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Location: Pacific | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
Total Results: 2669
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Name of Organization | Amount | Description | Keywords | Year | Office |
French American International School | $25,000 | Annual Fund | N/A | 2023 | Pacific |
Multiplier | $4,000 | Maven's Notebook is a comprehensive, independent source for California water news and information. | N/A | 2023 | Pacific |
ACT for Women and Girls | $25,000 | Prevention, outreach and education project for youth ages 12 to 26 in Tulare County. Programming provides leadership development and power building of BIPOC and queer participants. | Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Youth | 2023 | Pacific |
Alpine Watershed Group | $10,000 | Alpine Watershed Group, the only watershed-based environmental organization serving Alpine County, CA, protects water quality and further volunteer stewardship of the county’s natural resources through monitoring, restoration, and outreach. | Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Enforcement, Land Use, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2023 | Pacific |
Alpine Watershed Group | $3,650 | Tax and Audit Prep | Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Enforcement, Land Use, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2023 | Pacific |
Baykeeper | $5,000 | Tech Capacity Building | Keepers, Water Quality | 2023 | Pacific |
California Coastkeeper | $5,000 | Tax and Audit Prep | Keepers, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2023 | Pacific |
Environmental Action Committee of West Marin | $1,600 | Tax and Audit Prep | Advocacy, Agriculture, Communications, Land Use, Pollution, Water Quality | 2023 | Pacific |
First Nations Development Institute | $25,000 | The California Tribal Fund will continue to build public awareness of and support for Indigenous natural resource management practices. These practices set the standard for sustainable ecological stewardship, presenting methods to mitigate the degradation of waterways, ecosystems, and agricultural resources, and reduce the risks of megafires. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Capacity, Civic Engagement, Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Land Use, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2023 | Pacific |
Global Conservation | $50,000 | California Marine Protected Areas monitoring technology and coordination | Accountability, Advocacy, Enforcement, Fisheries, Keepers, Marine Protected Areas | 2023 | Pacific |
HairToStay | $1,000 | Helps subsidize the expense of scalp cooling for low income cancer patients in the San Francisco Bay Area. | Equity | 2023 | Pacific |
Hopi School Inc | $5,000 | Tax and Audit Prep | Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Youth | 2023 | Pacific |
InterMusic SF | $2,000 | Daylong, free-of-charge music festival in San Francisco celebrating the diverse Bay Area music community. | Equity, Outreach | 2023 | Pacific |
Journalism Funding Partners | $5,000 | For expansion of climate and environmental coverage on The Ten News, a podcast for youth 8 to 12 years old and their families, created to help them understand the world around them. | Youth | 2023 | Pacific |
Keiko Fukuda and Shelley Fernandez Girls and Women Judo Foundation | $20,000 | Judo and self-defense instruction for Native American youth ages 5 to 18. | Equity, Youth | 2023 | Pacific |
Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation | $25,000 | David Packard Award Event | Advocacy, Fisheries, Land Use, Marine Protected Areas, Outreach, Political Will, Water Quality | 2023 | Pacific |
Monterey Bay Fisheries Trust | $5,000 | Tax and Audit Prep | Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Diverse Partnerships, Enforcement, Equity, Fisheries, Marine Protected Areas, Political Will | 2023 | Pacific |
Movement Strategy Center | $5,000 | Supports Alliance for Felix Cove, an all Indigenous women led organization that works to protect, restore, and re-matriate the Coast Miwok/Támal-ko lands at Point Reyes National Seashore. | Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Land Use, Political Will | 2023 | Pacific |
Organic Farming Research Foundation | $10,000 | OFRF is a farmer-led organization that fosters the improvement and widespread adoption of organic farming systems by cultivating organic research, education, and federal policies that preserve and promote soil health, build biodiversity, protect water and air, and help mitigate and adapt to climate change. | Agriculture, Nutrients, Water Quality | 2023 | Pacific |
Phoenix Legal Action Network | $3,500 | Tax and Audit Prep | Advocacy, Equity | 2023 | Pacific |
Redbud Resource Group | $1,200 | Tax and Audit Prep | Advocacy, Diverse Partnerships, Equity | 2023 | Pacific |
Regenerative Agriculture Foundation | $20,000 | Supports implementation of programs that accelerate the emergence of regenerative agriculture, healthy soil, and working lands systems that support people and the planet. | Agriculture, Land Use, Nutrients | 2023 | Pacific |
