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Location: Chesapeake | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
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Name of Organization Amount Description Keywords Year Office
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders $500 Speaker stipend for Chesapeake Bay Funders Network. Capacity 2023 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc $10,000 Sponsorship for Bands in the Sand. N/A 2023 Chesapeake
United Way of Lancaster County $4,945 Organizational DEIJ Capacity Capacity 2023 Chesapeake
National Maritime Historical Society $1,000 Sponsorship of National Maritime Awards Dinner. N/A 2023 Chesapeake
United Way of Lancaster County $5,000 Technology capacity building support - Data migration from physical servers/hard drivers to the cloud to ensure appropriate data security, retention and accessibility. Capacity 2023 Chesapeake
Friends of the Rappahannock, Inc. $4,610 Technology capacity building - Project management software and video conference setup for two satellite offices. Capacity 2023 Chesapeake
Oyster Recovery Partnership $9,258 Technology capacity building - consultant to guide in selecting a new CRM. N/A 2023 Chesapeake
West Virginia Rivers Coalition $2,500 Tech capacity building - Funding to make organization website accessible for people with a wide range of abilities. Capacity 2023 Chesapeake
PennFuture $5,000 Technology capacity building - Staff training request for new donor/communications software. Capacity 2023 Chesapeake
Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association, Inc. $7,000 Technology capacity building - Development and equipment funding for Waterway Health Indicator Program (WHIP) - record and upload bird calls along different waterways to an online database to monitor species trends in correlation with water quality of the streams. Capacity, Water Quality 2023 Chesapeake
Lower Shore Land Trust $4,649 Technology capacity building - Funding for Upstream Tech LENS software license and to purchase imagery from Upstream Tech. Capacity 2023 Chesapeake
Potomac Riverkeeper Incorporated $6,000 Technology capacity building - Funding for lab equipment for a new water quality monitoring lab to be located in Colonial Beach, VA. Capacity 2023 Chesapeake
Virginia League of Conservation Voters Education Fund $4,602 Technology capacity building - field and development staff iPads. Capacity 2023 Chesapeake
Conservation Foundation of Lancaster County $1,200 Technology capacity building - Cybersecurity training and assessments for conservation district staff. Capacity 2023 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Conservation Landscaping Council $3,820 Technology capacity building - Switch from personal to business owned laptops and printers. Capacity 2023 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Trust $10,000 Sponsorship of the Treasure the Chesapeake gala. N/A 2023 Chesapeake
Preservation Maryland $5,221 Technology capacity building - computer equipment for new staff members. Capacity 2023 Chesapeake
Nature Forward $10,000 Technology capacity building - support for database integration of demographic info across multiple data systems. Capacity 2023 Chesapeake
Blue Water Baltimore, Inc. $6,252 Technology capacity building - Replacement of handheld in-stream water quality monitoring instrument. Capacity 2023 Chesapeake
National Wildlife Federation $3,037 Technology capacity building - video content creation equipment for Choose Clean Water Coalition. Capacity 2023 Chesapeake
Lancaster County Community Foundation $50,000 The Lancaster County Community Foundation will run a regranting program to support broader engagement in water conservation programs. This will increase the diversity of peoples engaged in conservation as well as type of management actions taken. Agriculture, Capacity, Land Use, Water Quality, WIP 2022 Chesapeake
Lancaster County Community Foundation $55,000 The Lancaster County Community Foundation will run a regranting program to support broader engagement in water conservation programs. This will increase the diversity of peoples engaged in conservation as well as type of management actions taken. Agriculture, Capacity, Land Use, Nutrients, Water Quality, WIP 2020 Chesapeake
Conservation Foundation of Lancaster County $40,000 Support for John Cox for 1/2 time for 6 months to build out business plan and leverage strategic leadership in Lancaster and statewide in support of both the LCWP and its partners efforts to meet Bay objectives. In particular, funding and strategic connections are key activities. Capacity 2020 Chesapeake
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay $75,000 The Alliance’s Pennsylvania office continues to focus on a supply chain approach to engage and support farmers in Lancaster County. The Alliance has experienced tremendous success in engaging with local businesses that source products produced by farmers in Lancaster County Advocacy, Agriculture, Communications, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Outreach, Water Quality, WIP 2023 Chesapeake
ShoreRivers, Inc $10,000 Sponsorship of the annual Conservation Drainage Network Meeting in Easton, MD. N/A 2023 Chesapeake
Green Fin Studios $86,410 Provide support for the operation of the Delmarva Land and Litter Collaborative including communications, meeting facilitation and general support. Advocacy, Agriculture, Air Quality, Capacity, Communications, Land Use, Manure, Nutrients, Outreach, Water Quality 2023 Chesapeake
Lancaster Farmland Trust $125,000 To assist farmers in implementing conservation practices to improve water quality. The project will identify particular sites and conservation practices that have high potential to improve water quality targeting impaired waterways in Lancaster County. Accountability, Capacity, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Outreach, Water Quality, WIP 2020 Chesapeake
