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Location: Chesapeake | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
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Name of Organization | Amount | Description | Keywords | Year | Office |
Chesapeake Bay Trust | $75,000 | Support the continued partnership with CBT, NOAA and NFWF to provide grants for living shoreline projects throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed. | N/A | 2008 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Bay Trust | $5,000 | Support for CBT's annual "Treasure the Chesapeake" event, attracting more than 300 environmental leaders and advocates from the State of Maryland. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Bay Trust | $60,000 | Support the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network Agricultural Collaboration. Two new projects in Maryland will test flexible approaches to buffering agricultural ditches and develop strategic conservation plans and partnerships in a watershed targeted for Farm Bill funding. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Bay Trust | $20,000 | Support the coordination and partnership of the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Bay Trust | $20,000 | Participation in the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network. CBFN provides a forum for members to review the policy and science of Bay restoration, to identify shared goals and strategies, and to develop joint initiatives. | Advocacy, Capacity | 2010 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Bay Trust | $20,000 | Continue support of the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network. | Political Will | 2011 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Climate Action Network | $25,000 | Support CCAN in its efforts to broaden the network of citizens who are informed advocates for global warming solutions. | N/A | 2007 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Climate Action Network | $50,000 | Continue to organize and educate the grassroots community by hiring a new, full-time field organizer to create support for a national solution to the climate crisis that specifically promotes safe energy choices. Work to produce and distribute nationally the radio show Earthbeat, America's only climate-specific radio show and featuring CCAN director Mike Tidwell as co-host. | N/A | 2008 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Climate Action Network | $20,000 | Partner with Environmental Integrity Project to improve Maryland's environmental enforcement program, particularly related to power plant permitting and enforcement. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Climate Action Network | $50,000 | Raise the visibility of Virginia's renewable energy potential and cultivate grassroots support for a transition to clean, renewable energy and energy efficiency. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Climate Action Network | $50,000 | Support for clean energy campaigns in Maryland and Virginia. Advocate for development of a comprehensive MD state energy plan to implement recently adopted state climate policies. Prevent construction of a proposed 1500MW coal fired power plant in VA while promoting state energy efficiency measures that would make this new plant unnecessary. | Political Will | 2010 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Climate Action Network | $50,000 | Support efforts to prohibit permitting of natural gas drilling in the Marcellus Shale region of western Maryland until certain environmental criteria and safeguards are met. | Nutrients, Political Will | 2011 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Legal Alliance Inc | $25,000 | A network of lawyers and legal professionals who provide free legal services to individuals, environmental organizations, and citizens groups working to improve the Chesapeake Bay. | Political Will | 2010 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Legal Alliance Inc | $25,000 | Continue to support the development of a network of lawyers and legal professionals who can provide free legal services to individuals, environmental organizations, and citizen groups working to improve the Chesapeake Bay. | Non-traditional Allies, Political Will | 2011 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Media Services Inc | $73,400 | Continue support of The Bay Journal. Expansion of its content and geographical scope will result in enhanced outreach and education about issues and events that affect the Chesapeake Bay region. | N/A | 2008 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Media Services Inc | $80,000 | Support "The Bay Journal" and its expansion to include syndication and an e-newsletter to promote news and articles to editors. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Media Services Inc | $81,000 | Educate and inform about the people, issues and places the influence the conservation of the Chesapeake Bay through the monthly Bay Journal. | Communications | 2010 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Research Consortium | $5,000 | Funding for local government representatives from Virginia to attend Local Hurricane Response Seminar. | N/A | 2004 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Research Consortium | $5,000 | Investigate barriers to removal of poultry litter from agricultural land by supporting research on possible arsenic impacts. | N/A | 2005 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Research Consortium | $50,000 | Native Oyster Restoration Review. | N/A | 2005 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Research Consortium | $7,500 | Support additional fellowship career training. | N/A | 2005 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Research Consortium | $27,800 | Investigate implications of agricultural ditching on water quality and identify barriers to adoption of improved ditch management practices. | N/A | 2006 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Research Consortium | $9,000 | Support a forum for regional scientists and managers to identify commonalities in fish health