Russian Riverkeeper | $5,000 | Tax and Audit Prep | Keepers, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2023 | Pacific |
Tuolumne River Preservation Trust | $20,759 | Tech Capacity Building | Accountability, Advocacy, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2023 | Pacific |
Tuolumne River Preservation Trust | $13,270 | Tech Capacity Building | Accountability, Advocacy, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2023 | Pacific |
UnionDocs, Inc. | $5,000 | A documentary portrait of the Maine and Canada border, the people, cultures, and the stories of a place that is distinctly its own. | Land Use | 2023 | Pacific |
VineCorps Inc | $5,000 | A comprehensive outdoor leadership development program for young people ages 14-24 in Prince George County, MD. Offers personalized, comprehensive educational support, life skills learning, college and workforce readiness, and career pathways. Conducts specific outreach for English learners. | Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Youth | 2023 | Pacific |
California Coastkeeper | $80,000 | California Coastkeeper Alliance (CCKA) serves as an umbrella organization to unite, coordinate and lead member Waterkeeper programs and organizations statewide in their work to advance water quality for nature and the public. CCKA often serves as the lead on statewide policy issues such as general discharge permits or specific cases that are precedential or otherwise of high impact. Leadership of member California Waterkeepers serve as CCKA’s board of directors. | Accountability, Advocacy, Keepers, Nutrients, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2023 | Pacific |
California FarmLink | $40,000 | California FarmLink directs financing resources and opportunities to farmers of color, women, and members of other groups that have historically been denied equal access to land, capital, and education. Grant renews support for California FarmLink's Equity and Conservation on Working Lands initiative to provide bilingual trainings on resource conservation practices and financing, technical assistance to farmers advancing climate smart programs, and connect underserved farmers of color with state and federal funding opportunities. | Agriculture, Capacity, Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach | 2023 | Pacific |
Groundwork San Diego – Chollas Creek | $30,000 | Groundwork San Diego – Chollas Creek (Groundwork) creates sustainable environmental change in the Chollas Creek Watershed Communities of Concern through partnerships that promote equity and opportunity through community engagement. Core program areas include river and habitat restoration, stormwater improvements, education, clean mobility, and climate readiness. This grant will support Groundwork’s community engagement strategy for the Chollas Creek Regional Park Master Plan, with an emphasis on its inclusion of multi-benefit green stormwater infrastructure for the watershed. | Advocacy, Capacity, Civic Engagement, Equity, Land Use, Outreach, Stormwater | 2023 | Pacific |
Humboldt Waterkeeper | $10,000 | Humboldt Waterkeeper works as an analyst, watchdog and advocate for protection and conservation of coastal waters and watersheds of Humboldt Bay, the second largest estuary in California. Based in Arcata, the organization tracks, researches, and addresses water quality threats ranging from specific new industrial proposals, to legacy pollution from historical activities such as timber processing, to climate change driven threats including sea level rise and coastal erosion. | Advocacy, Keepers, Land Use, Nutrients, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2023 | Pacific |
Physicians for Social Responsibility, San Francisco Bay Area Chapter | $25,000 | Marin City Climate Resilience and Health Justice (f/s Physicians for Social Responsibility, San Francisco), is a community-based organization and member of the San Francisco Bay Shoreline Contamination Cleanup Coalition. They work to address flooding, watershed contamination and stormwater pollution issues in Marin County through community organizing and outreach to regulatory agencies. | Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Equity, Pollution, Stormwater | 2023 | Pacific |
Sustainable Economies Law Center | $30,000 | Minnow is a nonprofit working to secure land for farmers of color under indigenous leadership. The two co-founders have significant direct farming experience and legal expertise around land tenure, and work to build capacity among Tribal and underrepresented partners to advance sustainability and increase long-term success in California's agriculture industry.This grant will support Minnow to provide technical assistance, capacity building, and legal expertise to farmers of color and Indigenous farmers that are implementing sustainable agriculture practices and enhancing their land tenure. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Capacity, Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach | 2023 | Pacific |
