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Location: Chesapeake | Organization: All | Description: All | Keyword: All | Year of Grant: All | Amount: All
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Name of Organization | Amount | Description | Keywords | Year | Office |
Maryland Department of Natural Resources | $2,000 | Support an Upper Potomac Roundtable Conference to bring together citizens and governmental leaders to develop a coordinated tributary strategy. | N/A | 2006 | Chesapeake |
Maryland Department of Natural Resources | $4,250 | Provide support for a year-long leadership training to help solve a conservation and sustainability management issue within DNR. | Communications | 2010 | Chesapeake |
Maryland Department of the Environment | $25,000 | Support training of local college and law students to review self-inspection construction permit reports. "This volunteer enforcement corp. will help monitor compliance, with a goal of reducing runoff from construction sites." | N/A | 2007 | Chesapeake |
Maryland Environmental Trust | $15,000 | Launch phase one of a coordinated outreach and education strategy to highlight the 2007 Federal tax benefits for donations of voluntary conservation easements in Southern Maryland. | N/A | 2007 | Chesapeake |
Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | $150,000 | Support MDLCV's efforts to increase public awareness and citizen advocacy, and to strengthen the capacity and role of Maryland's environmental community | Capacity, Political Will | 2010 | Chesapeake |
Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | $150,000 | Assist the Maryland Environmental Law Clinic to address their growing case load of pro bono work in environmental advocacy and enforcement at the local, state and federal levels | Advocacy, Political Will | 2011 | Chesapeake |
Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | $105,000 | $75K to educate voters; ($50K was in response to a successful challenge grant); $25K for general operational support; and $5K to sponsor the Kabler annual dinner. | N/A | 2005 | Chesapeake |
Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | $105,000 | $75,000 for general operational support, expanding their capacity; $25,000 to host the Legislative Summit and support education and outreach | N/A | 2006 | Chesapeake |
Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | $200,000 | Build capacity support so MD LCV Education Fund will have the capability to build a strong environmental community that has skilled leaders, powerful tools, a cohesive public message and solid membership lists. A deliverable will be a "common agenda" for the Chesapeake environmental community. | N/A | 2007 | Chesapeake |
Maryland League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | $150,000 | Support the capacity of the MD LCV Education Fun while they work to grow their own organization and strengthen the MD environmental community through the development of a "common agenda". | N/A | 2008 | Chesapeake |
Maryland Legislative Sportsmen's Foundation | $2,500 | Support the 5th Annual Banquet and Auction. | N/A | 2006 | Chesapeake |
Maryland Legislative Sportsmen's Foundation | $500 | Build strong partnerships with the environmental community, and address the lack of Maryland conservation law enforcement resources. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Maryland Legislative Sportsmen's Foundation | $5,000 | Support the annual banquet and auction, bringing together hunters and anglers with government officials and environmentalists. | Capacity | 2010 | Chesapeake |
Maryland Public Interest Research Foundation, Inc. | $45,000 | Hold the Public Service Commission (PSC), the MD Administration and utility companies accountable to the goals laid out in the 2008 EMPOWER legislation. This law establishes a goal to reduce per capita electricity consumption by 15% by 2015, with electric utilities responsible for 2/3 of the savings. | Accountability, Political Will | 2011 | Chesapeake |
Maryland Public Interest Research Foundation, Inc. | $25,000 | Implement a statewide campaign in Maryland to promote energy policies focused on energy efficiency and conservation. This will be done through partnerships, education of decision makers and providing expert testimonies. | N/A | 2007 | Chesapeake |
Maryland Public Broadcasting Foundation, Inc. | $25,000 | Support Outdoors Maryland. | N/A | 2005 | Chesapeake |
Maryland Public Broadcasting Foundation, Inc. | $35,000 | Produce a 30-minute segment on the hidden and unseen impacts of stormwater on the Bay and local streams. | N/A | 2006 | Chesapeake |
Maryland Public Broadcasting Foundation, Inc. | $45,000 | Support production of a 30-minute segment focusing on the threat to Maryland's critical areas. The project includes re-packaging of the segment for distribution to local environmental organizations. | N/A | 2007 | Chesapeake |
Maryland Public Broadcasting Foundation, Inc. | $45,000 | Partially support an hour segment produced by MPT on the topic of growth. The program will visit the roots of sprawl, how development occurs, and confront its many consequences. "Maryland's Sprawl Problem" is expected to be aired in February 2009. | N/A | 2008 | Chesapeake |
Maryland Public Broadcasting Foundation, Inc. | $50,000 | Produce a 30-minute segment on the topic of agricultural runoff in the Chesapeake. The program will address problems of agricultural runoff and the solutions and will air on MPT. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Maryland Public Interest Research Foundation, Inc. | $50,000 | Continue direct advocacy and organizing efforts to ensure new state energy efficiency goals are met. Serve as the fiscal agent for continued support of a key partner, American Council for an Energy Efficiency Economy | N/A | 2008 | Chesapeake |
Maryland Public Interest Research Foundation, Inc. | $50,000 | Develop an EmPOWER Scorecard to benchmark Maryland's progress towards its energy efficiency goals and track developments at the Public Services Commission. Educate the public and policymakers on how investments in energy efficiency lower bills, stabilize the electric system and reduce reliance on expensive new power plants. | N/A | 2009 | Chesapeake |
Maryland Public Television | $10,000 | Sponsor Chesapeake Bay Weekly. | N/A | 2005 | Chesapeake |
Maryland Saltwater Sportfishermen's Association Perry Hall Chapter | $1,000 | General Support | N/A | 2006 | Chesapeake |
Maryland Saltwater Sportfishermen's Association Scholarship Foundation, Inc. | $3,000 | Support a scholarship fund, dedicated to our region's anglers. | N/A | 2006 | Chesapeake |