023 Chesapeake
United Way of Lancaster County $5,000 Technology capacity building support - Data migration from physical servers/hard drivers to the cloud to ensure appropriate data security, retention and accessibility. Capacity 2023 Chesapeake
Friends of the Rappahannock, Inc. $4,610 Technology capacity building - Project management software and video conference setup for two satellite offices. Capacity 2023 Chesapeake
Oyster Recovery Partnership $9,258 Technology capacity building - consultant to guide in selecting a new CRM. N/A 2023 Chesapeake