National Young Farmers Coalition | $25,000 | National Young Farmers Coalition (NYFC) is a national network of young farmers. NYFC’s California program is led by BIPOC staff, and partners to support young farmers, particularly young farmers of color, in advancing sustainable agricultural businesses. Through its fellowship program and outreach efforts, NYFC provides trainings on agricultural policy, builds farming skills and relationships across the sector, and provides business services to increase young farmer representation and sustainable farming practices in the agricultural sector. | Accountability, Agriculture, Capacity, Diverse Partnerships, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach | 2023 | Pacific |
Probolsky Research LLC | $5,000 | Probolsky Research, LLC is a California based independent research firm offering polling and focus groups. This contract supports testing two cannabis related questions in a July 2023 poll of 900 likely California voters. | Civic Engagement, Communications, Land Use, Political Will | 2023 | Pacific |
Projecto Pastoral | $25,000 | Proyecto Pastoral’s mission is to empower the California community of Boyle Heights through grassroots projects in education, leadership, and service. This grant will support the Promesa Boyle Heights project to work with area residents to identify opportunities for multi-benefit projects, build relationships with decision-makers, and monitor the implementation of existing stormwater projects. | Advocacy, Capacity, Equity, Outreach, Stormwater | 2023 | Pacific |
Sonoma RCD | $30,000 | Sonoma Resource Conservation District partners with landowners and the community on issues affecting watersheds in Sonoma County. They provide technical assistance, conduct outreach and education, and work with rural, agricultural, and urban partners to develop projects that improve the watershed and address stormwater pollution issues. | Communications, Land Use, Outreach, Stormwater | 2023 | Pacific |
Cooperative Agricultural Network | $20,000 | Support for programs to advance adoption of water quality best management practices by small North Coast cannabis growers. | Capacity, Land Use, Outreach, Water Quality | 2023 | Pacific |
The Sierra Fund | $40,000 | The Sierra Fund (TSF) is a Nevada City-based organization that builds partnerships and applies scientific research to advance remediation of legacy hydraulic gold mines in the Sierra Nevada mountain range, which continue to pollute and degrade California waterways with mercury and sediment. This project comprises two workstreams: leveraging grant funding from the California Department of Water Resources to identify and conduct pre-planning for a short list of high priority mine remediation sites that could be eligible for federal restoration funding, and partnering with the Mooretown Rancheria of Maidu Indians to integrate mine land remediation into the Tribe’s forestry and fuels reduction work, and assist it in securing $3 million in federal funding for contract forest resilience work from the U.S. Forest Service. | Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Land Use, Pollution, Water Quality | 2023 | Pacific |
The Water Foundation | $100,000 | The Water Foundation aims to secure safe, clean water for people, restore and sustain freshwater ecosystems, and build climate resilience. This grant will support the implementation of Los Angeles County’s Safe Clean Water Program and build the capacity of community-based organizations to engage in new public stormwater funding opportunities in Los Angeles. | Capacity, Civic Engagement, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2023 | Pacific |
The Watershed Project | $30,000 | The Watershed Project's mission is to inspire San Francisco Bay Area communities to understand, appreciate, and protect their local watersheds. The Watershed Project will work with Contra Costa County to advance the Urban Greening and Stormwater Management Master Plan for North Richmond while continuing to move existing stormwater pilot projects forward. | Advocacy, Capacity, Civic Engagement, Equity, Outreach, Stormwater | 2023 | Pacific |
Alpine Watershed Group | $10,000 | Capacity Building | Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Enforcement, Land Use, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2023 | Pacific |
Associated Catholic Charities Inc. | $100 | General Support | N/A | 2023 | Pacific |
Black Wellness and Prosperity Center | $25,000 | Increases health equity for Black birthing persons and infants by addressing the doula shortage in Central California, supporting doulas, and, providing culturally-responsive support to pregnant persons through the postpartum period. | Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Outreach | 2023 | Pacific |
Central Valley Immigrant Integration Collaborative | $25,000 | CVIIC assists immigrants in: applying for naturalization, renewing legal permanent resident status, renewing DACA, and consulting with immigration attorneys in Central California. Additionally, the organization maintains a regional network of nonprofit, public, and private sector immigrant serving agencies. | Advocacy, Communications, Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Outreach | 2023 | Pacific |