deterioration, increase regional understanding, and lay the framework for eventual mitigation of causes. | N/A | 2006 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Research Consortium | $5,000 | Support additional training in the Chesapeake Bay Program Fellowship program. | N/A | 2006 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Research Consortium | $25,000 | Year 2 partnership with NOAA to conduct a review of native oyster restoration activities, an effort designed to provide "lessons learned" to help guide future restoration funding. | N/A | 2006 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Research Consortium | $5,000 | Provide professional development funds for the Chesapeake Bay Program Staffers. | N/A | 2007 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Research Consortium | $2,200 | Support a technical peer review of "Lessons Learned from Chesapeake Bay large-scale SAV restoration and associated research, 2003-2006". The results will help drive future SAV restoration efforts. | N/A | 2007 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Research Consortium | $19,500 | Support a project to investigate possible endocrine disrupting compounds and their effect on oyster populations in the Chesapeake Bay. Researchers will meet and develop recommendations. | N/A | 2008 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Research Consortium | $10,000 | Support the CRC Regional Ecosystem-Based Management | N/A | 2008 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Research Consortium | $25,000 | Support the development of a Maryland Oyster Aquaculture Business plan to lay the framework for a sustainable oyster aquaculture industry. A business plan will be provided for potential implementation and demonstration project development. | N/A | 2008 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Rivers Association | $50,000 | Support the Severn Riverkeeper program. | N/A | 2005 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Rivers Association | $45,000 | Support the Severn Riverkeeper program/ successful completion of a challenge grant. | N/A | 2006 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Rivers Association | $30,000 | Support the Severn Riverkeeper program/ successful completion of a challenge grant. | N/A | 2007 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Rivers Association | $35,000 | Continue support of the Severn Riverkeeper program. | N/A | 2008 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Rivers Association | $30,000 | Continued support of the Severn Riverkeeper program. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Rivers Association | $15,000 | Support for the Severn Riverkeeper program. | Keepers | 2010 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Stormwater Network, Inc. | $106,000 | Reform stormwater regulations, permits, design manuals and policies in the Bay watershed. Release the first annual Chesapeake stormwater report card. $26,000 of this grant provides stormwater engineering assistance to the MD Critical Areas Commission. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Chesapeake Stormwater Network, Inc. | $26,000 | Provide expertise and in-house stormwater and site-design training to the Critical Areas Commission staff, and to serve as a witness in a variety of cases. | Stormwater | 2010 | Chesapeake |
Chester River Association | $9,950 | For brochures and workshops targeted toward waterfront landowners to promote innovative actions on septic systems, bayscaping and shore erosion. | N/A | 2003 | Chesapeake |
Chester River Association | $5,000 | Provide staff support to the volunteer Sassafras River Association. | N/A | 2006 | Chesapeake |
Chester River Association | $30,000 | Support an on-the-ground farmer liaison to educate farmers on the different resources and revenue sources available through state and federal programs. | N/A | 2006 | Chesapeake |
Chester River Association | $6,000 | Providing support to the Sassafras River Association | N/A | 2007 | Chesapeake |
Chester River Association | $30,000 | Support a full-time on-the-ground farmer liaison in the Chester River watershed. Intended to be a transferable pilot project, the program will focus on building relationships with the area farming community to increase their enrollment in state and federal conservation programs. | N/A | 2007 | Chesapeake |
Chester River Association | $10,000 | Administratively support three other regional watershed organizations. Chester River Association will maintain membership and financial records, allowing the other groups to focus more on programmatic responsibilities. | N/A | 2008 | Chesapeake |
Chester River Association | $10,000 | Provide administrative support to 3 other environmental organizations, allowing those small groups to focus efforts on programmatic and advocacy work. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Chester River Association | $30,000 | Through outreach to farmers, increase farmer participation in the cover crop program and add to the limited geographic data base documenting the environmental performance of cover crops. Promote the planting of switchgrass buffers in the Chester River watershed. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Chester River Association | $7,000 | Provide administrative support to the Sassafras River Association and the West/ Rhode Riverkeeper. Taking over their administrative duties, allows them to focus more on the advocacy work for their respective watersheds. | Keepers | 2010 | Chesapeake |
Chester River Association | $30,000 | Support for the Chester Riverkeeper program. | Keepers | 2010 | Chesapeake |
Chester Riverkeeper | $13,800 | Partnership funding to expand community awareness and lay the foundation for implementation of a stormwater management plan. | N/A | 2004 | Chesapeake |
Chiles Consulting, LLC | $10,000 | Develop and launch a strategic plan to end reduction fishing for menhaden on the East Coast. Advocate for establishment of an ecosystem based approach to forage fish management by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. | Fisheries | 2010 | Chesapeake |