Lancaster Farmland Trust $125,000 To assist farmers in implementing conservation practices to improve water quality. The project will identify particular sites and conservation practices that have high potential to improve water quality targeting impaired waterways in Lancaster County. Agriculture, Capacity, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Outreach, Water Quality, WIP 2023 Chesapeake
ShoreRivers, Inc $45,000 Year two support to assess the potential of microbial nitrogen fixers to reduce nutrient, nitrogen in particular, loss from row crops to waters. Multiple classes of nitrogen fixing biological techniques will be assessed. Agriculture, Land Use, Nutrients, Pollution, Water Quality, WIP 2023 Chesapeake
Donegal Trout Unlimited $55,000 To support local waterway restoration with particular focus on coldwater streams. Strong engagement of diverse participants and farmers. Strategic effort to delist impaired waterways. Advocacy, Agriculture, Capacity, Civic Engagement, Diverse Partnerships, Fisheries, Land Use, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Voter Engagement, Water Quality, WIP, Youth 2023 Chesapeake
Commons Inc $160,000 To advance targeting conservation investment and quantifying environmental outcomes (particularly water quality) associated with implementation of conservation practices. The project also advances stronger crediting for agricultural conservation practices that may be made with or without government support. Accountability, Agriculture, Baywide, Capacity, Civic Engagement, Land Use, Manure, Nutrients, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality, WIP 2023 Chesapeake
MPT Foundation Inc $10,000 To support production of Maryland Farm and Harvest and help bridge between agricultural and urban/suburban communities. Agriculture, Communications, Non-traditional Allies, Outreach, Political Will, Water Quality 2023 Chesapeake
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders $1,000 Sponsorship of 2023 SAFSF Forum Capacity 2023 Chesapeake
Wetlands Watch, Inc. $1,329 Professional Development Capacity 2021 Chesapeake
9b Group $21,000 To assess the potential to improve the efficiency of delivery of conservation funding through NRCS sources to implement practices on farms. The assessment will consider potential policy changes, mechanisms to improve efficiency as well as expanding conservation technical assistance. Agriculture, Capacity, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Water Quality 2022 Chesapeake
9b Group $21,000 To assess the potential to improve the efficiency of delivery of conservation funding through NRCS sources to implement practices on farms. The assessment will consider potential policy changes, mechanisms to improve efficiency as well as expanding conservation technical assistance. Agriculture, Capacity, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Water Quality 2022 Chesapeake
9b Group $21,000 To assess the potential to improve the efficiency of delivery of conservation funding through NRCS sources to implement practices on farms. The assessment will consider potential policy changes, mechanisms to improve efficiency as well as expanding conservation technical assistance. Agriculture, Non-traditional Allies, Political Will, Water Quality 2023 Chesapeake
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay $5,000 Sponsorship of the annual Taste of the Chesapeake. Capacity 2020 Chesapeake
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay $5,000 Sponsorship of the annual Taste of the Chesapeake. Capacity 2021 Chesapeake
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay $5,000 Sponsorship of the annual Taste of the Chesapeake. Capacity 2022 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Commission $2,500 Event Sponsorship for Ann Swanson's Retirement celebration N/A 2022 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Inc $10,000 Sponsorship of annual Bands in the Sand event Capacity 2021 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Conservancy Inc $100,000 Chesapeake Conservancy provides technical, coordination, and facilitation support to Lancaster Clean Water Partners and other implementing institutions in Lancaster in an effort to restore local creeks and streams. Agriculture, Communications, Comprehensive Plans, Land Use, Nutrients, Water Quality, WIP 2020 Chesapeake
Chesapeake Conservancy Inc $100,000 Chesapeake Conservancy provides technical, coordination, and facilitation support to Lancaster Clean Water Partners and other implementing institutions in Lancaster in an effort to restore local creeks and streams. Agriculture, Communications, Comprehensive Plans, Land Use, Nutrients, Water Quality, WIP 2022 Chesapeake
Conservation Foundation of Lancaster County $20,000 To support the Lancaster Clean Water Partners business outreach and strategic growth. This funding will build capacity at the LCWP to reach community and business leaders to support the adoption of clean water practices. Advocacy, Agriculture, Capacity, Non-traditional Allies, Nutrients, Outreach, Political Will, Pollution, Stormwater, Water Quality, WIP 2020 Chesapeake
Eleven 21, Inc $250 General Support Youth 2022 Chesapeake
Fenix Youth Project Inc $250 General Support Youth 2022 Chesapeake
HumanKind $10,000 General support for COVID-19 relief Capacity 2020 Chesapeake
Lancaster Clean Water Partners - sub of CFLC $5,000 Organizational DEIJ Capacity Capacity 2023 Chesapeake
National Wildlife Federation $275,000 Support the Choose Clean Water Coalition, harnessing the collective power of the Chesapeake region's advocacy community to advance common goals around clean water. Accountability, Advocacy, Baywide, Civic Engagement, Diverse Partnerships, Political Will, WIP 2022 Chesapeake