Civic Influencers | $10,000 | Civic Influencers empowers young people to make their voices heard—and their votes count. They operate in targeted districts and states to support a civic movement that amplifies the power of Gen Z voters, especially those at community colleges, minority-serving institutions (MSIs), as well as trade, technical, and vocational schools. | Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Diverse Partnerships, Political Will, Voter Engagement, Youth | 2023 | Pacific |
Dreaming Out Loud Foundation | $10,000 | Dreaming Out Loud Foundation operates two urban farms in Washington, D.C. that anchor several programs including Urban Farm and Food Hub Operations; DREAM Program; Black Farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA); Workforce Development and School and Community Engagement. | Agriculture, Diverse Partnerships, Land Use, Youth | 2023 | Pacific |
Environmental Action Committee of West Marin | $25,000 | Capacity Building | N/A | 2023 | Pacific |
Family Connections Centers | $70,000 | Supports the conversion of two blocks of a Caltrans easement in San Francisco into a community garden with public art. | Land Use | 2023 | Pacific |
Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture | $1,000 | Fort Mason Center for Arts and Culture (FMCAC) operates along the northern waterfront of the San Francisco Bay. Part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, FMCAC hosts an ever-evolving rotation of artistic programming for over 1.2 million annual visitors that includes theater and dance performances, art installations, as well as educational and cultural classes. | N/A | 2023 | Pacific |
Friends of Plumas Wilderness | $5,000 | For general support for organizational growth and capacity building for the Protect Plumas Initiative, which aims to protect 30% of the lands and waters of the Upper Feather River Watershed in California by 2030. | Capacity, Land Use, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality | 2023 | Pacific |
Latino Equity Advocacy & Policy Institute - The Leap Institute | $2,000 | Capacity Building | N/A | 2023 | Pacific |
Lost Sierra Food Project | $15,000 | Capacity Building | N/A | 2023 | Pacific |
Lutherville Volunteer Fire Company | $200 | Lutherville Volunteer Fire Company is a 100% volunteer organization that serves North-Central Baltimore County. | N/A | 2023 | Pacific |
Maryland Agricultural Education | $10,000 | Supports the replacement of a mobile science lab and agricultural showcase in Maryland. | Agriculture, Baywide, Communications, Outreach, Youth | 2023 | Pacific |
Maryland Food Bank, Inc | $200 | The Food Bank feeds people, strengthens communities and ends hunger for more Marylanders. | N/A | 2023 | Pacific |
Plan International USA, Inc | $420 | Support for Children | N/A | 2023 | Pacific |
Puente de la Costa Sur | $25,000 | Puente fosters wellness and prosperity in the San Mateo County South Coast communities of Pescadero, La Honda, Loma Mar and San Gregorio by promoting and advocating for equitable access to education, health and economic security. Their population of interest are farmworkers, lowincome families, families with children ages 0-5, seniors, first generation college students and students enrolled in the local school district. | Advocacy, Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Outreach, Youth | 2023 | Pacific |
Redbud Resource Group | $10,000 | Capacity Building | N/A | 2023 | Pacific |
Santa Barbara Channelkeeper | $15,000 | Capacity Building | N/A | 2023 | Pacific |
Soil Born Farm Urban Agriculture Project | $16,100 | Soil Born Farm Urban Agriculture Project is a 55-acre farm in Rancho Cordova, CA that educates youth in environmental stewardship and provides hands-on learning about growing and eating healthy food. This grant supports a targeted grazing animal program that uses small livestock to manage the wild and cultivated spaces. | Agriculture, Land Use, Outreach, Youth | 2023 | Pacific |
Tuolumne River Preservation Trust | $26,574 | Tech Capacity Builiding | N/A | 2023 | Pacific |
Tuolumne River Preservation Trust | $40,000 | Tech Capacity Building | N/A | 2023 | Pacific |
Tuolumne River Preservation Trust | $65,000 | Tech Capacity Building | N/A | 2023 | Pacific |
The Water Foundation | $350,000 | To leverage $19m in public funding to advance equitable and effective implementation of SGMA throughout California, and Measure W in Los Angeles. The Water Foundation will provide resources to identify, design, and advance necessary next-phase policy solutions and regulatory improvements, and to support advocacy, coalition-building, and communications to build the case and constituency to address systemic water issues across the state. | N/A | 2023 | Pacific |
Waterside Workshops | $10,000 | Waterside Workshops provides free outdoor and environmental education programs for at-risk youth from the Bay Area. Through project-based learning experiences in natural and coastal settings, Waterside increases access to the outdoors for historically underrepresented populations. | N/A | 2023 | Pacific |
Waterside Workshops | $25,000 | Capacity Building | N/A | 2023 | Pacific |
YES Nature to Neighborhoods | $10,000 | Supports the YES Nature to Neighborhoods Youth Leadership Pathway, a leadership and life skills development cohort program that leverages nature experiences as catalysts for growth for youth ages 8-18 in Richmond, CA. | Equity, Youth | 2023 | Pacific |
Alpine Watershed Group | $10,000 | Alpine Watershed Group, the only watershed-based environmental organization serving Alpine County, CA, protects water quality and further volunteer stewardship of the county’s natural resources through monitoring, restoration, and outreach. | Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Enforcement, Equity, Land Use, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2024 | Pacific |
American Orff-Schulwerk Association | $10,000 | The American Orff-Schulwerk Association is a professional organization of educators dedicated to the creative music and movement approach developed by Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman. | Youth | 2024 | Pacific |
Art with a Heart | $10,000 | Art with a Heart enhances the lives of people in Baltimore by addressing the equity gap in visual arts education and access. | Equity, Youth | 2024 | Pacific |
Canadian Humanitarian Organization for International Relief | $75,000 | Nunya Academy uses the arts to empower children and support their intellectual development in cultural studies, math, environmental science, and indigenous knowledge. Access to quality education is a major challenge in Ghana especially for those whose families have limited financial means. Nunya Academy provides infrastructural resources as well as access to high-quality education that is inclusive of all children. | Equity, Youth | 2024 | Pacific |
Center for Land-Based Learning | $10,000 | The FARMS Leadership Program seeks to increase exposure to career pathway opportunities available to California students in the fields of agriculture, environmental science, and conservation by providing them with opportunities to safely return to in-person field days and receive hands-on experiences essential to entering the workforce. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Land Use, Outreach, Pollution, Water Quality | 2024 | Pacific |
Chesapeake Conservancy Inc | $500,000 | Saving Special Places Revolving Loan Fund | Capacity | 2024 | Pacific |
Chesapeake Conservancy Inc | $100,000 | The Joel Dunn Leadership Endowment Fund | Capacity | 2024 | Pacific |
Childrens Day School Inc | $350,000 | Children’s Day School is an independent co-educational school in San Francisco for students in preschool through eighth grade. | Youth | 2024 | Pacific |
Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation Inc | $50,000 | The Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation (CFRF) is a research foundation established by commercial fishermen to conduct collaborative fisheries research and education projects. The main objective of this program is to help those engaged in fisheries management decision-making use timely, relevant research to better inform decisions, with the ultimate goal of developing practical solutions to common problems affecting important fisheries in the New England and mid-Atlantic region. | Accountability, Diverse Partnerships, Enforcement, Fisheries, Marine Protected Areas, Political Will | 2024 | Pacific |
Community Music Center | $1,000 | The Community Music Center in San Francisco makes high quality music accessible to people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities, regardless of financial means. Classes are offered on a sliding scale and some are completely tuition-free. | Youth | 2024 | Pacific |
Conservation Lands Foundation | $5,000 | The Conservation Lands Foundation (CLF) creates and mobilizes a national grassroots movement - the Friends Grassroots Network, comprising 80+ locally-based groups across the West and Alaska – coming together to protect, steward, and expand our public lands. | Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Diverse Partnerships, Land Use, Outreach, Political Will | 2024 | Pacific |
Crafting the Future | $5,000 | Crafting the Future works to diversify the fields of art, craft and design by connecting BIPOC artists with opportunities that will help them thrive in their careers within the arts. | Diverse Partnerships, Equity | 2023 | Pacific |
Earth Echo International, Inc. | $35,000 | EarthEcho International is committed to youth engagement, action, and leadership through water education. EarthEcho helps young people everywhere understand the role they play in the future of the planet, | Advocacy, Equity, Outreach, Water Quality, Youth | 2024 | Pacific |
First Fruits Farm Inc | $25,000 | First Fruits Farm is dedicated to feeding the hungry throughout the Mid-Atlantic region by planting, harvesting, and distributing fresh, nutritious produce. | N/A | 2024 | Pacific |
FISH of Sanibel-Captiva Inc | $10,000 | F.I.S.H. is a human services organization that lends a helping hand to those who live, work or visit Sanibel and Captiva Islands. They provide an array of Food Programs, Island Based Workshops, Social Services and Helping Hands. | N/A | 2024 | Pacific |
Friends of the San Juans | $25,000 | To protect and restore the San Juan Islands and Salish Sea by fostering wild and healthy shorelines, promoting thriving and sustainable communities, conserving forests, farmlands, freshwater and prairie habitats, and ensuring the health of the marine ecosystem. | Accountability, Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Enforcement, Fisheries, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Voter Engagement, Water Quality | 2024 | Pacific |
Glynwood Center Inc. | $10,000 | Glynwood operates a 225-acre farm in the Hudson Valley, where regenerative and locally appropriate agricultural practices rebuild the soil fertility and health of the pastures, The farm provides a venue to train apprentice farmers, allowing for the development and testing of innovative agricultural practices. | Accountability, Advocacy, Agriculture, Diverse Partnerships, Equity, Pollution | 2024 | Pacific |
Greater Ruxton Area Foundation Inc. | $200 | The Greater Ruxton Area Foundation is dedicated to encouraging practices and policies that further enhance, restore and preserve the unique qualities and character of the Ruxton, MD community. | N/A | 2024 | Pacific |
Heyday | $5,000 | Heyday is an independent, nonprofit publisher and cultural institution whose mission is to deepen people's understanding of California culture, history, arts, and environment. | Outreach | 2024 | Pacific |
Hippodrome Foundation Inc | $50,000 | The Hippodrome Foundation provides free outreach and educational programs to introduce underserved students in Baltimore and Maryland to the performing arts. | Youth | 2024 | Pacific |
Huckleberry Youth Programs Inc. | $7,000 | Huckleberry Youth Programs educate, inspire, and support underserved youth in the San Francisco Bay Area. Huckleberry strengthens families and empowers young people with services that promote safety in times of crisis, physical and emotional health and well-being, social justice in communities facing inequity, and educational success. | Equity, Youth | 2024 | Pacific |
InterMusic SF | $10,000 | InterMusic SF supports the Bay Area creative environment by helping local artists with career development and creative collaboration across the SF Bay Area. The organization presents annual festival SF Music Day, provides grants for small emsemble musicians, and offers fiscal sponsorship for local musicians. | N/A | 2024 | Pacific |
Key West Literary Seminar Inc | $5,000 | The Key West Literary Seminar promotes the understanding and discussion of literary works and their authors; recognizes and supports new voices in American literature; and preserves and promotes Key West’s literary heritage. | N/A | 2024 | Pacific |
Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center | $5,000 | KS Wild protects and restores wild nature in the Klamath-Siskiyou region of southwest Oregon and northwest California. | Advocacy, Civic Engagement, Enforcement, Land Use, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Voter Engagement, Water Quality | 2024 | Pacific |
Lutherville Volunteer Fire Company | $100 | Lutherville Volunteer Fire Company is a 100% volunteer organization that serves North-Central Baltimore County. | N/A | 2024 | Pacific |
Max and Marion Caldwell Foundation | $3,500 | The Max and Marion Caldwell Foundation camperships are a cooperative effort between the Foundation, Camps Kennolyn and Gold Arrow, and the camper’s family so that campers who might not have the resources to attend can apply for financial support to do so. | Equity, Youth | 2024 | Pacific |
Multiplier | $5,000 | Maven's Notebook is a comprehensive, independent source for California water news and information. | Civic Engagement, Outreach | 2024 | Pacific |
Multiplier | $1,000,000 | Catch Together, fiscally sponsored by Multiplier, strengthens the national network of community fishing organizations (CFOs), ensures long term fisheries access, confronts socioeconomic issues with catch shares, and builds a new shared equity ownership model for CFOs and their member fishermen. | Fisheries | 2024 | Pacific |
National Geographic Society | $500,000 | National Geographic Pristine Seas seeks to explore, document and protect marine habitats of extraordinary value. Over the last ten years, they have worked with governments and communities around the world to support proposals for conservation through expeditions, science, media, education, and strategic communications. | Marine Protected Areas | 2024 | Pacific |
Natural Resources All Families Foundation Inc | $1,000 | Natural Resources is San Francisco’s oldest pregnancy, birth, and early parenting resource center. | N/A | 2024 | Pacific |
Non-Profit Technology Enterprise Network | $5,000 | NTEN acts as a convener and educational resource focused on the rapidly changing landscape of technology use for social impact. | Capacity | 2024 | Pacific |
North Carolina Coastal Federation Inc. | $50,000 | NCCF works to address fundamental causes of water quality degradation and habitat loss threatening the North Carolina coast, such as protecting and restoring oysters, shorelines, and a coastal economy that depends on a healthy and productive environment. | Accountability, Advocacy, Capacity, Civic Engagement, Enforcement, Land Use, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Water Quality | 2024 | Pacific |